Free Falling, Chapter 6

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The Fly
Aug 6, 2006
Free Falling
Chapter 6

In which Adam and Edge arrive and Larry is not a happy bunny.

The morning brought a bright day, the blue sky matching Bono’s eyes watching me wake up.

‘Big day today. Adam and Edge are arriving,’ said Bono.

I propped up my pillows and sat up, nervously thinking about the day ahead. ‘It’ll be good to see them again,’ I ventured.

Bono, always aware of what I was feeling, sat up with me. ‘What’s worrying you, Roo?’ he asked.

‘Everything,’ I said lamely. Bono put his arms round me and I hid my face against his neck.

‘It is a bit scary,’ he admitted. ‘I think we should be honest, though, don’t you?’

‘Absolutely,’ I agreed. ‘I don’t want to be sneaking around behind everyone’s backs. I just hope they don’t end up hating me.’

‘I don’t think they will,’ said Bono. ‘I might be in for a good kicking though. The first day of the summit meeting could be quite lively.’

‘You must’nt let it distract you from the real reason for getting together though. That’s more important.’

‘No, it’s not.’

‘Yes, it is.’

‘What’s this, a practice argument?’ Bono chuckled.

‘No, it’s a contradiction.’

Bono laughed. ‘I promise I’ll stay focused, OK?’

‘OK. I just want what’s best for you, Bono.’

‘What’s best for me right now would be … breakfast.’


‘With you. On the front deck. Just the two of us.’

‘You do have some good ideas, handsome man.’

We made a fine breakfast on the sunny deck, then sat on the wing-seat drinking tea. Bono was quiet, absently stroking my leg, his thoughts taking him far away.
‘Bono, that’s the phone, won’t be a minute.’ I ran to answer it before it woke Larry.

‘Hey, Roo. Eddie here.’

‘Eddie, good to hear from you, how’re you going?’

‘Good, thanks. I’m coming over your way with a passenger. Is the home paddock clear?’

‘Yeah, it’s clear. Who is it?’

‘A Mr Evans. Good bloke, friend of yours?’

‘Old friend. What’s your ETA?’

‘Half an hour.’

‘Sweet. See you then.’

‘See ya Roo.’

So, Mr Evans is making a grand entrance, I thought with a smile. I decided not to tell Bono, let it be a surprise.

‘Who was it?’ asked Bono.

‘One of my flying friends. You may want to be waking Larry up soon.’

‘Why? Is there something I should know?’

‘No, nothing,’ I said innocently.

Bono pulled me onto his lap and looked into my eyes. ‘What’s the secret, little woman?’

‘No secret. Ag, stop tickling me.’

‘Tell me.’

‘No. Go wake Larry up, make yourself useful.’ I tried to wriggle away, but Bono caught me fast, stilling me with a kiss that turned all my bones to water.

‘It’s no good trying to get round me like that,’ I said when the power of speech returned to me.

‘No?’ Bono looked at me meltingly.

‘No,’ I said firmly. ‘You could try some more, though,’ I added.

He did.

‘Still no?’

I shook my head.

‘Stubbornest of all women.’

‘Get going, sexiest of all men. Before we become overwhelmed.’

Bono lifted me onto my feet and reluctantly went to wake Larry. I ran off to the home paddock to check the ground. I glanced over at the house and saw Larry and Bono were on the deck having an animated conversation. As I walked back I could hear the distant sound of an engine approaching.

‘Morning Larry. Did you sleep well?’

‘Morning Roo. Like a babe …’

‘Um, there seems to be a helicopter about to crash in the yard,’ Bono commented.

Eddie’s small black helicopter roared over the yard, raising the dust and sending the cats rushing for cover. It hovered over the paddock, the rotors flattening the grass, and landed neatly.

‘What the fuck?’ asked Larry, who had, after all, just woken up.

‘Special delivery,’ I said, waving to Eddie as the cockpit door opened.

Edge stepped down, ducking until he was clear of the rotors, then walked coolly towards us as if he always arrived this way.

‘Would you look at that,’ said Larry. ‘Anyone would think he was a rock star or something.’

Bono, beaming, leaped off down the steps to embrace Edge like a long-lost brother. Edge, smiling, patted Bono on the back. They walked up to the deck together, Larry greeting Edge with none of his usual reserve.

Edge gave me a hug. ‘Good to see you Roo.’

‘Looking good, Edge.’ He did, his fabulous green eyes sparkling and happy, his fine-boned face clean-shaven and looking younger for it.

‘That was a fine entrance you made, Edge. Adam’s going to have to do something spectacular to top that,’ Bono said.

‘Hang-glider, perhaps,’ suggested Larry.

‘Sherman tank.’

‘Vespa scooter,’ from Edge and they all cracked up.

When Adam arrived about an hour later in a fairly ordinary Holden, he stood mystified at the yells of ‘Booooring!’ from the other three.

‘Well, sod you lot,’ said Adam.

‘Aww, come on Adam. We love you really,’ teased Bono, giving Adam a hug.

‘Gerroff. Someone tell me what’s going on.’

I left the band enlightening their bass player. It felt wonderful having them all together at Sweetwaters again. In the past, each one had come to Sweetwaters for a different reason – Larry for discussion (and argument) on any number of topics, Adam for a place to chill out and an abundance of food. Edge for chess, horses and learning how to cook. And Bono – for what? A home from home? A place outside his demanding world? A refuge?

I hoped it would still be so after the meeting, but knew in my heart it would never be the same again.


Late afternoon, and the discussions had been going on for some hours. I was working in the home paddock doing some small repairs to the fencing but mostly building a good state of anxiety.

A couple of times the sound of raised voices had reached me, and once an alarming series of thumps and bangs. It would soon be time for me to go in and start dinner, but staying in the paddock all night was looking an increasingly attractive option.

I struggled with a difficult piece of wire which had come loose, cursing it under my breath, venting some of the nervousness. I looked up and saw Bono coming across the yard, dropped the wire cutters and went to meet him.

Bono looked very ruffled, shirt hanging out and air all spiky.

‘I don’t dare ask how it’s going,’ I said.

Bono made a valiant attempt to smile. ‘I think we’re over the worst,’ he said. ‘Will you come in, Roo?’

I felt my stomach turn to ice. ‘Of course,’ I said, trying to stay calm. ‘What happened to your face?’

Bono touched the beginnings of a bruise, high up on his left cheekbone. ‘Oh, that was Edge. We had a slight disagreement.’

‘Edge? Edge did that to you?’ I was shocked to think that Edge, so calm and composed, could lose his temper like that.

‘I probably asked for it. I don’t blame him,’ said Bono with a sad little grin. ‘He’ll be feeling worse about it than I do, for sure.’

We reached the house and I stopped to take off my boots, stalling for time. Bono took my hand. ‘It’s OK, Roo, come on.’

Walking into the dining room, three faces turned towards us. Edge, looking really sad. Larry, looking heated. Adam, looking impassive. I wanted very badly to become invisible. Bono pulled out a chair for me and I sat down, searching for something to say.

‘I don’t know what you expect to hear from me,’ I began. ‘This I will say – I’m not going to apologise for what has happened with me and Bono. The fact is, it has happened …’

‘How could you let it happen, Roo?’ Larry broke in. ‘Do you have any idea of the damage this will cause?’

I tried to meet Larry’s angry glare steadily. ‘It’s not a question of letting it happen. We made a choice, right or wrong. Now we have to live with it. Has that never happened to you, Larry?’

Larry’s gaze wavered for a moment. ‘What are you going to do about it, the both of you?’

If it were anyone else I’d have told them to back off, it’s our business. These men, though, who had been together for so long, were more like a family. They had a right to know, it affected them all. Trouble was, I didn’t really know what we were going to do. Although Bono had agreed what he should do, actually taking the first step towards it seemed to be beyond either of us. Neither of us truly wanted to.

Edge spoke up. ‘Roo, I understand you can’t answer that right now,’ he said softly. ‘But maybe you should look at what the future might hold, for you, for Bono, for his family.’

‘You think I haven’t done that, Edge? That I’m only thinking of myself?’

‘No, Roo. All I’m saying is …’

‘It’s my decision too,’ Bono broke in angrily. ‘I got us into this, Roo didn’t ask for it. She’s already told me what she thinks I should do, so lay off her, all of you.’

‘Calm down Bono,’ said Edge. ‘Let’s try to look at this sensibly, without losing our tempers. Again.’

‘We’re not trying to judge you,’ said Adam. ‘God knows, I’m the last person who’d have any right to do that. This isn’t a trial.’ He leaned forward, resting his hands on the table. ‘I can understand a little of what you’re feeling – I’ve been there myself. It isn’t easy, there’s no easy answer.’

‘You’ve been a good friend to us, Roo,’ said Edge. ‘We care about what will happen to you as well.’

My heart broke a little, seeing Edge so sad and worried.

‘We have a conflict of interests,’ said Larry. ‘My biggest concern, above all the other stuff with the band or anything else, is for Bono and his wife. She’s been a part of our lives for as long as Bono has, since we were kids. I’m sorry, Roo, but my loyalty is to her.’

‘I understand that, Larry.’ A wave of faintness washed over me, blurring my vision. ‘I need to get some air right now, if you’ll excuse me.’

Bono looked at me with concern, I shook my head and walked towards the front door. It felt as if I was floating. It was not a pleasant feeling.

A raucous sunset was painted across the sky. I reached the willow tree which marked Echo’s resting place, dropped to the ground and leaned against the tree facing east with my back to the house and all it contained. The sky rioted above me, the earth seemed to sway beneath me. I closed my eyes and drew breath, listening to the night cicadas tuning up. For a while, I simply logged out.

When the sky had darkened I became aware of another presence. It was Bono, sitting quietly beside me.

‘What are you doing here, Bono? I’m surprised you were allowed out,’ I said. My mouth felt dry as a desert. Bono handed me a bottle of water. It’s things like this, I thought, that I’ll miss so much when you’re gone. Always knowing what I need, without me having to tell you.

‘I came to see if you were alright.’ said Bono. ‘If you’d rather be alone, I’ll go.’

‘I’m OK. It was rather … intense in there. I needed some space,’ I said.

Bono reached out to take my hand. I drew back. ‘Bono, please don’t.’ He stopped, leaned his head back against the willow.

‘You don’t want me any more?’ he said in a low voice.

‘I should lie to you,’ I said, swiping away the tears that ran down my face. ‘I should say you’re right, I don’t want you, go away and leave me be. But I can’t lie to you, Bono. I want you too much. I have no self-control when it comes to you.’ The stupid tears just wouldn’t stop and I hid my face against my knees.

‘I want to be with you, Roo,’ Bono said quietly. I reached out for him blindly and he was there. How can I give you up? I thought. How can I do what I have to do and let you go?

The tears slowed and finally stopped. ‘You should go back,’ I said. ‘They’ll be sending a search party.’

‘Will you come with me?’

‘Wild horses couldn’t drag me back in there tonight. I’m staying right here, Bono.’

‘You can’t stay out here all night.’

‘I can. It’s warm enough.’

‘I’ll stay with you, then.’

‘No, darling man, you will not. You will go back inside, to your friends.’

‘At least let me bring you something to eat.’

‘I don’t need food right now, Bono.’


‘No blankets.’

Bono sighed. ‘Take my jacket then.’


‘It doesn’t feel right, leaving you here.’

‘It’s what I want, Bono. I’ll see you in the morning.’

Bono kissed me goodnight and left me alone with the cicadas and the stars.

Effanbee :bow: forever in your've made a bad day turn good by posting this...... :hug:
Your doing a really good job with this Effanbee. Im lost for words. Poor Roo :(
Cant wait for the next chapter though.
Better now, Gluey? Did ya like the sneak preview? :hug:

Bono's jacket :drool:

Writer's block is officially … GONE!!! Working on two new stories now so brain is about to :combust:
that's great, Effanbee. I love those creative rushes, where you have so many ideas going on that you almost can't get them out through your fingers fast enough. You having a creative surge is definitely good news for all of us, just dont' combust your brain or we'll all waste away never knowing what happened to poor Roo, Bono and the boys. :wink:
Don't worry love2bmama, this one was all done and dusted months ago! If I combust Slopsy will post the rest for me so we've got it covered. :wink:

Creative surges - gotta love 'em. No sleep but what the heck, who needs it? :crazy:
Effanbee said:
Better now, Gluey? Did ya like the sneak preview? :hug:

Bono's jacket :drool:

Writer's block is officially … GONE!!! Working on two new stories now so brain is about to :combust:

:hug: thanks Effanbee...your sneak preview got me through a horrid day....made me feel better about myself because poor Roo's in a far worse dilemma!!!
Geez, Effanbee you really know how to set the scene. You had us right there underneath that friggin' tree, inhaling BonoScent off of his jacket. :drool: :drool: You know I don't often stick with some stories cos they just aren't me..not that there's anything wrong with them, however, this one is really interesting and I can picture it so well...even the Edge Sock In The Gob....:lol:

So, I wonder what's going to happen now????
:wave: Welcome to the party Allanah :wave:

I'm going to crack on with posting this one so I can have it all posted before my little trip to Sydney in March. I will need to leave the country then, 'cos the ending … well … :uhoh:

Your warnings about the ending are killing me as well! Heh. I've given up on Bono and Roo being together, but now I'm starting to worry just how badly all this is going to end up....
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