Random Movie Talk, Louis the XIVth Edition

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He's one of my least favorite people to touch or appear in films.

This will be horrible.
Well, I want to say I'm surprised the worst part of this is the Superman stuff. But there's really never been a great Superman movie, so, I'm not really surprised. I'm heartbroken, though, that it looks like Lex is going to be terrible. I was so super excited by that casting, but wtf is that hair cut they gave him? He's probably my favorite villain after Two-Face, so here's hoping...

...also, I'm glad we can already confirm that once again, little Bruce Wayne is going to scream in horror. One more for the reel:

So looks like Joker will be in Dawn of Justice. :up: I'm more excited for Suicide Squad personally and it plays to DC's strength of having immense villain potential. My inner batman nerdism is going crazy!

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Strangely into the Batman vs. Superman thing so far. Also one of the few people who seemed to enjoy Man of Steel I guess, so who knows. While I think Affleck is a forgettable director, I like him more as an actor, especially recently, and I have to say I think he looks really interesting as Bruce Wayne in this. Maybe it's just his hair though. But whatever, he looks good. Also there seems to be a lot of The Dark Knight Returns in this, yes? It's been forever since I've read it, and it's one of the very very few superhero comics I've read, but really really liked it. Really there are just a lot of people in this I enjoy watching, like Henry Cavill, Larry Fishburne, Jeremy Fucking Irons. Also, I was in the complete opposite boat from Ashley regarding Jesse Eisenberg in this. That dude needs to jump off a bridge, holy shit I don't understand how anybody likes him. And obviously the wig he's wearing in the trailer is coming off at some point in the movie and it'll be like yeah fucking a right
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But this is the "serious" Superman. I can't imagine they'll do the wig thing...maybe.

I don't know, I just think Eisenberg's got that level of smarm. Plus someone did a recut trailer a while ago with him as Lex, using mostly stuff from The Social Network and I thought it was perfect.
I meant like the goofy stuff of Spacey and Hackman, with the wigs. I just don't see them going for wig-based laughter in this universe.
There was a story in one of the comics in the 60's where Luthor was involved in a laboratory accident that caused his hair to fall out. They could be going to down that road, perhaps involving the kryptonite and/or Zod's body?
I need some great movie recommendations from mainland China.

Fire away cinephiles!

So far I have Farewell My Concubine, Raise the Red Lantern, The Pickpocket and City of Life and Death on my checklist.
I need some great movie recommendations from mainland China.

Fire away cinephiles!

So far I have Farewell My Concubine, Raise the Red Lantern, The Pickpocket and City of Life and Death on my checklist.

You have Zhang Yimou covered with Red Lantern, but I would also check out his equally gorgeous Ju-Dou, which is one of the few modern films made with the classic 3-strip Technicolor process.
Woefully ignorant of Chinese cinema over here... Where's Lance? Isn't that his wheelhouse?
Lance is really into Asian cinema in general, but there's actually a dearth of prominent mainland Chinese directors compared to other, smaller countries. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and then Hong Kong (considered separately from China) all have had more to offer.
Lance is really into Asian cinema in general, but there's actually a dearth of prominent mainland Chinese directors compared to other, smaller countries. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and then Hong Kong (considered separately from China) all have had more to offer.

Pretty much this. just about every film by Jia Zhang Ke is essential. Otherwise it can be hit it miss and you've already got some of the other big directors from the mainland. Both the original 1948 and 2002 remake of Spring in a Small Town are amazing though.
Lance is really into Asian cinema in general, but there's actually a dearth of prominent mainland Chinese directors compared to other, smaller countries. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and then Hong Kong (considered separately from China) all have had more to offer.

I actually don't think this is true. There are tons of Chinese filmmakers out there, but the problem is that the movies in mainland China are prone to strict censorship, so the artistic freedom isn't as high as in the other countries you mention. It seems to be opening up more in the last 10 to 15 years.

I forgot about Still Life - that's also on the list.
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Lance is really into Asian cinema in general, but there's actually a dearth of prominent mainland Chinese directors compared to other, smaller countries. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and then Hong Kong (considered separately from China) all have had more to offer.

That was the thing, all I could think of was Hong Kong. I see it's not just me, though.

So, we watched Fitzcarraldo last night. I liked it a lot more than Aguirre, which I really liked, but I was so let down by the ending. I get that no matter what you do after the boat, it's not going to be as good, but I don't understand what I might have possibly missed that left me so confused as to why the whole rubber thing failed. Like, did they show any of that and I missed it, or was it just not important to the point of the film and it was just another in a string of failures?
Just watched To's Drug War.

No-nonsense crime action film, but with enough subtext to keep you thinking about it afterwards. Great setpieces. It was also my first To, but I'll go and grab some more soon.
Breaking News.

and The Mission, Exiled, PTU, Sparrow, Vengeance, THROW DOWN

but also don't dismiss his Rom-come which are in many ways better than his action movies. Don't Go Breaking My Heart 1 & 2 and Blind Detective are my favorites. also Needing You and My Left Eye Sees Ghosts
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