Why did Bono lie about this being a long album?

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I saw this on a London Bus this morning :sad:


Experimental for U2, in my opinion, is when they strive for something musically that is out of their comfort zone. Whether it's with synthesizers or all accoustic instruments, it doesn't matter. You could say UF was as experimental as Zooropa. When you think about it, it was U2 trying something new and out of their comfort zone. In other words, something experimental.

UF was definitely as experimental as Zooropa for it's time - some of the sounds coming out of that album and it's associated b-sides are stunning
So true. You can point to a lot of variables that make a song good or bad, but I think sometimes certain songs resonate (or not) with various people for indefinable reasons.

I see a ton of criticism for Miracle Drug around here, and yet when I hear it, when they get to the part where Edge goes into his solo, and then sings his verse, and then at the end, Bono comes in, I get this uplifting feeling - a feeling that I should be getting with Streets, but haven't for at least a decade now - and it's incredible. I can't explain why this happens, it just does. That was always a favourite moment for me seeing it live on the tour, and of the 8 shows I went to, it never got old. Hearing the song now always reminds me of that, and I still get that feeling. Sometimes I prefer not to analyze things like that, I just enjoy where it takes me.

If the song itself can do that for even one person, can it be objectively bad? I don't think so.
MD has the same affect on me too on the recorded version.

And live - amazing - especially on one of the Twickenham bootlegs I heard - the crowd participation was electric
I wrote Bono at his Paul_Hewson@princliple.ie addy. Of course, he got pissed I spreaded his e-mail to the fans, but then he laughed off and said: "Never mind, Edge is more pissed than I, so go on".
Here's his reply:

From: Paul_Hewson@principle.ie
Sent: 10:20 p.m
To: Claudio Dirani
Subjet: Lie regarding NLOTH lenght

Hello, Hello, I'm in a place called Horizon
Well, again fans are absolutely even better than the real thing...
The thing I said ...you know, that the album was too long was because my head was spinnin' at the time...you know, a few pints and you're gone. Edge was on fire and this album rocks. A mix of Venus and Jupiter rock and roll making love with Mercury...Larry is a new drummer and Adam's coming up with real bass line this time. I hope he's not pissed but well...

Cheers to all at Interference members and sorry for the dirty lie!
I wrote Bono at his Paul_Hewson@princliple.ie addy. Of course, he got pissed I spreaded his e-mail to the fans, but then he laughed off and said: "Never mind, Edge is more pissed than I, so go on".
Here's his reply:

From: Paul_Hewson@principle.ie
Sent: 10:20 p.m
To: Claudio Dirani
Subjet: Lie regarding NLOTH lenght

Hello, Hello, I'm in a place called Horizon
Well, again fans are absolutely even better than the real thing...
The thing I said ...you know, that the album was too long was because my head was spinnin' at the time...you know, a few pints and you're gone. Edge was on fire and this album rocks. A mix of Venus and Jupiter rock and roll making love with Mercury...Larry is a new drummer and Adam's coming up with real bass line this time. I hope he's not pissed but well...

Cheers to all at Interference members and sorry for the dirty lie!

This be funneh! :lol: :up: :wink:
I wrote Bono at his Paul_Hewson@princliple.ie addy. Of course, he got pissed I spreaded his e-mail to the fans, but then he laughed off and said: "Never mind, Edge is more pissed than I, so go on".
Here's his reply:

From: Paul_Hewson@principle.ie
Sent: 10:20 p.m
To: Claudio Dirani
Subjet: Lie regarding NLOTH lenght

Hello, Hello, I'm in a place called Horizon
Well, again fans are absolutely even better than the real thing...
The thing I said ...you know, that the album was too long was because my head was spinnin' at the time...you know, a few pints and you're gone. Edge was on fire and this album rocks. A mix of Venus and Jupiter rock and roll making love with Mercury...Larry is a new drummer and Adam's coming up with real bass line this time. I hope he's not pissed but well...

Cheers to all at Interference members and sorry for the dirty lie!

Thats not even his email address!!!!
UF was definitely as experimental as Zooropa for it's time - some of the sounds coming out of that album and it's associated b-sides are stunning

I think we may be splitting hairs here, or it may be a case of semantics...but I don't find UF to be experimental music for them as it was more atmospheric music. It laid the foundation for the cinamatic music that they created on J-Tree.

Again, I understand what you're saying, I just don't know if "experimental" is the right term IMO. I personally don't understand what "experiemental" means anymore. Its kind of like when "alternative music" came on the scene and then became the "popular music" of its time. The term started to mean something completely different.
"Experimental" does my head in to be honest, but my impression from reading music-related media is that it's used rather narrowly to describe a particular sound/direction, rather than a band trying something they haven't done before. A band can experiment with a new style, but it doesn't mean that their music will be called experimental. If Bjork does a straight country album tomorrow I doubt anyone will refer to it as "experimental". On another hand, a band can make a few albums sticking roughly to the same sound and still have their work described as "experimental". It's all rather confusing.

I agree, Radiohead are still considered the "go to guys" around here for experimental music even though they were just recreating Kid A over and over...
good posts VP. i agree, fully.

i think that the AB transformation might best be described as "calculated" -- that might be more neutral than "contrived."

what is it we can't talk about? can someone PM me with juicy, juicy details?

i mean, i think i might know, but i don't know that i know, you know?
So true. You can point to a lot of variables that make a song good or bad, but I think sometimes certain songs resonate (or not) with various people for indefinable reasons.

I see a ton of criticism for Miracle Drug around here, and yet when I hear it, when they get to the part where Edge goes into his solo, and then sings his verse, and then at the end, Bono comes in, I get this uplifting feeling - a feeling that I should be getting with Streets, but haven't for at least a decade now - and it's incredible. I can't explain why this happens, it just does. That was always a favourite moment for me seeing it live on the tour, and of the 8 shows I went to, it never got old. Hearing the song now always reminds me of that, and I still get that feeling. Sometimes I prefer not to analyze things like that, I just enjoy where it takes me.

If the song itself can do that for even one person, can it be objectively bad? I don't think so.

It did it for me too VP, I love that moment and it gives me a similar feeling. I never understood the panning of MD or alot of songs on HTDAAB, to be honest, there's a ton of emotion that I identify with in that 'indefinable' sense you mention in that album. I'm a teensy bit worried actually - only because of GOYB which doesn't mean a whole lot considering I felt the exact same way about Vertigo and Elevation - that the new album won't take me there, but I'm hoping...
So its now time to 'bash the admins' as well as bash other members? It's called organization. Personally I think this forum is way more organized than atu2. Especially for a forum of this size and magnitude. I can argue that with you all day. I personally don't think having 12 separate topics on the same subject is very productive at all. You just end up confused and repeating yourself 12 times. Everything that is anything pertaining to the album is and has been allowed to be discussed here.

You also are far nicer than atu2.com admins, who are constantly bullying and censoring and take on regular member names and then appear out of nowhere with the all-encompassing "admin" title and censor you and threaten to ban you. It's all very prejudiced and personal and vindictive. Lots of right wing admins didn't like me so they'd look for excuses or hated my criticism of the band. The site-runner, m2, is especially thugish and rude. I've met a lot of people who've been kicked off the site and can't stand the atmosphere. The only person who can criticize U2 and get away with it over there is m2; otherwise, the entire culture is to attack anyone who disagrees and gang up. It happens here, but the admins don't participate and that's much nicer about this place.

So, thanks Sicy and others!
ignoring people's mocking answers, this remains a mystery that's as unexplainable as him claiming htdaab was "our first guitar record" or that the edge was "making punk rock on venus" or that his guitar "sounded like a dragon".

I assumed bono would have some sense of what a "very long" album is with regards to a u2 album's playing time. this means bono's judgment cannot be trusted when it comes to anything... Except moral/political issues.
issues of art quality and measurement of time are subject to his hype machine thinking. It's sad, really.

It's just that i'd rather he hadn't said that than get my hopes up.

thank you captain obvious.
Oh, c'mon, don't be naive! The statement that they had to "go off and dream it all up again," then a vastly different sound and look, followed by the massive PR effort, and then the huge Zoo TV/Zooropa spectacles? The whole dumping of sincerity and going for irony? You don't see contrivance in there, you think it was completely organic?

I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Like, omg, how awful for artists to actually put thought into their careers! Not at all. But it is what it is. I honestly can't see how anyone could look at that era vs the 2000s and say that the 2000s are more contrived.

And yeah, AB is pretty much my favourite album/era, regardless. At least it spends more time at the top than any other album. I don't care how they arrived at it, what their motivations or reasons were, I'm more interested in the result.

I really have no idea what their personal or professional lives "collapsing" has to do with it, and I would also say collapsing is a hell of an overstatement. They were living, experiencing life's ups and downs, just like we all do.
Very interesting point.

At the same time, the whole "dream it all up again" movement was not something Adam and Larry agreed with in the way Bono and The Edge ended up pursuing it, so it was a battle among them. However, your point still stands, I guess.

My favorite album of all time.
thank you captain obvious.
Hold on a minute. That's not natural. I was saying it's one thing to say it's our best album, blah, blah, but to totally misperceive conventional standards (and even U2's standards) about what a "very long" album is is quite shocking.

So, it wasn't so obvious to some of us. We'd like to take something of what are artists say at their word, for crying out loud.
Ah, so it's your liberal beliefs that are so controversial. Now it all makes sense.
You sound a lot like someone else I know. Do you know people?

:lmao: Oh shit. You're right, he DOES sound like him!

:uhoh: I think we should be scared now right?

Nah, all joking aside, I notice that a lot of newbies don't understand the purpose of the admins here. They don't understand why their threads are closed down because they don't understand basic forum rules. Just barging in here and doing nothing but posting your own opinion as facts and things like that. And then not understanding why their threads get closed down. :crack: makes no sense.
So, I'm tendin' bar there at Ecklund and Swedlin's last Tuesday, and this little guy's drinkin' and he says, "So where can a guy find some action? I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake." And I says, "What kinda action?" and he says, "Woman action, what do I look like?" And I says, "Well, what do I look like, I don't arrange that kinda thing," and he says, "I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake," and I says, "Well, this ain't that kinda place." So he says, "So I get it, so you think I'm some kinda jerk for askin'," only he doesn't use the word "jerk." And then he calls me a jerk, and says the last guy who thought he was a jerk was dead now. So I don't say nothin' and he says, "What do ya think about that?" So I says, "Well, that don't sound like too good a deal for him, then." And he says, "Yah, that guy's dead, and I don't mean of old age." And then he says, "Geez, I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake."
Hold on a minute. That's not natural. I was saying it's one thing to say it's our best album, blah, blah, but to totally misperceive conventional standards (and even U2's standards) about what a "very long" album is is quite shocking.

So, it wasn't so obvious to some of us. We'd like to take something of what are artists say at their word, for crying out loud.

Read the thing I underlined.

I said that because you finally noticed that you cannot trust what Bono says.
No fucking shit sherlock! The man speaks in hyperboles, he exaggarates EVERYTHING he says about the music. WHY ON EARTH did you ever trust him in the first place?
This is not a matter of trust. You need to stop being so damn guillable and stop believing every friggin' thing you read.
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