To Answer The Last Thread's Question, No (AKA New Album Speculation)

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...We really, really need news.

Check back, this time next year.

Why am I reading this thread? I don't know...just as bored as any of the rest of you, I guess...or hoping that for some strange reason, U2 miraculously re-grew their balls and were putting out a quick EP or something anyhow...yeah I know.
Just like it's your opinion a certain song does not fit the stage and ruins the flow of the setlist for a show that demands rockers (in that case Stuck, MS, YBR, MLK or Scarlet are first against the wall), or that UV or Crazy remix don't get a reaction from the audience.

I'm sure most would feel the AB and Boy songs on Vertigo, and the oldies they brought back on 360 are far better than 11 O clock or Out of control or Stay on Elevation.

And it's a common assesment for U2 shows that arenas = more surprises in the setlist compared to stadiums. Despite the events showing otherwise in the current U2 era...

Of course it's my opinion. And I never said UV or Crazy remix don't get a reaction (I said they don't get such a reaction that casual fans would consider it a highlight), but you would bend or distort every single argument just to prove your point. I never claim to know what most people feel or what a common assessment is (unless if something is painfully obvious). And then there's you.
Of course it's my opinion. And I never said UV or Crazy remix don't get a reaction (I said they don't get such a reaction that casual fans would consider it a highlight), but you would bend or distort every single argument just to prove your point. I never claim to know what most people feel or what a common assessment is (unless if something is painfully obvious). And then there's you.

I don't see why a casual fan wouldn't at least like the visual presentation - the laser suit or the swinging microphone - even if they don't know/care for the song.
Or enjoy the dance remix.

Certainly from what I could see at the show I attended the crowd was dancing along... :shrug:
happy easter everyone, maybe we will be celebrating the resurrection of u2 soon (or maybe not)
they are just doing things the....


With no new material, I am not that excited about the North American leg. There is alot of interesting, challenging music out there; and U2 is not making any of it right now.

If they don't watch out, they will become the new Rolling Stones.
If you're not excited give me all of your tickets. I'll happily have them. :)
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From the August 2011 issue of Rolling Stone:

"Lost in all the Spider-Man meshugas is the fact that U2 have something pretty awesome cooking. 'We have about 12 songs with Danger Mouse,' Bono said last fall. 'It's happening so easily.' Danger, the visionary producer known for his work in Gnarls Barkley and Broken Bells, could be a hipper version of the Brian Eno-Daniel Lanois team--pushing U2 to be experimental and commercial at once. Bono has hinted at another album in the works, featuring and Lady Gaga producer RedOne. Bruce Springsteen entered his most prolific era in his fifties--could U2 be gearing up for a similar run? Fans can't wait to find out. Turn on the dark!"
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From the August 2011 issue of Rolling Stone:

"Lost in all the Spider-Man meshugas is the fact that U2 have something pretty awesome cooking. 'We have about 12 songs with Danger Mouse,' Bono said last fall. 'It's happening so easily.' Danger, the visionary producer known for his work in Gnarls Barkley and Broken Bells, could be a hipper version of the Brian Eno-Daniel Lanois team--pushing U2 to be experimental and commercial at once. Bono has hinted at another album in the works, featuring and Lady Gaga producer RedOne. Bruce Springsteen entered his most prolific era in his fifties--could U2 be gearing up for a similar run? Fans can't wait to find out. Turn on the dark!"

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From the August 2011 issue of Rolling Stone:

"Lost in all the Spider-Man meshugas is the fact that U2 have something pretty awesome cooking. 'We have about 12 songs with Danger Mouse,' Bono said last fall. 'It's happening so easily.' Danger, the visionary producer known for his work in Gnarls Barkley and Broken Bells, could be a hipper version of the Brian Eno-Daniel Lanois team--pushing U2 to be experimental and commercial at once. Bono has hinted at another album in the works, featuring and Lady Gaga producer RedOne. Bruce Springsteen entered his most prolific era in his fifties--could U2 be gearing up for a similar run? Fans can't wait to find out. Turn on the dark!"

Kind of interesting that this is still coming from RS. While they would get the album info early, they would get the "no album" info just as early.
"We have 12 songs with Danger Mouse".
TRANSLATION: "We've been fucking around in the studio and have some rough sketches outlined but nothing more".
"The songs are coming so easily".
TRANSLATION: "I have acute writers block so check back with us in 2014".
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From the August 2011 issue of Rolling Stone:

"Lost in all the Spider-Man meshugas is the fact that U2 have something pretty awesome cooking. 'We have about 12 songs with Danger Mouse,' Bono said last ....QUOTE]

It's april 2011 now. Or was I asleep for the last 3 months?:crack:
Does RS preview newsbulletins so early? I remember their news of the release of SOA for late 2009... So I take this news with a big grain of salt....
I wouldn't read too much into that. We've been doing that since the first mention of SOA and look at what we have now.
Somebody should hack into Edge's laptop and solve this Songs of Ascent/Danger Mouse album debate once and for all. I would rather bet he has an unnamed folder containing 367 mixes of Mercy than having some phantom unreleased albums.

Bono probably doesn't even know what a folder is.
That doesn't make any sense; there must be a typo or something. "From the August 2011 Rolling Stone"? Pretty sure @U2 has no visibility to what's going to be in the August 2011 issue.

If they meant "From the April 2011 issue," then it's just recycling old information.
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