The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
Okay Plebacites! I'm *bumping* this up by starting a whole new thread.

We've coined so many words/terms/phrases around here, we need to compile them...and OH LOOK! Someone has actually volunteered to do that!!! Welcome Echo! *clap clap clap*

So come on girls...Bluey? Mona? AM? Mrs. dge? Awakening? Maddie? Sicy? I KNOW you got what we need...spill it, sistah!

okay, replying to my own post. That's just sad.

new words, just because:

  • Squillions - many; multitudinous; sort of like 'gazillions' but with the added bonus of saying it with a squeal. Coined by Disco's friend Michael.

    PLE-SP - the act of sending good/healthy/happy PLEBA vibes to another PLEBA member via ESP.

another one:

Edgie Wedgie Poo Poo - one of the squillions of nicknames Edge seems to garner simply by being The Edge. See also: Reg (nickname given to Edge by U2 and their insiders); Wedge/Ledge/Hedge (mispronounced name of Edge by those who know little or nothing about U2 or its members)

also Echo: under Ali Hewson...don't forget to add she's Bono's lucky wife of 20 years!! (grr) And the Ann Acheson link is sorta wonky as well!

GREAT LIST!!!! *two thumbs up*
Can I just say, Disco you have been so nice to me and I really appreciate it. I thought compiling a glossary would be a cool thing for us all to do...but lately it seems everyone's gotten really apathetic except the two of us. I mean in general, not just this glossary thing. No one wants to have fun anymore around here. I hope I didn't bring bad vibes with me when I joined PLEBA...


Bono-Man! An Epic Superhero Adventure
Experience it at

Help me set up the Beginner's Guide to PLEBA! Version 1.0 is at:


The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS

You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
Echo this is AWESOME!!! I just went to the PLEBA glossary and it totally rocks! I was so surprised to see my name on the list! I love the description of LAYS "The World May Never Know" HA!!! One question? Where is Disco on the list? I think she should be listed as the official picture provider for all things droolworthy! She has other titles too, like MOMM of EBOC(Not sure what that stands for, but I am sure disco will tell me! I think once people visit the glossary they will have more enthusiasm! If not, they might need to check their pulses...I don't know! Thanks so much for doing this!

The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS

You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
How about this as an addition to the list...

Orange Bible-Bill Flanagan's all-access pass to all things U2.

You ladies can help me come up with a clever definition, but don't you think it should be included?

Fishy <><

The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS

You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
Hey Echo! It's me again! Have I mentioned I LOVE the glossary? I am going through and reading all of the entries and cracking up at you wit! Can I ask t edit one of the definitions? For L.A.Y.S the slogan is "For those of us who can't pick just one" I started the club when all of the specific member clubs were popping up, like Orgasmatron, LEATHER, ect. and I thought we should have a group forum, so I kind of played off of the LAYS potato chip Slogan "Bet you can't eat just one" I thought "Eat" was to scandalous, so I changed it to choose!
So maybe it could read "LAYS: A PLEBA club for those of us who can't pick just one" If it's too much trouble then forget I asked! You are the coolest!

Fishy <><

The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS

You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
Hey now! You didn't bring any bad vibes Echo! I care! I went and looked at the list, and I laaaved it! I just couldn't think of adding anything that Disco hadn't thought of, heh heh.
But just now I thought of a couple more!
-The Stories for PLEBA Girls!! Ya gotta mention those!

-Also, how 'bout Photo Shop! We've had some good, good times w/ that, haha, and then of course we could make some reference to "Dr." Edge!!!!!!

-and maybe we should add any honorary members of PLEBA, such as Mr. Le_Mon or any others that I'm forgetting...
I am LMAO at the definition for "Mrs. Edge"!!!

Fishy <><

The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS

You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
Great glossary, Echo! I love what us PLEBA girls share in common: "an intense desire to thoroughly violate someone in U2"! LOL!

And you didn't bring bad vibes, Echo- I must've missed your first post about the glossary. Sorry about that!
I'll try to think of more terms, but my mind is drawing a blank now... Maybe we could have a list of all the PLEBA girls or a list of the members of each club?

[This message has been edited by Giant Lemon (edited 10-24-2001).]
Thank you, ALL of you! I'm so glad the stuff I've contributed to PLEBA has gotten such a great response!

And I WOULD love to have all the PLEBA girls kind of check in for this glossary. Doesn't have to be much, just a sentence or two of what you want your entry to say. I'll do my best to get everyone in, but I don't want to have 500 entries that are simply "PLEBA member."

Girls, I want each of your entries to be unique! This is your time to shine! If you have a fetish for the way Adam wiggles his butt when he plays, SAY IT! THE WORLD DESERVES TO KNOW!

Or something like that.


Bono-Man! An Epic Superhero Adventure
Experience it at

Help me set up the Beginner's Guide to PLEBA! Version 1.0 is at:
Hey ,gals!
You did an excellent job!!!

Just wanted to add this ones:

E.S.A.D.= Alternative version of F.O.A.D.
Eat S*** And Die

and this one: PHWOAR (I don't remember who used this one first, Maybe Mona knows)
PHWOAR! stands for:
Oh my


Oh My F*ck!

Oh my God-Gosh!

That's all for now

Keep up the good work !

...and I feel
like I'm holding on to nothing...
Thanks fer the plug, Fishy! *hugs*

Hey Echo, I actually sent you some emails to your "robot bob" email address (robot bob??? WTF?), so you might check that for some more list additions...including me and my 'MOMM of EBOC' title (Mistress O' Mirth & Merriment of the Edge Bedazzled Orgasmatron Club!)
And your descriptions are great, I was completely cracking up from more than a few of them!
Oh, you can also add how MAD I am about EDGE'S SPANGLED PANTS, OMIGOD!!!! Those babies are what turned me into a full fledged Orgasmatron girl!

For the "orange bible" I've always heard it called the "Flanagan Bible" or the "BFB" (Bill Flanagan Bible)...and it truly IS the be-all-and-end-all of weird, wild, wacky, off the wall U2 insider stuff. God bless Bill Flanagan! (Bill is the head of VH-1 now and still has a major soft spot for U2)

Oh?here's another one: WTF??? Meaning of course: What the F***??? A general query.

Fishy, 'Wonky' means crazy/wacky/"off"/not right/not working/not all there.

Thanks Echo!


Originally posted by FishNeedsABicycle:
Echo this is AWESOME!!! I just went to the PLEBA glossary and it totally rocks! I was so surprised to see my name on the list! I love the description of LAYS "The World May Never Know" HA!!! One question? Where is Disco on the list? I think she should be listed as the official picture provider for all things droolworthy! She has other titles too, like MOMM of EBOC(Not sure what that stands for, but I am sure disco will tell me! I think once people visit the glossary they will have more enthusiasm! If not, they might need to check their pulses...I don't know! Thanks so much for doing this!

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