PGP: Off with the yellow pants, Bono! (On with the leather...)

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Galeongirl said:
But at least he still has his natural haircolour. :happy:

Well, as natural as the hairdresser can get it. Teehee.

--> coming from someone who has no idea of her natural hair color.
I have nowhere appropriate to say this right now, so I'll come and say it here.

Craaaaaaaaaaaaamps. :(

Ibuprofen is not helping today. This is pretty rare that those magical pills don't do their job.
I have nowhere appropriate to say this right now, so I'll come and say it here.

Craaaaaaaaaaaaamps. :(

Ibuprofen is not helping today. This is pretty rare that those magical pills don't do their job.

cori, try aleve. my ob/gyn put me on it for cramps after i had Lil' CK, and it is a godsend in helping me since i had FroBaby. puts ibuprofen to shaaaaaaame.
I just ate a cookie, so I'm sure that'll fix it. :wink:

It's not so bad - a slow burn of an ache, not fetal-position-moaning kind of ache.
:wave::wave: CK! So nice to see you drop! :wave: :hug:

Besdes them keeping you too busy!? How ae the kidlets & mr CK

Kidlets are wonderful if not exhausting. Lil' CK is in 1st grade, and FroBaby is 6 1/2 months already!

Mr CK is good...working far too much and too hard for never enough $$ but that's always the case. I'm never not grateful for how hard he works so that I can stay home with the kids.

We had a great labor day weekend - got to meet VP Joe Biden at a local county fair! Pics as well as links to us making THE FRONT PAGE OF THE PAPER were put on my FB right away lol.

Now it's back to the school days routine, so I might actually have free time during the day to pop in here and there. I have really been missing the lads lately so this place is a sort of therapy if you know what I mean.

btw...i was watching the R&R HoF concert again and a fic popped into my head that I read ages ago where one or more U2 members hooked up w/Mick Jagger. I WISH I REMEMBERED THE NAME OF IT CAUSE I WANNA READ IT AGAIN. :mac:
bonocomet said:
:panic: OMFG YOU GUYS NEWS ALERT BONO ISN'T 20 YEARS OLD ANYMORE OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :panic:






Ermahgerd! 20 year old guys are not that useful, actually. Men need seasoning; Bono is perfectly seasoned.
Ermahgerd! 20 year old guys are not that useful, actually. Men need seasoning; Bono is perfectly seasoned.

This right here is why I have always gone for older guys. And have always said that Adam is like a fine wine, he just gets better with age! :wink:

(This is also why there is a 12 yr age gap between me and Mr CK. I like 'em older and with a lot less ERMAHGERD y'know?)
I'd say peak years lasted from 26 to 38. 52 ain't bad, and I hope I'm half as kicking....but Bono at 32 or 37? UNF TO THE MOTHERFUCKING UNF.
Still kicking myself for not being into U2 back then. They'd just begun PopMart when the total obsession began, so late 30s I guess.
For me, the UNFFFFFFFFFFFF phase was pretty much late-JT through Zoo.

Bono + leather = GETINMYBUNKNAOW.

And of course, JT Adam turning into blond-fucking-mohawk-encased-in-fishnets-ZooAdam? HELL TO THE FUCKING YES. :drool::drool::drool:

However, this last tour was spot on. They looked AHMAHZING. :combust:


mmmmmmm hitman mullen yum!

yep - not sure if this is apropos of anything, but yep. Visual proof:


Thora, you're welcome :wink:

a) In that pic above Bono looks like he's punching Brian in the balls

b) :wave: ClaytonsKitten- can't believe FroBaby is 6 months old already!

c) brought home some little "shooters" (like airplane servings) of Scotch Whiskey. Sampling two of them tonight - hated the first one but the 2nd one is delish!

d) The days of the 13 hour work day are here...until November :crack:
I love you, zu! :love: UNF UNF UNF!!

I am so beyond exhausted. I have worked more/harder this past week than I have ever, probably. :lol: Having a wedding and a fundraiser within a few days of each other probably wasn't the wisest idea (not that I really had a choice, since I had committed to the wedding before I got the job that required me to do this fundraiser). I'm punch drunk tired. I'm excited to sleep tonight. Now things will slow down, hopefully. :lol:
I'd say peak years lasted from 26 to 38. 52 ain't bad, and I hope I'm half as kicking....but Bono at 32 or 37? UNF TO THE MOTHERFUCKING UNF.

This, pretty much.

But yeah, still wouldn't kick the guy out of bed for eating crackers, if y'know what I mean :wink:.

This right here is why I have always gone for older guys. And have always said that Adam is like a fine wine, he just gets better with age! :wink:

(This is also why there is a 12 yr age gap between me and Mr CK. I like 'em older and with a lot less ERMAHGERD y'know?)

:up: Also agreed on this. Older, more mature men=:drool:.

Thora, hope you can get a good night's sleep tonight, hope you can finally get some downtime again. Glad things went well with all your hard work recently, though!

And Cori, blergh, fun, fun. Feel better.
:angry: ah no... missing allfun the while i'm slogging through typing a post....

For me, the UNFFFFFFFFFFFF phase was pretty much late-JT through Zoo.

Bono + leather = GETINMYBUNKNAOW.

However, this last tour was spot on. They looked AHMAHZING. :combust:


What she said.*:yes:

*with some adendums :wink:I'd say the whole JT era for Bono. And are you inculing the Zooropa look within the Zoo-TV era? I thot they all looked hot in those blue suits & dark glasses. Bono was consistantly, constantly "UNFFY". :lol: :drool

i didn't like the pop look for bono. and no porn 'statsh for Edge either.
Elevation & Vetigo Bono had def UNNFY tmes. and omg 360 Leather on B ....They really looked greeaaaaate together on stage in 360 Tour!!!
also some of these Bono (& Edge) Tuexdo pics through the last ?2-3 years ... the bunk's been bizzy! :D

I also thought that pretty much about Vertigo: them looking great together! .Some of you newest PGP'rs may not know that although during my decades of R&R Fandom (including about 12 or so years before U2) i often-- at the middle of Begining or begining of the Middle of their careers-- was near or in the front row for what would become some of the greatest bands both popularly and critically, and 2 more just critically acclaimedin the word.

AND I have the phhotos to show for it!

But even though i was early American fan of U2 (80/81) saw thm a peek at a rehershal for the War Tour,then full UF, JT, and ZOO-TV concerts>I never got to see them even semi-upclose with help from a camera with a telephoto lens, or with binoculars Vertigo/Brooklyn Bridge, then at MSG the next year until 1994/5.

Then not really upclose when they'd swing by Deeeg was my "enabler"! {hug} I was so startled at being ->l l<- that
close i had trouble taking photos!:lol: Not really fdunny, orthey'd speed by sooo fast.
Then in '11 1 row behind 2 big people who got in the way waaaay too muchaarrggg! for 70% of the show....which was when the band came around...and last 30% when they left I pushed past someone else who tried to get that spot. Part of the saving grace was my Brand NEW 12X :drool::love: Optical Zoom digital camera where i got some great pics.

If i had managed to get my ass down to philly leaving NYC around 6:30 instead of 8:00AM I would have been on the rail (Outer) i was that close. ah, well..... while i didn't get as close up pics as like Comet did, when i zoom in some on mine they do look fabulous!

You might imagine my frustration in having such previuosly fantastic concert seat luck in all these other bands and having really none until with u2 till all these years later!

My PGP girls were patient--theyed let me fuss & whine & bitch on!:wink:

A long explaination in which to say i think that's why in Vertigo esp withe the binoculars I finally could see them interacting with the front part of the adience and with each other! That was hot! :heart:
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