PLEBA Girls Party-Let Us In the Sound!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
awww thanks!! be good to chat to jem properly again we lost touch a few years ago cos we used to live pretty close to each other!

i always seem to struggle to get up early when ive got work but when ive a late start or a day off i wake up naturaly early...not fair hehe!
its not so bad over here atm for morning starts cos by 6am the sun is rising so i can at least walk to work in the sun..but if im on a 13hour day by time i finish its dark :down:

will cross my fingers for u Laura about tickets going on sale on a good day for u!:up:

Thanks. I hope it isn't a Wednesday, Sat or Sun. I can bring my laptop to work and try to get on the Internet with that too. I might do that if I have work the day of the presale and take my break around 10am
Hey Laura, not trying to worry you, but other than feeling tired, any sudden weightloss, lots of going to the bathroom, excessive thirst? Whenever I hear someone mention feeling very tired even after lots of sleep, I worry it's diabetes. :uhoh:

No. I get about 6 hours and I'm not like dead tired that I can't get out of bed. I get up and then I'm awake. I have always been a sleeper.
3 years ago this past Friday, I recieved news that changed my life. It was overwhelming and scary. A big part of me being able to deal with that was the love and support I recieved from you all. Just wanted to say thank you and that I :heart: you all.
Morning everyone. :wave: Just checking in before work. I'm going to try and find someone to switch days off with me so I can have Wednesday off for the presale.
Anyone still here? :wave:

I spent almost the whole day on this stupid motivational letter. :crack: I hope it's okay though. I'll ask my mom to proofread for me I guess.
Ah you're a Brit then Rachie? Going to any of the upcoming shows?
yup i am! im doing Sheffield (standing) was going to do Cardiff but me friend wont que up (whole big mess tbh ive found out she aint a friend tbh lol)
so just doing Sheffield which is day after my birthday may do Glasgow which is the day before me bday as well but the friend who is going with me aint a fan she just wants to say shes seen them lol
yup i am! im doing Sheffield (standing) was going to do Cardiff but me friend wont que up (whole big mess tbh ive found out she aint a friend tbh lol)
so just doing Sheffield which is day after my birthday may do Glasgow which is the day before me bday as well but the friend who is going with me aint a fan she just wants to say shes seen them lol

Ah nice! Well if you're going alone, check out the tour forum. There's a Uk/Irish thread and they've a list of all the members going to the English shows, you could meet up with them. :)

Nice birthday present! :lol: U2 play Chorzow on mine, but it's a bit too far for me to go to, and I completely do not understand their language!
Ah nice! Well if you're going alone, check out the tour forum. There's a Uk/Irish thread and they've a list of all the members going to the English shows, you could meet up with them. :)

Nice birthday present! :lol: U2 play Chorzow on mine, but it's a bit too far for me to go to, and I completely do not understand their language!

ooh thanks for the heads up will go for a nosey!
chorzow? wheres that? or am i being thick:reject:
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