it's Officially BLARGH....

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
I'm Officially OLD....because my back obviously goes out more than I do!!! :mad: :sad:

So here it is, New Years Eve, and I can hardly move....shufflin around like an old much for going dancing or partying tonight in any way, shape or form.... :(

I don't even have any movies rented either! :madspit: Anybody else going to be spending their NYE on line tonight???

Let's have a: pitypartypitypartypitypartypitypartypitypartypitypartypityparty, Woo hoo!

hmmm...wonder what would happen if i had some champagne with these muscle relaxers....
You could always create a new dance crazed called The Old Lady Shuffle!


:hug: Hope you feel better soon!!!
Don't Hit Me For Saying His Name Again... ;)

I JUST woke up...and it's afternoon already...I would have still been sleeping if my mom hadn't called me to talk about Ryan Adams (that woke me right up...;) ).

I gotta stop stayin' up so late. :yawn:

Then's not like I have anything to get up for! :wave:
Aww Disco :hug: I hope you feel better!! I like you wont be doing anything bc im sick with a cold!!! so i will mostly likely be online tonite if you wanna chat with me!!!:wave:
My Dad hurt his back once and he couldnt move for a week he couldnt leave his bed for anything and we had to put planks of wood underneath the mattress to make it firmer and then he went to the hospital and got a wheelchair which was fun, he had to give it back though

Hope your backs better soon! :wave:
My dad has to have surgery on his back for the second time. He can barely walk and one of his legs has absolutely no feeling. He's on at least five different pain killers, maximum strength, but they aren't working, so he takes three times the dosage and drinks Jack Daniels with them. :crack:
:wave: Hi Kelli. Hope you're feeling better.

Did you get to see Gangs of New York? I might be up your way at the end of the month. If so, we'll have a few New Year's drinks to make up for your pityparty night.

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