Pleban Girls Party - come sail away

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:lol: By that definition, the most interesting thing I'm doing this week is going to Drunken Knit Night :wink: Well, there's stitch'n'bitch on Wed too *g*
sounds more interesting than my week.... :yawn: gotta learn for examns... I'm so undisciplined!

:shifty: and I gotta avoid a certain person.... btu that won't be hard since I'm only at school for one hr thursday and one hr friday...

:sigh: but I want to see him!
hey everyone:wave:

he's great! I just posted some new pics:heart: I cannot help it, I'm so proud!
Mini dis actually is a great sleeper..he's out at 9 wakes at 3 am to eat and sleep, then wakes again around 6.

I just realized..he wakes at 3 am every morning..and thats when my contractions started!:ohmy: cool!

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