PGP - plannng our 2011 road trip!!!

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Sorry I disappeared earlier, went to check supper, and it was done earlier than I expected, and then Sarah wanted to watch a dvd.

VP so glad your Mum is doing better :D

Yay for Sarah. :hi5::hug::heart:

Thanks! :hug:

I never had to do therapy, but I did have a severe break in my foot when I was a teen. I was in a cast for 8 weeks. With time, the walking was back to normal, but it did take a bit. I found I was very hesitant to walk normally, so it took me a while to not favour it. The fact that her physio is over is a great sign! :up:

Yeah, she tends to do a lot more walking when she's at school - she's a 15 minute walk from campus, and the campus itself is pretty huge. Once she gets back there, I'm sure she'll have the endurance part down in no time.

That break was caused by me getting hit by a school joke!:|

On the sidewalk!:huh:

I sued the ass off of the bus company, and got rewarded for my pain and suffering!:wink:

Oh wow, glad you got out of it with only a broken bone! :yikes:
Oops, sorry Kristen! I keep not expecting people to be around... Hi! :reject:

Well, there's a certain mr Clayton... :shifty:


:reject: Haven't had a lesson in half a year or so. I admit I've been slacking too.




I am so happy!! I have the house to myself tonight!! No hubby and no kids!!!! Is that bad?:shifty:
I love nights like that! Even though I only have housemates and not a family... same diff, right? :D
[...] Hopefully this combo of meds will slow the progress down.

She also seems much happier now, she has a new bff there. They're like two peas in a pod, they're *always* together. :cute:

Oh, and Sarah got kicked out of physio today. :) :) She's done! They said that her strength and flexibility are fine, all she needs to do is to work on her endurance by walking more. We don't lead the most active lifestyle around here, so we need to get on that. :reject: :lol:

I can still see a tiny bit of weirdness in the way she steps now, but it's nothing you'd see if you weren't looking for it. I'm sure it'll get better with time.
That's good news about your mum and Sarah! :hug:
I've heard only good things about Porter from knitting friends who've flown with them Plan on flying with them at some point myself, most likely to T Bay My sister has told me in no uncertain terms that I have to come visit once she's settled in with the boyfriend

This is a must!!

She's doing fairly well, thanks for asking. Cancer-wise, the meds are doing their job and keeping it at bay. She has almost full use of her arm/shoulder back, and the other tumour has shrunk down to pretty much nothing. All she has to do is have a check up every 6 months where they do blood work and look at the markers. She has another appt in a few weeks and I always get a little nervous around that time, but so far the news has been more positive than we could have hoped for, and hopefully it'll continue to stay that way., she has decent days and days that aren't so great. In fact, it's not even a daily thing, it can change hour by hour. It's mostly short term memory, she has trouble retaining stuff you tell her...and problems with dates, money, etc. She has fewer delusions, too. The positive thing is, the last couple of appts she's had with that doc, they've done mini-cognitive tests and the scores were the same, so there's been no decline for months. Hopefully this combo of meds will slow the progress down.

She also seems much happier now, she has a new bff there. They're like two peas in a pod, they're *always* together.

I'm so sorry to hear this new thing about your mom, she's been through so much. :hug: It's just not fair sometimes. If you need anything, I'm just a PM or text away.

Glad to hear your mom is doing fairly well. I hope things get better for her.
Oh, and Sarah got kicked out of physio today. She's done! They said that her strength and flexibility are fine, all she needs to do is to work on her endurance by walking more. We don't lead the most active lifestyle around here, so we need to get on that.

I can still see a tiny bit of weirdness in the way she steps now, but it's nothing you'd see if you weren't looking for it. I'm sure it'll get better with time.

Yay for Sarah being all better! :hug:


I would have died. Right there. I would have died a very happy woman!:faint:

Join the club :drool: I was reading that story at work on my break on my Blackberry and I actually let out a giant squeal :lol: Ppl were giving me weird looks.





:faint: :love:

That was the best decision I ever made. Oh feck it lets go for a drink and nosy anyway. :drool:

I needz a time machine so I can go back in time and put myself with you guys then. I would have pushed him into the elevator, jumped in, closed the doors, and found some way to "accidently" break it :shifty:
Join the club :drool: I was reading that story at work on my break on my Blackberry and I actually let out a giant squeal :lol: Ppl were giving me weird looks.

I needz a time machine so I can go back in time and put myself with you guys then. I would have pushed him into the elevator, jumped in, closed the doors, and found some way to "accidently" break it :shifty:

:lmao: At you squealing on you blackberry. :drool:

:lmao: As tempting as that was Kristen :shifty: Brian really respected that we left Mullen alone. He remembered that aswell. :wink:
:lmao: We did wait several floors down in the elevator until we started squealing and jumping up and down. :shifty::lol:

:lol: I can just picture it.

I would have been jumping so hard, I probably would have broke the elevator after all.

Hi again again... :lol:

I'm on my way to bed, typically. Have a good day :wave:

Night Ali :hug:
I have returned! :D I missed you all! :hug:

My computer at home seems to have finally kicked the bucket, so I only have access to the blue crack at work. I can't post from my phone, unfortunately. Stupid thing. I'm going to have to get a new computer, so hopefully I'll get that this week - hopefully within the next day or so, because I'm dying with no computer at home. :lol: Cross your fingers I'll find something cheap. Any good suggestions for laptops? I'm desperate for help, as I've never bought one before, and am so tired of having an immovable desktop.

Hope everyone's well! :hug:
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