PGP: We're On The Bus and.. uh oh, are we going to THAT Place?!?! LOL

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Ack - the last 15 minutes have been so stressful!! :scream: I need a drink - anyone want to join me?! :lol:

I was on an extreme deadline, and just missed it by 5 minutes. Thankfully I won't get into any trouble, but that was ridiculous. Problem was that I was waiting on outside sources to deliver things, and they were late. :sigh: Ugh. Frigging bastards! :fist: :lol:

:( :fist: geeeeeezeeee

*hands Thora a :cocktail: * :hug:
Hey Dazzled. :hug: Sorry, I had to look some stuff up earlier (ie - a missed opportunity to see Arcade Fire in a very small venue this weekend :sad: :sad: ) and now I have to go out for a bit. Just wanted to tell you though, I replied to your question in the Lost thread. :)

One part I forgot to address is
whether or not the bomb really went off. Don't have time to go into it right now, but I did post one of Sarah's theories re the bomb within a day or so of the finale, I think (in short, she thinks it probably didn't go off). So she disagrees with what Lostpedia has to say on the matter, and I tend to think that she may be right - her theory resonates with me. You know how things just seem to make sense and fit?

Anyway, if you have anything further, I'll check back later.

Ttyl :hug:
Thanks Dazzled. If *someone's* legs would work properly... :angry: :sigh:


I actually am really upset about it. Would LOVE to go.

Still haven't gone out yet. Procrastinators unite...tomorrow. :reject:
Speaking of needing a health warning, I've been watching a lot of The Tudors lately. :lol: :ohmy: I'm almost caught up, I think. Or at least closer than I was before...
The final one. I just watched ep 3 last night, so I'm about a month behind, I think. I don't get Showtime anyway, so no matter what I'd be watching online...

The last one is very, umm, well you know :sexywink:

I have Showtime but I've only seen about half the episodes of the last season. I've had to work Sundays lately and so I usually miss it.

I'll catch up on the last half of the last season when it hits CBC.
The last one is very, umm, well you know :sexywink:

I have Showtime but I've only seen about half the episodes of the last season. I've had to work Sundays lately and so I usually miss it.

I'll catch up on the last half of the last season when it hits CBC.

Yes, I do know. :lol: Quite scandalous! :wink:

I was watching season 3 on the CBC website, but then all the videos from that season were suddenly gone. Strange. They weren't censored, so I guess that when it eventually does air on CBC, it will be the unedited versions too? I always assumed they'd cut out a lot of stuff, but maybe it airs late enough that it's okay...
i wish more people wrote Larry stuff.

I can't believe how fast the summer's going. I'm off on vacation next week and then June will practically be over. There's so much to do and I haven't started any of it! The only thing I"m doing is working out (which is good) and spending waaaaay too much time here and on fb.
Yes, I do know. :lol: Quite scandalous! :wink:

I was watching season 3 on the CBC website, but then all the videos from that season were suddenly gone. Strange. They weren't censored, so I guess that when it eventually does air on CBC, it will be the unedited versions too? I always assumed they'd cut out a lot of stuff, but maybe it airs late enough that it's okay...

Ya I think they might censor out all the nudity on CBC. Not sure though because I've watched most of The Tudors on Showtime.

You should get the seasons on dvd if you really like them. I have them all and never get tired of watching them :wink:

mmmmmmm is it Summer 2011 yet???

Tell me about it :sigh:

I want to go drinking on top of a roof :sexywink:
i wish more people wrote Larry stuff.

I can't believe how fast the summer's going. I'm off on vacation next week and then June will practically be over. There's so much to do and I haven't started any of it! The only thing I"m doing is working out (which is good) and spending waaaaay too much time here and on fb.

Your L story is wonderful :drool: But yes, I'd love to read more too.

Just think, the faster the summer goes by the sooner 2011 gets here :hyper:
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