Random Music Talk XLIX: Celebrating traditional Australian customs

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For a laugh (or groan) read the comments on p4k's fb link to it. I cannot even remotely fathom how sad the lives some of those people lead.

In other news, a member of the FUCKING Wu-Tang Clan SIGNED MY FUCKING SHOE tonight. But more on that tomorrow. Gotta be up for work in four or five hours.
I'm assuming it wasn't one of the cooler ones or you would have named him already.

Congrats on the Inspectah Deck/Killa Priest/U-God autograph.
Pitchfork has a link now, but if you'd like to see a very awkward post-performance 30 seconds, watch WU LYF's Letterman performance from last night. They censor it out, so it's hard to tell what is going on (I seriously had no clue why Letterman was laughing when I saw it last night) but the singer screams something like "What's up, motherf*ckers" at the end, which begins the awkwardness.

Side note, that band sounds so much like Wildnerness live, it's crazy.
lazarus said:
I'm assuming it wasn't one of the cooler ones or you would have named him already.

Congrats on the Inspectah Deck/Killa Priest/U-God autograph.

He can set it next to his Tito Jackson-signed jockstrap and Stephen Baldwin chazzwozzer.
If he got it signed by Inspectah Deck, that's awesome. Cobble's favorite song is "Protect Ya Neck" and Inspectah Deck has the opening (and best) verse on that track.

He also has the awesome opening verse on "Triumph" which a lot of people think is one of the best hip-hop verses ever.
Inspectah Deck is by far the strongest of the three Laz mentioned; at least he made a strong contribution to 36 Chambers. No biggie that his solo career went nowhere, Roger Daltrey couldn't do it either.
I haven't really thought through the implications of this, but I wish Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands went on forever.
Fuck yes.

I listened to that song for the first time in a long time a few days ago. It's exquisite. One of my favorite albums ever, too. Dylan is the greatest.
lazarus said:
I'm assuming it wasn't one of the cooler ones or you would have named him already.

Congrats on the Inspectah Deck/Killa Priest/U-God autograph.

That's the best part, it was GZA


Don't be disrespecting Inspectah Deck, though. He might have done fuck all solo but he's made some killer contributions to group joints, as GAF said.

GZA is a sick cunt. He was laughing and joking with the crowd, didn't do much of the usual stop-start shit or "when I say __ you say __" and as my favourite rapper from the clan it was awesome watching him go at it. He played most of Liquid Swords (4th Chamber x3, ridiculous) including the first verse from one of my favourite hip-hop tunes, Swordsman and then his verses from a bunch of clan favourites. He went out into the crowd at one point and I touched his right shoulder.

Pharaoh Monch was support, Simon Says almost started violence it was that crazy. Jean Grae was on before him and she was also awesome.

Great night :up:
What kind of fake-out was that? The only (arguably) cooler Wu-Tang autographs would be the RZA or Method Man. Well, and ODB but only because he's dead and getting a ghost's sig would be pretty amazing.

Friggin' Cobbler.
lazarus said:
What kind of fake-out was that? The only (arguably) cooler Wu-Tang autographs would be the RZA or Method Man. Well, and ODB but only because he's dead and getting a ghost's sig would be pretty amazing.

Friggin' Cobbler.

I just went up a few points in your book, hey? :wink:
Haha, that was great. Tom Hardy has quickly jumped up my tiny list of actors I like / follow. He was great in Warrior as well, did you see that?

He looks like he could be great in Dark Knight Rises. Really like what I saw out of Bane in the trailer.
Haha, that was great. Tom Hardy has quickly jumped up my tiny list of actors I like / follow. He was great in Warrior as well, did you see that?

We were going to rent it on the weekend, but I was convinced to rent Your Highness instead because the lady wanted to see a comedy.... Still waiting to see a comedy :(
We were going to rent it on the weekend, but I was convinced to rent Your Highness instead because the lady wanted to see a comedy.... Still waiting to see a comedy :(

You'll like it. They actually have a number of legit MMA guys in the movie, which was cool for us fans. A lot of the fights are still obviously "movie fights", but they were still handled much better than most. Aside from that, as Cobbler alluded to, the story and acting are great.
Aside from no one being able to understand what he's saying. :wink:

Hopefully they sort that out.

Apparently they already have.

Bane's Voice Altered In The Dark Knight Prologue | Batman | News | MTV UK

A new audio mix for Batman: The Dark Knight Rises prologue has been sent to cinemas after complaints from fans and critics that Tom Hardy's villain Bane was difficult to understand.

As we previously reported, director Christopher Nolan was asked by Warner Bros to alter Bane's voice after many critics addressed the sound quality of Hardy's speech when watching the six-minute prologue.

A source has now claimed that IMAX theatres has received a new mix for the clip, where Bane's dialogue appears to have been "cleaned up."
u2popmofo said:
You'll like it. They actually have a number of legit MMA guys in the movie, which was cool for us fans. A lot of the fights are still obviously "movie fights", but they were still handled much better than most. Aside from that, as Cobbler alluded to, the story and acting are great.

And just a reminder yours truly interviewed Joel Edgerton :D
His album covers are always horrendous.

I think the question is why anyone thought a Daltrey solo career would be advisable in the first place. I love old Roger, but even Keith Moon was more qualified for solo albums than he.
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