PGP - going back to Bass-ics for Mr Clayton's 50th Birthday

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I wasn't around for most of the weekend. Staying at a friend's on friday :yawn: Sleeping at 3am, then saturday I had friends over at my place... it was even later thatn 3am. Then work yesterday and then sleep.

Now uni, and I need moar sleep. :crack:

You're such a wild one, GG.

:sad::banghead: The Athens U2 gig I was going to go to has Snow Patrol as their support act. :grumpy::angry::sad:

:reject: Yes I have a problem.

Not looking at russia. :lmao:

Will be back later, lunch has finished. :lol:

I don't think I'd mind Snow Patrol but I'd think they'd be kind of a downer. Can't be worse than The Fray *shudders* Russia would be intensely amazing. Of course I think AThens would be too, even if it meant having to see Snow Patrol!

:shocked: No posts in over 20 hours


I was busy all weekend - massive hike Saturday then Renaissance Faire yesterday.
very cool. Now there's nothing left but to sit back and wait for the fun to begin. My friend went to see Paul McCartney last night and it just made me wish I was going to see U2 soon. I'm going to be sooooo depressed when 360 is over for me this summer. Gonna go through withdrawls bigtime.

Off to teach my morning classes but I may be back, since it's an easy day today. :shh:
Phoenix, eh? :hmm: I really want to. August 30, you say? I think I'll do a little expedia search...
I forget who's opening for U2 in Salt Lake, but then, I'm not sure I'm going after all. Kind of lost the urge to see them. :shrug: I should pay GG for the ticket though, anyway.
^ You never told me why you lost the urge. And I think it's Lenny Kravitz, although I'm going to have to sell my ticket as soon as they send it to me. You could always pay GG for the ticket, have her send it to you, sell it and use the money to buy at GD ticket.
Snow Patrol was an amazing opener. They weren't boring at all. I like Interpol. I'm looking forward to seeing them this summer.

Muse is OK. :shrug: I don't like em much. I mean, I'm only going to England to see them. :wink: :hyper:

Speaking of which, I now feel bad because U2/Snow Patrol is in Athens on September 3rd and Muse is in Manchester on September 4th. And I'm dragging Jem to Muse on the 4th, which means she can't go to Athens. :( :reject:
DG :drool: How's the birthday girl? Don't feel too bad - Jem didn't want to see Snow Patrol anyway, right?

I still can't believe you're flying over to Eng. in the fall - that's soooooo awesome!!! I wonder, would any of us do half the crazy shit we do if it wasn't for this forum??? I know I probably wouldn't have done my whole Dallas/Phx/Vegas/LA thing.

:wave: Daz :hug:
^ You never told me why you lost the urge. And I think it's Lenny Kravitz, although I'm going to have to sell my ticket as soon as they send it to me. You could always pay GG for the ticket, have her send it to you, sell it and use the money to buy at GD ticket.
Lenny Kravitz? Ewwww.

I think that's the plan. *reminds self to log into paypal*

I'm not sure what it was. I just have no interest in seeing them live, I guess. I know they put on a good show and all, but Green Day in Phoenix at a tiny outdoor amphitheater intrigues me. I want to know why they're playing the small venues of the Dookie/Insomniac tour when they were just playing stadiums in Europe. Hey, if it's outdoors, maybe Tré will set his drums on fire and Billie will strip like they used to! :hyper: Might be easier to actually meet them, too. The thought terrifies me, cause I'm afraid of becoming inarticulate around Tré Cool. This is where my mind is right now: "U2's playing a local stadium and putting on a huge show? Oh. That's nice. Green Day are playing an outdoor amphitheatre in Phoenix half the capacity of their regular gigs? What? Why? I have to see this!"
Lenny Kravitz? Ewwww.

I think that's the plan. *reminds self to log into paypal*

I'm not sure what it was. I just have no interest in seeing them live, I guess. I know they put on a good show and all, but Green Day in Phoenix at a tiny outdoor amphitheater intrigues me. I want to know why they're playing the small venues of the Dookie/Insomniac tour when they were just playing stadiums in Europe. Hey, if it's outdoors, maybe Tré will set his drums on fire and Billie will strip like they used to! :hyper: Might be easier to actually meet them, too. The thought terrifies me, cause I'm afraid of becoming inarticulate around Tré Cool. This is where my mind is right now: "U2's playing a local stadium and putting on a huge show? Oh. That's nice. Green Day are playing an outdoor amphitheatre in Phoenix half the capacity of their regular gigs? What? Why? I have to see this!"

Well, you've seen them both so you know who you'd enjoy more. I don't think I'd go up to Phx on a Monday night shortly after school starts (assuming I have a job in a school next year) unless you were going to be there. So just let me know if you're coming and I'll totally be there.

Just sent you a totally nosey PM, btw.

Oh, and HOW'VE YOU BEEN??? How's the new job? How's today (being in charge)? How's your brother?
i guess i will u do the same for interpol in july!:up:

I like a few of Muse's songs and I really like the few Interpol songs I've heard.
I think they are kind of a downer band at times....but the music I've heard is really cool.... in fact sometimes like elton-- !

--- remeebr you were upset at how s-l-o-w this threaqd is currently....

just wait till The Tour starts up agan..THEN we'll be closer to going through at at least 1/3 - 1/2 thread/day again!:lol:
and even at times a Full thread/day! :lol::lol:

So, yes you will get to experience The PGP at full speed!!! :D

:D :hug:

hope to catch you here.:wave:
Laura's facebook yesterday said something about the opener for NJ, but I don't remember who it was and I can't get fb at work.

I'll look on the tour thread!
yeah thats what i thought about interpol they just seem to have no life to them at all, and yeah i cant wait til its more lively in here
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