Question about Bullet the blue sky live

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
I've recently got to like the song and I'm curious about these two tours:

1) Zoo TV tour versions, I can hear Bono saying "you sucker" (or something like that) shouting repeatedly. What is that about?

2) On the Elevation tour, what visual did they use (after the Charlton Heston bit on the first leg and the Security council permanent members = biggest weapon traders in Slane) on the third leg?
U2girl said:
I've recently got to like the song and I'm curious about these two tours:

1) Zoo TV tour versions, I can hear Bono saying "you sucker" (or something like that) shouting repeatedly. What is that about?

Bono, would shout something like 'Bring in that sucker, bring in that sucker, bring in that f**king bitch, here she comes...'

As Bono was 'in character' during BTBS / RTSS, my take on it was that he was in character as a fighter pilot, bearing in mind the subject matter of BTBS and the way Bono dressed during that segment, and the 'Bring in that sucker' line was a bloodthirsty fighter pilot ranting. Remember Bono talking about the pilots during the gulf war on their bombing raids and how they'd said on CNN, that it seemed 'very realistic' as if it was some kind of video game, hence Bono having a Nintendo gameboy strapped to his body during these tracks.

Some of those rants got pretty wild too as I remember, particularly during the beginning of the tour on the indoor legs when a lot of the end segment was very improvised. Although I think my personal favourite version of BTBS is the Adelaide 1993 gig a couple of weeks before the Sydney Zoo TV show, where Bono has a dig at the superpowers of the world / and the UN for their complacency with regards to the situation in Sarejevo that year. During the final segment Bono hollared, 'Outside It's America, France, Australasia, the United Kingdom, F**K You, F**k You!', then as he was running down the catwalk he tripped on the boom camera rails and came a real cropper, just as the song came to an apocalyptic climax with huge feedback from Edge. BTBS live never fails to impress me.

As for point 2, I'm not quite sure, but I think it was still a bit of a mixture of the NRA Charlton Heston footage & the arms traders reel. Perhaps someone else can clarify?
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