Ostraya, Ostraya, Ostraya, Ostraya, We Love You, Amen!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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And if you think rugby, of the league or union variety, is better than Australian rules football, than you are a complete and utter moron. That's not my opinion; that's fact.

Co-signed by this Kiwi. Gutted I couldn't be in Wellington for the game. I seriously would've been there if it had fallen during a non-teaching period.

Pretty good crowd in too, looks to be a pretty miserable day weather wise.

Nah, that's just Wellington.
Both of you support my comment so much you didn't even correct my grammar mistake.

Ax how would you feel if the team was New Zealand, not Wellington? They'd surely be based in Wellington given that's where they've chosen for AFL games. Where are the Warriors based?

I think we'll see an NZ team before Tasmania.
The Warriors were originally the Auckland Warriors and changed their name to try to enhance national appeal... everybody outside Auckland still sees them as an Auckland team.

I'd honestly expect any New Zealand AFL team to simply be called New Zealand rather than Wellington, even if it's based there.
Do you guys know about Doug Anthony All Stars?

Yeah! I started watching DAAS Kapital on youtube a while ago, not all the episodes are there but it's very...bizarre and funny. And they have some fucking great songs. Musical comedy can be pretty hit and miss but they certainly get it right.
I saw Tim Ferguson and Paul McDermott at The Shelf. I had no idea about Doug Anthony All Stars. Tim's MS looked like it was affecting him mentally that night.
I vaguely remember DAAS... some of the kids at school were obsessed with them, but my parents didn't watch them much so I was out of the loop. I liked what I heard/saw.
I always liked DAAS. My sister used to be obssessed with them so that's kinda mainly how I know them, though. She made a painting of them sulking in a prison cell that we had hanging in our loungeroom for years.

My family is pretty interesting
DAAS - Throw Your Arms Around Me - YouTube



There is indeed a DVD, they reformed at MICF to launch it.
I'm sure they think U2 are sinful in some way. They will STOP THE POVERTY SIN!
Q & A next week features Clive Palmer and Bob Katter, but no Daniel Nalliah. Would have been interesting to see the complete trio of conservative minor parties that will poll ok, all together .
I'd rather a kick in the head myself.

... wait, that might give me the brain damage necessary to vote for Katter, Palmer, or Nalliah. Scratch that idea then.
I just figure you'd prefer me not to die young of complications due to high blood pressure. My students are already taking years off my life; I don't need Katter, Palmer, et al. to take off any more!
Interesting to look at some of the old Triple J Hottest 100 polls. U2 used to do really well. Lemon was top 10 in 1993! Beautiful Day #2 in 2000! Sweetest Thing #11 in 98! Three songs in the all-time poll in 98.

But post-2004 the J-fags took over... and they had no song in the all-time poll of 2009.
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