PGP : I need a man to tux me into my bunk

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I :heart: you guys. Thanks for all the great advice. :hug:

I forgot to mention that I've always had, and still do, have the teaching thing in the back of my mind. It's something I've always considered. It's hard to find a university, though, that accepts political science as a teachable subject.

I think I'm going to find a job here for the time being, pay down my debt, and really make some hard decisions over the next 6 months- year, and decide if the teaching route is right for me. During that time, I can also see what kind of job opportunities there are for me with my bachelor's in political science and what my possibilities are for the future with that degree.

:hug: Good luck with whatever route you choose.

some nice Edge here :sexywink:


I'm liking his jacket :)

Well. I just procrastinated a bunch by reading more At The End Of The World...then again, this guy is hilarious, the way he writes. There are so many silly small moments of U2's conversations that are quite enjoyable, and a lot of unexpected philosophical kind of stuff that's making me think quite hard about whether U2 really did achieve just getting the 'surface' across in ZooTV (I think not; however much you can have the Fly and Mirrorball Man and TV screens, the boys are still essentially the same inside and their intentions drive the music...anyways...enough from me ;))

Now I'm going to go photograph a statue and then write about it for art history. It's weird, I feel like I'm in a cross between Florence, London, and SF...huge city, crappy at points, but so many random nice buildings and art. And of course the how-the-hell-am-I-going-to-get-from-place-to-place.
Yay i am now the owner of a copy of GQ with U2 cover :drool:

NI found one in a big newsagent chain, he asked the assistant if they had anymore in the stock room ,they didn't :tsk:

Then he asked another little newsagent , who's checking his other 3 stores across London to see if they have any :cute:
Oooh, you found one! :applaud:

I'm telling myself it'd get buried under all the crap in my room and waiting till A. I clean up a bit or B. Barnes and Noble here actually has it, to get it...
Good Morning :wave :

I can barely move my legs this morning. I spent 4 hours at work yesterday making centrepieces for an event that's tonight and the way I was kneeling down for those 4 hours has caused extreme pain in my thighs this morning :wink:

Advil, you're my best friend today

to quote Bono the best way to cure that "On your knees BOY" :wink:

Uh huh. Suuuure. That's what you were doing on your knees. :shifty :

Great minds think alike :hi5:

:flirt: People!

:uhoh: I think I'm definitely done with my stereotype of falling for blonde boys with blue eyes. Just got back from the butcher's, the guy who cut my spare ribs was super cute. Black hair and blue eyes, mad combination. :love:

Dark hair& blue eyes FTW :drool:

It was ok. Dinner with my friend was good. But my BFF is mad at me for some reason - won't talk to me. And the more I think about this job, the more I know I can't take it, even though it's perfect. :sad:

But hey, pretty pics of U2...

Aww how can anyone be mad with you :hug:

I had that situation once, i saw a job advertised for a Genealogy Research Assistant, basically looking into family trees for people ( i do that myself and would of love to do that as a job and i'd have access to records that would help my research :shifty: ) alas the pay was a lot less that what i was on and i didn't go for it :sigh:
The pretty pics of U2 are helping me through an extremely tough weekend. It isn't a cure all, but the distraction helps a bit. I hope you figure things out. I had to make that decision with my current job, and it took me a while. Let me know if you need to talk.:hug:

The BFF thing sucks. Life would be so much easier sometimes if people just let you know what they were thinking. If I piss someone off, I wish they would just let me know. On the computer, so much is lost that it can get so easy for things to be taken wrong. :sigh:

Amy :hug: :hug:

You know why i am

I'd love a distraction! :hug: I have a wedding tonight, so that helps. Tomorrow would have been my Grandma's birthday. I told my family that instead of being sad, we should still mark the occasion. So we are getting together for lunch. I'm putting on a brave face, but it makes me so sad. I miss her so much still...

Aww i miss mine so much to even though she passed in 1994 , she's my guardian angel now :heart:

I need some advice:

I've been toying with this for a good year now. I have my undergrad bachelor's degree in political science. I was supposed to go back to school this year for a 4th year. Thing is, I'm wanting to not go back. I don't need to since the 4th year of poli sci is basically qualifying courses for a masters program which I know I'm not going for. There are a lot of great job opportunities out there right now in my field, specifically one job I'm applying for with the Red Cross (I know someone that works there that will help me get in).

I just have so much pressure from my family to go for the fourth year. It's just so much money (another 6000 dollars on top of the 20,000 I owe right now in student loans).

Would it be such a bad thing if I worked for a year and see where that takes me? I need to pay down my loans and I already have my bachelor's degree.

I've done a lot of research for the jobs that I'd want and I have the qualifications to get them (my university degree, plus experience with charities, I volunteered for World Vision for a long time, plus I also now have experience working for my university planning huge events with the job I have now).

As the others said i think you should take a break from school and see where it takes you , you can go back to school if you need to :hug:

and congrats on the degree :love: *proud*
Yay i am now the owner of a copy of GQ with U2 cover :drool:

NI found one in a big newsagent chain, he asked the assistant if they had anymore in the stock room ,they didn't :tsk:

Then he asked another little newsagent , who's checking his other 3 stores across London to see if they have any :cute:


Is there plastic over it to protect from the drool?? :wink:

Awwww NI :cute:

to quote Bono the best way to cure that "On your knees BOY" :wink:

Good idea :shifty:

As the others said i think you should take a break from school and see where it takes you , you can go back to school if you need to :hug:

and congrats on the degree :love: *proud*

Thanks :hug:

Hope you had a good Saturday.

Is there plastic over it to protect from the drool?? :wink:

Awwww NI :cute:

Good idea :shifty:

Thanks :hug:

Hope you had a good Saturday.

Actually it is covered in plastic!! As it comes with a free band for "Help For Heroes" , a UK charity for wounded service personnel

Yeah i was at a footy match today, didn't play well but we won

and some new eye candy :drool:
Actually it is covered in plastic!! As it comes with a free band for "Help For Heroes" , a UK charity for wounded service personnel

Yeah i was at a footy match today, didn't play well but we won

and some new eye candy :drool:

Ah cool :up:

Was it a match with your team playing?? Ooooh eye candy :drool:

I can't wait for hockey season to start here!!!
Yes Arsenal were playing :D

Yeah i liked Mikel(he's Spanish) when he played for another team but you never admit that :lol:

Hope your team does really good this year :hug:

Athletes :drool: I miss Mikey :sad:

It's been a quiet day here...Mr CK worked, and the weather was crap, so the boy and I stayed inside and watched movies.

Cute :cute:
Whew. I have my concert tickets and can rest easier now after looking up cab rates online and finding they're not quite as bad as paying in extra tickets for someone else to come along and give me a ride to/back.


I do not like that every single time I have to get art supplies for school (thought I was done but no, there was still stuff on the list I forgot :doh:) it ends up costing $100 or more even with discount. Ugh ugh ugh. I'm gonna need to get a job to pay for all this shit.

Barnes and Noble here does not have the U2 GQ :sad:

Oh, and I keep forgetting, but Baltimore is gorgeous. ('specially in comparison to Oakland) :love: Makes it almost worth all this walking.
:lol: wow that is REALLY cool! How on earth did they turn out so light? I heard about the ghost effect before, my friend tried it with his dog. It's awesome!

It's just a very long exposure so the camera gathered lots of moonlight!

2 new pics from Sharon's boyfriends party. :shifty:

Uploaded with

Who's party what?? :hmm:

And I only see 1 pic?
Is that Paul Giamatti in the other pic??? It looks like him and it doesn't... :hmm: I can't decide!
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