To Answer The Last Thread's Question, No (AKA New Album Speculation)

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it's a new decade. we've cleared the 2000s incarnation of U2. it's now 80s vs 90s vs 00s vs 10's

10s U2 is so much better than 90s U2. :angry: :rockon: :angry:
I think the thing about bomb for me is, that it was my first new U2 album as a U2 fan, This was the first time I'd been around when they put something new out, or at least the first time I cared :wink: So maybe you can put my disliking of majority of the album down to fatigue.

which is exactly what happened to me with Pop. i loved U2, but wasn't fanatic during the AB/Z years, and was too young to camp out for tickets for anything. by the time 1997 rolled around, i was starving for new music and to see them live, and finally it happened. i loved Pop at first, but i did know it wasn't as good as AB. it did seem alive and vital and interesting, and it many ways it still does. i think "Gone" and "Please" are the standouts in so many ways, and i think SATS is an almost brilliant pop song, and i think IGWSHA is actually the most underrated song on the album -- the restructured single release flows much more smoothly, and i'm not sure why this song wasn't a hit. it's really gorgeous, and despite the awfulness of "blind leading the blond" it has some very interesting lyrics. there was no way it was ever going to work live.

also, "Playboy" is far worse than any of the moments on Bomb. for me.
which is exactly what happened to me with Pop. i loved U2, but wasn't fanatic during the AB/Z years, and was too young to camp out for tickets for anything. by the time 1997 rolled around, i was starving for new music and to see them live, and finally it happened. i loved Pop at first, but i did know it wasn't as good as AB. it did seem alive and vital and interesting, and it many ways it still does. i think "Gone" and "Please" are the standouts in so many ways, and i think SATS is an almost brilliant pop song, and i think IGWSHA is actually the most underrated song on the album -- the restructured single release flows much more smoothly, and i'm not sure why this song wasn't a hit. it's really gorgeous, and despite the awfulness of "blind leading the blond" it has some very interesting lyrics. there was no way it was ever going to work live.

also, "Playboy" is far worse than any of the moments on Bomb. for me.

Different strokes for different folks.

I love Playboy Mansion. Those laid-back U2 songs like Summer Rain and In a Little While are some of my favorites.
I read somewhere that Bono gave Hot Press an interview and said they plan to release the album 'next fall' but can't find that interview.... does anyone have the link?
He mentions Soon, EBW and NS in relation to SoA and drops another song title from that project, "Mount Zion". He also drops the title to one of the RedOne songs, "I'll Believe Her When She Sings".
1/ Bono says they wanted the album out before the end of the tour

2/ He speaks of Songs of Ascent. He mentions songs called 'Mount Zion' 'Soon' 'Every Breaking Wave' 'North Star'

3/ He speaks about the club music with Red One, and a song called 'I'll believe her when she sings'

4/ He mentions the rock album they have started to make with Danger Mouse. He says they have 10 songs with him.

5/ Of Spiderman he says there is 18 songs and 20 pieces of music

6/ Finally he says 'I think next fall' for a new album. He goes onto say...'Why would anyone want another one? It just better be really great, and the reason we didnt put out Songs of Ascent was we felt that the next thing that people need to hear from u2 is not an art project, that it has a rock n roll heart, even if its not rock n roll music.'

I definitely want more detail :drool:
doubt there is more detail.

I personally don't want more bombastic soaring songs unless they've got some artsy fartsy aspect to them.

I still say they don't have any music. Bono hears a note and it's a song.
It sounds like a very 'back to the drawing board' style statement when they say they're experimenting in all different directions and want to make something good enough to add to the u2 catalogue.
It sounds like they certainly have no clear direction, and don't know what they want to do next. In one sense that's depressing, because they are obviously very far away from releasing something, but it also means that we have no idea what we'll get next, which is pretty exciting! :D
Just release like 3 or 4 Danger Mouse demos and then do whatever the hell they want.. I just want to hear what they did with Danger Mouse.
Just release like 3 or 4 Danger Mouse demos and then do whatever the hell they want.. I just want to hear what they did with Danger Mouse.
Sounds good to me. If they feel like they need to make it a "real" release, they could just call it the "Songs of Ascent EP" and release it on iTunes and vinyl.
Thanks :)

I'm actually more interested in Songs of Ascent than the DM collaboration. I'd really love to get it very soon, it sounds great. I love EBW and North Star and Soon was nice as well. But does this mean that it won't be released at all? Or no relase date yet?

The 'next fall' release of the album with DM would be in Fall 2011? Nah. I've learnt my lesson and don't believe a word Bono says.
the reason why we didn't put out Songs of Ascent was that we felt that the next thing people need to hear from U2 is not an art project, that it has a rock 'n' roll heart, even if it's not rock 'n' roll music. It has the songs, you play them live.

Yeah he's totally wrong.

I'd rather have 3 another albums like No Line than some popular rubbish or another Atomic Bomb :crack:
Comments as quoted on

I think next fall. I mean, as always, it'll be ready when it's finished, although I never feel like a U2 album gets finished, we sort of finish the songs live. But when it's nearly finished, we'll release it. And that will be probably next fall. We want to get it right. I mean, look, why would anyone want another U2 album? Lots of people have them, why would they want another one? It just better be really great, and the reason why we didn't put out Songs of Ascent was that we felt that the next thing people need to hear from U2 is not an art project, that it has a rock 'n' roll heart, even if it's not rock 'n' roll music. It has the songs, you play them live.

No, actually we've got a few going (laughs). We have Songs of Ascent, which is a kind of ecstatic album, ambient, very beautiful songs. But it's a real stained-glass window of a record, elegiac, I think you could describe some of the songs, beautiful. There's one song called "Mount Zion," that's beautiful. There's a song called "Soon", there's a song called "Every Breaking Wave". Then there's -- we went in to make some club music with RedOne and we got some very extraordinary club sounding stuff, one called "I'll Believe Her When She Sings". Let me think if I can remember all of them now … "North Star", that's a ballad actually, that's a beautiful song: we've actually played it acoustically onstage a little bit on the tour.
And then we, the sort of rock album -- although I think "rock" is the wrong word for it -- the next sort of "regular U2 band" album we started to make with Danger Mouse. Brian Burton, AKA Danger Mouse. Who is like a mix of Brian Eno and Danny Lanois. He is a cerebral fellow, but with deep reserves of instinct which he prizes over intellect any day, he listens from some other part of himself. He is really making quite an impact on us, because he's really encouraging us away from all the things that we know.

:up: Bring on Danger Mouse, and late 2012 is a sensible date.
And SOA is still around.
I think Danger Mouse is a bona fide genius. And if you watch his interviews, he doesn't seem to be the type of guy who is easily intimidated by the biggest band in the world. Most thirtysomething producers - no matter how good they are - will shit their britches in the presence of U2. Not DM. He'll break their balls if that's what it takes to get the best out of them.
At the very least they still acknowledge that they exist and seem pretty positive towards them, at the very least ...
I mean, look, why would anyone want another U2 album? Lots of people have them, why would they want another one? It just better be really great, and the reason why we didn't put out Songs of Ascent was that we felt that the next thing people need to hear from U2 is not an art project, that it has a rock 'n' roll heart, even if it's not rock 'n' roll music. It has the songs, you play them live.

This is the reason why they are undecided.
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