Pleban Girl/Guy Party....A U2 Celebration (for 4th of July and CD)!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Russty Cat said:

:no: You can't be my clone and hate that shirt! I love that shirt!!! Its my fave of Adams.
I'm watching the thing on ABC now and so far just the beginning with U2. Tim McGraw is singing right now and that man is just hot!!!! combust: He has such a great bum in jeans! :reject: I'm a closet southern girl at heart and I have a soft spot for hot cowboys who can sing. {{cowboy hats & boots}} :drool

What exactly do you like about the radioactive snowflake? :giggle: The style of the shirt and material is just fine but WTF is that thing? Besides ugly and distracting? :eyebrow:

Tim McGraw was #1 on my list of celebrities I'd like to :censored: for the longest time. Then I started hanging around here and the two members of U2 who previously held no appeal to me suddenly became too sexy not to be on the list :lol:

And I'm not a closet country girl, I am a country girl. That doesn't mean it has to be the only thing I like :lol:
VintagePunk said:

I'm not sure who they were playing, but the one that was pitching for them was a former (hated) Jay...he's a great pitcher, but a real she thought of me. :lol:

Should I be offended?? :huh: :lol:

:lmao: I don't know... I was so into the tigers for so long (starting Waaaaay Back in the legendary 84 season) and I still find myself overly excited when I hear they've won a game. Would you rather be associated with 1 ass-hole ex-pitcher or the Detroit Tigers? :lol: :wink:
Okay I could definetly do without the radioactive snowflake. :lol:

I would still do Tim McGraw in a heartbeat. My cousins husband looks alot like him. And has the beautiful southern drawl to go with the package. I love when I call and he answers the phone. He is a total doll and his voice just makes me swoon. :giggle:

Coldplay is on now. I know alot of U2 fans don't like them, but I sure do! I think their music is great. It makes me happy. :D I have sucvh a wide taste in music, theres not much that I won't give a chance too.

Russty, I LOVED a Rush of Blood to the Head, but in comparison, the stuff from their new album leaves me cold...nothing I've heard that appeals to me. And I was really looking forward to it, too. :(
Geez, I go to read SG's last to bits of fic, even though I've no idea what's going on... (wonderful fic, SG. It's been way too long since I sat down and wrote a fic.)

and I come back and you've jumped like 3 or 4 pages! Geez guys!

:hug: to Russty! and :hug: VP!
Sad_Girl said:

He's a great entertainer, oddly very attractive for the look he sports, and very politically vocal, which I admire so much.

Obviously :lol:

I have always found him very attractive, make up and all. But I think his personality and his speaking out adds to the package.

Mr. Ewan McGregor is also so freakin hot and loves to wear make up. hehe I'd love to do him...again and again and again. :drool:
Ok, does anybody have any idea about the year(s) they graduated High School? I know Adam got kicked out, but what about the others? Was Larry in the same grade or one grade below?
VP I haven't listened to Coldplays new stuff enought yet to have to much of an opinion. I have liked what I heard on the radio. But I love Rush of Blood to the head! :heart:

Okay I so swear that it wasn't Larrys regular drum kit!!! Its been driving me crazy all day! :huh: :wink:
VintagePunk said:

He talked about the last LiveAid, and what that accomplished. I told him not enough, and that's why they're taking a different approach, by going after gov'ts. He said that outside of hardcore U2 fans, how man REALLY care?

People bitch that Canada's healthcare system is a mess, and our education system. Sure, some people might have to wait too long for appts for specialists, or for elective surgeries....but they do get treated for free...and people get educated here. It's not like we're dropping dead in the streets or anything.

I think we can put up with the other inconveniences, to save thousands upon thousands of lives.

He asked me a very valid question. Where was I after the last Live Aid? I had to admit...I was shallow, and I'm deeply ashamed. It wasn't on my radar. But that really doesn't mean I can't care, and do something now.

Did you seem some of those quotes I posted the other night, about Paul Martin, some polls and such?
It was somewhat discouraging...:sigh:
I really hope he wisens up......
Cause I agree with you, I know we have our problems. But while people bitch that this money should go to our schools and health care cause it ain't good enough...what about the people with no health care? The one's who've never been to school, and may never get the chance?
I like my comfortable life, and I admit that it's just that, comfortable, but I wish some people would realize that perhaps it's about time we let other feel some hint of what we got.
There is nothing wrong with likeing Shakira I think she is talented. But I fucking dispise Mariah "Iwanttobashherheadin" Carrey! :mad:

SG I think Larry was a grade lower.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

OMG OMG Live 8 fucking ROCKED live!!

And I knew three people on stage!!! ("Knew" as in, they know me by name and have for a while...) For the Cdns.. when GBS was on, the tall hot guy in the shades, standing next to Alan (in Darryl's old spot)? Is Murray, who I know (and who has been playing bass for GBS since Darryl left)... and the two guys who were doing backup vocals for Jann Arden (and playing bass and acoustic guitar) are Maury (bass) and Graham (guitar) and I've known them for a few years as well *G* I was thrilled to see them - I knew they were playing with her (Maury's played bass for her the last couple tours), but the backup vocals were a nice surprise :)

- end of part 1 of my :hyper: Live 8 review, serious stuff in next post :laugh:
~BrightestStar~ said:

Did you seem some of those quotes I posted the other night, about Paul Martin, some polls and such?
It was somewhat discouraging...:sigh:
I really hope he wisens up......
Cause I agree with you, I know we have our problems. But while people bitch that this money should go to our schools and health care cause it ain't good enough...what about the people with no health care? The one's who've never been to school, and may never get the chance?
I like my comfortable life, and I admit that it's just that, comfortable, but I wish some people would realize that perhaps it's about time we let other feel some hint of what we got.

Exactly. We could probably address those issue through Universal Unitarianism. :lol: j/k

I swear, I WILL do something...
~BrightestStar~ said:

:giggle: :yes:

But I've neer really listened to him speak before, his normal voice, is very different from how he sounds when he sings. Singing has a very smooth (?) kinda tone...much rougher when he speaks. :shrug:......I don't notice this with B though...
Maybe I'm just crazy :lol:

He's Californian they're verbally challenged. :wink: :lol:
~BrightestStar~ said:

So she reacted to themm, like me to U2
Fair enough :D

She said that U2 had taken their place as her favourite band, but now that they have this new resurgance, that may change again. :lol:

As for Billie Joe, It's been a few years since I saw them live...I just know he's waaaaay hotter now that he was then. :drool:

Drea!! Glad you had a great time!!
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