Songs of Innocence Promo Tour - Discussion Thread #2

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All That You Can't Leave Behind is an incredible album, I can't believe the hate it here sometimes...

Thank you. Agree :up:

Not even remotely. Agree 100% with this post. It's actually weaker than Elevation, and that's saying a lot.

Um, no. From all comparisons that could be made (and in some of them, Volcano will surely be the worse song), that one is just wrong. I'd prefer to see and hear Volcano live every day ... and if only for the reason because it's fresh. I really like the song and don't get the hate for it.

As for the Adele thing. Yes, the intro sounds a lot like Someone like you, but that isn't a bad thing. I love Adele's album 21 and I used to listen to her a lot. I don't think the rest of EBW sounds much like Adele, and it's stupid to make these comparisons (Adele, Chris Martin), just because there's a piano involved. Come on, how many musicians have used a piano on stage? That's next? Elton John?
One of the things I'm afraid of is that they only end up playing The Miracle, EBW, California, Song For Someone, Volcano and Wolves... and don't even bother trying to even rehearse those who are - in more opinion - the best and most creative songs of the album ("California" is in that package, I think). Let's not forget that 4 NLOTH songs were never played live as far as I know only "White As Snow" was rehearsed.
Still, if U2 was for reasons unknown forced to pick up only 6/7 songs to play live, I'd rather have Reach, California, Wolves, Crystal Ballroom, Troubles, SLABT and Iris.

There gonna play more than 6 songs off SOI. Maybe not now but when the tour starts they'll play at least 8-9 songs off it. They don't want to play everything right now and not give the fans (even themselves) something to not look forward to.

If anything its great they've played nearly 5 already. During the ATYCLB promotion they only played 4 I think. BD, Elevation, New York & Stuck. And this is easily the most promoted album (them performing) since ATYLCB. And their just playing new stuff. No BD, IWF, or Vertigo. This is quite a refreshing promotion tour.
the only weak thing on volcano peformance was edge's shirt. otherwise it's just the greatest rock n roll band ever playing directly from their hearts (as they do most of the times) an inspired, creative and daring pop song.
I have a strange feeling that they can (and imo will) play the whole album on the tour.
Um, no. From all comparisons that could be made (and in some of them, Volcano will surely be the worse song), that one is just wrong.

Nah, it's not wrong, you just don't agree.

And on an objective level, there are several ways Elevation, a song I don't even like all that much, is superior.

For instance: the crowd will be more apt to sing the "woo hoo hoos" of Elevation long before any line on Volcano. You'll see.

Sent from my ass crack
I have a strange feeling that they can (and imo will) play the whole album on the tour.

This is what I'm thinking. From the start of this album release they seem like a new inspired band.

And Larry is playing really inspired (Volcano video) :up:
I have a strange feeling that they can (and imo will) play the whole album on the tour.

Interesting. Of course playing an entire back catalogue title would put them firmly in legacy act territory. But playing the entire new record, I don't know, maybe. I sort of like the idea but playing an entire record front to back feels a little prog rock to me. I know you're not suggesting they'd do the straight front to back thing, but even spreading those 11 (13? 14?) songs around seems a little unlikely, IMO. U2 is terrified of losing their audience. They couldn't even stick with all the NLOTH songs they were playing when the audience wasn't responding. I think if they did this it would be something they tried early on, and once they see the audience is bored (and they would be) they'd quickly go back to their usual mix of hits, classics, new songs and the token rarity or two. In any event I'm not sure they can even pull off all those songs live.

But Adam has hinted they have something unique planned, so who no knows they may try something new. But my suspicion is that at eventually we'll be back to a show that resembles their usual set list. As much as we may not like it, U2 plays to the "casuals", and it's the hits the casuals are there to hear. And most people who don't get good serving of the songs they expect to hear after paying 100+ dollars, pounds or euros for a ticket is going to be annoyed, and rightly so.
Let's not forget that 4 NLOTH songs were never played live as far as I know only "White As Snow" was rehearsed.

They didn't get played because at least half of them would have been god awful in a live environment (imo). Besides, like the albums before it, over half of the new songs eventually got played at shows anyway. I doubt this one would be an exception. If anything, the free download aspect could tempt them to bring out more of the tracks or even justify doing the whole thing live a few times.

But it's just promo stuff at the moment though, so I wouldn't put too much stock in what's played and what isn't.
I sort of like the idea but playing an entire record front to back feels a little prog rock to me. I know you're not suggesting they'd do the straight front to back thing, but even spreading those 11 (13? 14?) songs around seems a little utterly, IMO.


Paul Weller did it in 2012.
Damon Albarn's been doing it since Blur's 13 tour in 1999.
Sonic Youth did it in 2009.
Bowie did it in 2002.

None of them could be accused of being prog (well I think SY are a prog band, but I have a wider definition of the word than most).

I think U2 will play the whole album, or most of it anyway. They're booking the shows in pairs, so maybe one night will have SOI and older tracks that fit thematically to tell a story, and the other night will be a more traditional show with hits and a few new songs.

I'm not sure what "seems a little utterly" means.
All That You Can't Leave Behind is an incredible album, I can't believe the hate it here sometimes...

For me that album is very strong material ruined by the band´s doubts and fear that they are not relevant anymore. They thought had two crap albums in a row (Zooropa, Pop). They need to have charts hits and attract a young generation. Because of that they released their most radio friendly record. Tamed record with very forgettable arrangements and production. They filmed cheesy poppy videos to support the singles and they started to promote the album on various TV shows as much as possible. In the end it looked like an old sprinter tries to catch up young ones. A bit embarrassing.
Later they got their confidence back and now they are able again to make their records fearless with dignity coresponding to their age.

Paul Weller did it in 2012.
Damon Albarn's been doing it since Blur's 13 tour in 1999.
Sonic Youth did it in 2009.
Bowie did it in 2002.

None of them could be accused of being prog (well I think SY are a prog band, but I have a wider definition of the word than most).

I think U2 will play the whole album, or most of it anyway. They're booking the shows in pairs, so maybe one night will have SOI and older tracks that fit thematically to tell a story, and the other night will be a more traditional show with hits and a few new songs.

I'm not sure what "seems a little utterly" means. left out Mötley Crüe in 2009 and Soundgarden in 2014...:rockon:

:shifty:...seriously they did...:wink:
For me that album is very strong material ruined by the band´s doubts and fear that they are not relevant anymore. They thought had two crap albums in a row (Zooropa, Pop). They need to have charts hits and attract a young generation. Because of that they released their most radio friendly record. Tamed record with very forgettable arrangements and production. They filmed cheesy poppy videos to support the singles and they started to promote the album on various TV shows as much as possible. In the end it looked like an old sprinter tries to catch up young ones. A bit embarrassing.
Later they got their confidence back and now they are able again to make their records fearless with dignity coresponding to their age.

Wrong on so many points, but the biggest being they thought they had two crap albums...only Pop was crap...:wave:
Wrong on so many points, but the biggest being they thought they had two crap albums...only Pop was crap...:wave:

They thought Zooropa will be much more succesful, mainly in US it failed. They thought it would be their Sgt. Pepper. If something is not top succesful U2 consider it to be fail, no matter what we, fans, think :)
You cannot blame a band of U2's status to aim for a commercial success after Zooropa and Pop weren't exactly successful and the POP Mart tour wasn't exactly well received. I love Pop (don't care for much on Zooropa, though), but I still think U2 did the right thing with ATYCLB. One more album in the vein of Zooropa and Pop and they would have vanished into oblivion. I doubt they would be making music today if it went like that. left out Mötley Crüe in 2009 and Soundgarden in 2014...:rockon:

:shifty:...seriously they did...:wink:

Yeah, but Soundgarden didn't play all of King Animal, which would have been fucking amazing. That album is only a bit behind Superunknown for me.

The Pumpkins played all of Oceania (a bit prog), and Rush played almost all of Clockwork Angels (totally prog), but playing new albums front to back can't be considered the realm of prog if Paul Weller, Blur, Gorillaz, and Sonic Youth did it. The last REM show I saw had 9 new songs, and I'm pretty sure I have a bootleg where they played all of Accelerate. Definitely not prog.
Yeah, Mofo, Gone, Last Night on Earth, Staring at The Sun, Do You Feel Loved, Please, Wake Up Dead Man...

You know, crap. :doh: :tsk: :rolleyes:

I agree...some of their greatest songs. I just listened to Please yesterday and was amazed by the lyrics and Edge's guitar. Don't want to get into a Pop debate but I think it's a brilliant and under appreciated work.

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They thought Zooropa will be much more succesful, mainly in US it failed. They thought it would be their Sgt. Pepper. If something is not top succesful U2 consider it to be fail, no matter what we, fans, think :)

Not true, Zooropa was a throw-away album, they knew that. They put it together on some down time. It wasn't made to be a 'hit' album. It has some gems on it for sure, but it's abstract, and not 'radio friendly' matter it's still a good album considering.

Pop, it's a good album, but as a U2 album it's just OK. I know the whole Poptart spiel..."they've never been as daring, as adventurous...blah, blah, blah" I said in another thread that the 90's were an anomaly for U2, they've never sounded like before or since...take that for what it's worth.

And womanfish, please...DYFL? I was at the Las Vegas show in '97, and they played it...:doh:...seriously that song goes no where. I don't get all the love for it. Peace on Earth is a far better song...:shifty:
Interesting. Of course playing an entire back catalogue title would put them firmly in legacy act territory. But playing the entire new record, I don't know, maybe. I sort of like the idea but playing an entire record front to back feels a little prog rock to me. I know you're not suggesting they'd do the straight front to back thing, but even spreading those 11 (13? 14?) songs around seems a little unlikely, IMO. U2 is terrified of losing their audience. They couldn't even stick with all the NLOTH songs they were playing when the audience wasn't responding. I think if they did this it would be something they tried early on, and once they see the audience is bored (and they would be) they'd quickly go back to their usual mix of hits, classics, new songs and the token rarity or two. In any event I'm not sure they can even pull off all those songs live.

But Adam has hinted they have something unique planned, so who no knows they may try something new. But my suspicion is that at eventually we'll be back to a show that resembles their usual set list. As much as we may not like it, U2 plays to the "casuals", and it's the hits the casuals are there to hear. And most people who don't get good serving of the songs they expect to hear after paying 100+ dollars, pounds or euros for a ticket is going to be annoyed, and rightly so.

The thing with those NLOTH songs was the lack of imagery and effects going on w/ the claw. Even though they weren't very good live you still need something going on.

Zoo TV & Popmart had the visuals to go with the new songs. Even if people aren't interested at least give them something to look at & get excited about.
You cannot blame a band of U2's status to aim for a commercial success after Zooropa and Pop weren't exactly successful and the POP Mart tour wasn't exactly well received. I love Pop (don't care for much on Zooropa, though), but I still think U2 did the right thing with ATYCLB. One more album in the vein of Zooropa and Pop and they would have vanished into oblivion. I doubt they would be making music today if it went like that.

Vanished into oblivion? That's a bit harsh, isn't it? Even if U2's revisionist history wants to claim it was a failure, once bands get a few monumental hits they can stick around forever. Look at Motley Crue, or the Cure. Depeche Mode's albums are failures compared to 20 years ago, but they still sell out arenas and stadiums (and make great music). And here are the stats for Popmart:

GROSS: $53,798,240 ATTENDANCE: 1,096,547

They played Celmson, Memphis, KC, Salt Lake City, and Eugene. Not exactly big cities! They skew the stats downward. Maybe they shouldn't have booked so many dates. Even with the skewed stats they could have sold out two nights in arenas.

GROSS: $58,697,632 ATTENDANCE: 1,572,721

These stats are skewed by Cologne, Mannehim, and Liepzig. Still, it averages out to a sold out stadium. If that's failure....


Jacksonville? Tampa? Really?

GROSS: $33,144,315 ATTENDANCE: 690,926

Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Osaka bring the attendance down but they still could have sold out two nights in arenas based on the average.

Popmart did fine, just not as well as they'd have hoped, but that mainly had to do with booking too many shows in smaller cities. Pop sold something like seven million copies - it was successful.
Not true, Zooropa was a throw-away album, they knew that. They put it together on some down time. It wasn't made to be a 'hit' album. It has some gems on it for sure, but it's abstract, and not 'radio friendly' matter it's still a good album considering.

Pop, it's a good album, but as a U2 album it's just OK. I know the whole Poptart spiel..."they've never been as daring, as adventurous...blah, blah, blah" I said in another thread that the 90's were an anomaly for U2, they've never sounded like before or since...take that for what it's worth.

And womanfish, please...DYFL? I was at the Las Vegas show in '97, and they played it...:doh:...seriously that song goes no where. I don't get all the love for it. Peace on Earth is a far better song...:shifty:

Now let's not get ridiculous. I'll admit, DYFL is more of a personal favorite. I think it suffered greatly from the first few live performances. But love the album version.
Now POE? "Where I grew up, there weren't man trees..." :sick: :slant: :yawn:
ouch, just can't take it
I have a strange feeling that they can (and imo will) play the whole album on the tour.

That would be cool. I've been trying to put together a setlist, and everything feels like a warhorse at this point. I wouldn't mind a confidentZOOTV type balance of new material vs. old.
They thought Zooropa will be much more succesful, mainly in US it failed. They thought it would be their Sgt. Pepper. If something is not top succesful U2 consider it to be fail, no matter what we, fans, think :)

Is this Adam Scott Aukerman? :D
Now let's not get ridiculous. I'll admit, DYFL is more of a personal favorite. I think it suffered greatly from the first few live performances. But love the album version.
Now POE? "Where I grew up, there weren't man trees..." :sick: :slant: :yawn:
ouch, just can't take it

POE was definitely a 'jab'....:lol:

Leave the Pop discussion alone for now...SOI is where we album since ATYCLB...:rockon:
Not true, Zooropa was a throw-away album, they knew that. They put it together on some down time. It wasn't made to be a 'hit' album. It has some gems on it for sure, but it's abstract, and not 'radio friendly' matter it's still a good album considering.

Pop, it's a good album, but as a U2 album it's just OK. I know the whole Poptart spiel..."they've never been as daring, as adventurous...blah, blah, blah" I said in another thread that the 90's were an anomaly for U2, they've never sounded like before or since...take that for what it's worth.

And womanfish, please...DYFL? I was at the Las Vegas show in '97, and they played it...:doh:...seriously that song goes no where. I don't get all the love for it. Peace on Earth is a far better song...:shifty:

I'm on board with everything you wrote for the most part with the exception of Peace on Earth being better than DYFL...No, no, no!!!! :)

Also, that whole Vegas dhow was a cluster f*** of a show, so you have to give that perform av a pass.

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POE was definitely a 'jab'....:lol:

Leave the Pop discussion alone for now...SOI is where we album since ATYCLB...:rockon:

I figured that with POE. :D

Youre right, lets stay on topic.

Loved the Jools performances. I don't think anyone can see them do EBW like this, with Bono pouring it all in, and not be moved and interested to look at SOI for the first time, or to revisit now that the Apple thing has died down.

Could see it just killing on SNL.

The sound of Volcano seemed a little... thin. Maybe just the bad youtube recording. But didn't blow the doors off like I think the song could, full throttle.
U2 did the right thing with ATYCLB.

I agree actually. It's got a lot of weak songs, but it's hard to argue that it isn't the best example of what they've been trying for ever since. If that makes sense. I always say that if U2 wanted the eternal legacy they so seem to crave, then they probably should have steered their plane into the side of a mountain after their last Elevation gig.

One more album in the vein of Zooropa and Pop and they would have vanished into oblivion.

Not true. Ridiculous. If by 'oblivion' you mean 'every tour breaking records every time' then that is probably true. If you mean 'top 5% commercially successful, critically acclaimed, gold standard live act' then they could have easily kept that up.

I doubt they would be making music today if it went like that.

But sadly, almost certainly true. They need their silly superficial 'biggest band in the world' kudos so they kept trying to repeat ATYCLB.
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