It's Official...She Doesn't "Speak" Softly...

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Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
I wanna go on a roadtrip with that woman...and we'll go to crappy diners and eat crappy sandwiches and yell at strangers and pretend we are going to fall off of bridges! I want to sing with street musicians.
it's sad you know...poor're all fated to be old, crazy, women

like the one who yelled at me as I was walking up the road..."GET OUT OF TOWN YOU DIRTY RUSSIAN"


crazy, screaming, old cat ladies...with 12 cats
oh yeah!!

kat is the fount from which flows the springs of grace and beauty
I'll take a bite out of an apple and say, "Ya know...sometimes I wonder what we are doing." She'll say, "Don't wonder...I have a knife!"

So I take the knife and holler to the man across the street, "What's your name?" He says, "None of your damn business, blondie!" So I name him Keith and carve his name onto the bench. Then she says, "Maybe it's time to move on." So I say, "Maybe it's time for you to shut the hell up." We agree that that sounds like a plan, and we get back into her car, but we are too tired to drive. So we just sleep.
daisy...just smile and nod

maybe someday we can all go over and have tea with kat and her "special friend"

I don't think my friend would like you very much. She has a violent temper.
She made a crown out of flowers for me. We ran around barefoot in the grass and rolled up our jeans. We used our shoelaces in ways they were not meant to be used...but we look great! Somebody told her she was a crazy bitch...I said, "We know...that's why I like her!"
She's so beautiful when she's crazy...if I swung that way, I'd be head over heels.

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