PGP: Countdown to last show of 360....sniffle....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Vancouver is amazing! I will make it back that way at some point for sure!:heart:
Wish me luck in this year's London Marathon. I managed 3 hours, 12 minutes and 9 seconds last year.
This year I will try to beat that, but I usually get bored and turn over to watch something else.

now that cheered me up :lol:

I was about to be impressed.....
Wish me luck in this year's London Marathon. I managed 3 hours, 12 minutes and 9 seconds last year.
This year I will try to beat that, but I usually get bored and turn over to watch something else.

omg - you had me going there for a sec. That was funny!

Hey, look at me... stepping AWAY from the computer :wave:
I miss you K! Don't you just love all of the pics we are being tagged in now? The one after the downpour is a classic!:up:

JJAsi, are you on fb? PM me if you are and I will add you!:wink: Ok, back to bed!:yawn:

Miss you too :hug: It's weird not having all my friends around me every second of the day.

Funny story: I go to work this morning and my boss was asking me about my trip and shows. Then she's like "I heard you were wearing devil horns in Toronto." I was like Uhhh how do you know that??? She's like "I have my ways lol." And I'm like no seriously, how do you know that?? It turns out one of the guys that works down the hall was there and saw me with the horns. He said he was a few people back from the outer rail, Edge's side.

BB zu :wave:
Amy, no lol, that was for finals only :lol: , sad that Saku aint there anymore :sad: aint got a `favorite` team on NHL, just some teams I hate and Habs aint one of them :hug::D
Miss you too :hug: It's weird not having all my friends around me every second of the day.

Funny story: I go to work this morning and my boss was asking me about my trip and shows. Then she's like "I heard you were wearing devil horns in Toronto." I was like Uhhh how do you know that??? She's like "I have my ways lol." And I'm like no seriously, how do you know that?? It turns out one of the guys that works down the hall was there and saw me with the horns. He said he was a few people back from the outer rail, Edge's side.


That's awesome! Love it! :D
I don't understand what everyone's beef with Montreal was. It wasn't the ROSE BOWL for godssake! I mean, the 4-hour check in rule sucked. And the scanners not working sucked. And telling us we couldn't go back to our hotel (so that I wound up losing my sleeping bag) sucked. But Was there a stampede farther back in line? Did people get crushed? :scratch: I guess, you don't have to answer these questions here, so as not to stress Cori out more, but could someone tell me why Montreal is the new WORST.VENUE.EVER? Like I said, it was no Rose Bowl, which for me will always be the mother of all clusterf*cks.

eta: This is in no way meant to be argumentative - I'm just curious as to why all the hate.

We were way back in line for night 1. One of the major things that sucked was the disorganization of the line. Most other venues have those metal barriers that you have to maneuver through so there's not a mass of people running for the scanners. It wasn't like that there. It was just a huge lump of people and there was a lot of pushing and tripping over chairs and bottles. The entrance to the venue was worse because right before you got onto the field there was more pushing and squishing. It was just really dangerous. They should have had it more organized into a line form instead of just a mass of 1000's of people pushing. I almost fell so many times because I was being pushed so bad.

That's what I think made it really bad. But other then that it was okay. The 4 hour roll call thing did suck but nothing we could really do about it. I guess they just wanted to keep it more organized and fair so that the people that were willing to put in the time kept their numbers.

Don't worry Cori, I've never seen it like that anywhere else. I've always had good experiences with organization and no pushing or anything like that :hug:
time to feed hedhehogs and other gremlins and turn carpets which washed before, productive day, windows washed, cleaned cabin, lawn done and washed carpets :wave:
That was pretty sweet. I did feel very bad getting spots right by those that had waitied all day, but I just coldn't tolerate the heat!:crack:
This is what I've been working on...


It's front and back.
GR, would you mind if I took your moon man meme and put it on a shirt?

If you rather I not steal your joke and display it on my chest, that is totally fine. ;)
I have 8 million Claw porn files, but I can't picture how it would work with text superimposed over it and still be pretty.

But then again, I suck at visual and/or design stuff, so I'm sure someone could find a way to do it.
I have 8 million Claw porn files, but I can't picture how it would work with text superimposed over it and still be pretty.

But then again, I suck at visual and/or design stuff, so I'm sure someone could find a way to do it.

I did a Google search for something more cartoon/graphic and only found the official logo. Do not need the wrong Paul coming after me. :sexywink:
Spending the afternoon not studying like I should but watching random youtube videos :shifty: Why does this one sound so dirty in my head?? :sexywink:

zomg - I've seen that vid before but never thought of it that way. Can someone rip the audio of that for me? :shifty:

I have 8 million Claw porn files, but I can't picture how it would work with text superimposed over it and still be pretty.

But then again, I suck at visual and/or design stuff, so I'm sure someone could find a way to do it.

Just go to Michaels / JoAnn and get an inkjet iron on kit and a plain tee. Print out the pic, iron it on. voila!

eta: and yes, I'm back. :reject: Oh blue crack. I wish I could quit you.
That's a good way to do it - I'm so not crafty!

I thought they were talking about taking GR's "survived 360 GA" text and putting it over/on/within the Claw, though. That's what I was trying to picture and failing. :)
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