TEEN PLEBAn Party: I wonder if it'll rain in July...

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I'm most afraid of window seats! :lol: Afraid of heights, especially seeing that I am above the clouds.

Yep, I was in the car on my phone. Parked of course, haha. On a break between classes. But now I'm on the bus to the next class, so I'll be back around when that one ends.

Alright, (I'll be here) I like how you're here talking with us, and at the same time you're in school, in your everyday life. I just don't know how to mix that.

Apart from the fact that women can do multiple stuff at the same time while us men can only focus on doing one thing.
The iPhone is magic!!!!! It allows us to stay connected when we're out and about and not near a computer. And the Internet is my main mode of communication, so this phone has been great for me. Now I don't have to be bored on these breaks :lol:

Hey Kristen!! Schools alright, I've been to four of my five classes, and I think I'm going to like 3 of them. The one I knew was going to be meh because it's the last of my core requirement classes.

Flying...I love the window seat! I'm not afraid of heights, though. Just the thought of possibly crashing :lol:

School tomorrow.... :crack: Ugh. Val and Liz were in my dream last night! :lol:
The iPhone is magic!!!!! It allows us to stay connected when we're out and about and not near a computer. And the Internet is my main mode of communication, so this phone has been great for me. Now I don't have to be bored on these breaks :lol:

Hey Kristen!! Schools alright, I've been to four of my five classes, and I think I'm going to like 3 of them. The one I knew was going to be meh because it's the last of my core requirement classes.

Praise the iPhone for keeping us connected. :bow:

And good luck with your last class!

Flying...I love the window seat! I'm not afraid of heights, though. Just the thought of possibly crashing :lol:

School tomorrow.... :crack: Ugh. Val and Liz were in my dream last night! :lol:

I think I would even ask the people next to me if they would mind switching seats with me if I ever get the window seat.

I've never had a dream with someone from here, well, just only once but it was with a member that doesn't even come here anymore.
My iPod fell into a fountain. Now it's dead. I'm depressed.:sad: Fortunately, I got 120 euro back from the insurance!:hyper:

Flying...I love the window seat! I'm not afraid of heights, though. Just the thought of possibly crashing :lol:

School tomorrow.... :crack: Ugh. Val and Liz were in my dream last night! :lol:

:lol: I've had a dream about you too! And Liz, haha. What did we do?

My iPod fell into a fountain. Now it's dead. I'm depressed.:sad: Fortunately, I got 120 euro back from the insurance!:hyper:

That is very upsetting...I would have cried, haha. Did you get a new one?

I would love to have an iPhone :drool: Internet on-the-go sounds heavenly! :love: But alas, my house doesn't have Wi-fi :sad: I can't even get a laptop without it!

On the phone I use the ATT 3G network, it's faster than WiFi. Even in my house.

I had to come into a computer lab. My car was WAY too hot. Plus my phone was dying and refused to charge in the car :huh: Now people can see my stuff, but oh well. I'll stay out of the picture threads :lol:
:lol: I've had a dream about you too! And Liz, haha. What did we do?

On the phone I use the ATT 3G network, it's faster than WiFi. Even in my house.

In my dream last night, I was on vacation at the beach and I had just gotten my new camera, so I was taking some pictures of the water, etc. I go back to our beach house and you, Liz, and my mom are all on separate computers listening to the U2 feed and are at the setlist party. I was like, "You guys are pathetic! We're at a freaking beach!" :lmao: And somehow I think I had found Bono's ring in my bed? How it got there... I have no clue... unfortunately I missed that part of the dream :sexywink:

I'm on AT&T and I think I have the 3G network.... :hmm: Maybe it would work? :scratch: :hyper:
:lmao: That's hysterical!!!! I can think of...one...two...at least three ways his ring could fall off in your bed, but...:shh: :angel:

If your phone can acess the internet it will work, but you have to have that data plan...or you get charged up the wazoo.
Yeah my current data plan doesn't allow for internet. Plus it's not an iPhone, so it's reeealllyyy slow :wink:

As for my dream, well, yeah I think we'll just keep those ideas to ourselves :sexywink:
:yawn: I want to go home. Really. I got one class left.

And I'm dreading tomorrow because I have to go to work at 7 AM and the freaking district manager is coming to "talk" to us...aka probably grill us on stupid company policies that I really don't know or care about :yikes: If I don't know the answers...I don't know what happens then, haha. Other than that I look BAD...

I'll be like..."I just work in the fitting room and clean up the mess, leave me alooone! :scream:"
You'll do just fine! Stick to what you know and be friendly :D

Maybe sneak a glance at the Tour Photos thread before your next class....not that there are any new aMAZING photos in there.... :shifty:

Doooooo eeeeeet :drool:
I don't mean to break your conversation, but I was thinking that all women should wear this hairstyle:




Spread the word.
I could wear my hair like that...if I didn't have fifty bazillion layers :p

Maddy...I am so tempted!!! I will turn on my phone for a minute and look :hyper: I really don't want the people standing behind me to see...you know what :lol::drool:
And I actually have to run now...I'll be round later. Probably with an OMG dajghlkdfjghldfukghdfilugaidflghakdfjghdfkjghkj :combust: type of attitude :lol:

Edit: "Those" pictures? I'm turning on my phone now, one minute :lol:

Well if my freakin' hairstylist didn't cut my hair 2 more inches than I wanted her to, I could easily do that. :rant:


Hairstylists always cut more than you ask for. It's like an instinct for them. Like sneezing.

I'll tell Carice for ya:wink:


I don't think I've ever seen her with that hairstyle, but if I do, I'm gonna faint and drop dead and this is the last thing you'll hear from me.
And I actually have to run now...I'll be round later. Probably with an OMG dajghlkdfjghldfukghdfilugaidflghakdfjghdfkjghkj :combust: type of attitude :lol:

Edit: "Those" pictures? I'm turning on my phone now, one minute :lol:

There are no "balloon" shots that I've seen in the last couple pages. But they are all very nice. Just sayin'. :wink: Talk to you later! :hug:
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