It's Official #I have an attitude problem

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War Child
Apr 9, 2001
Western New York
At least that's what my supervisor said to me today.

I usually let her do whatever and work around her but lately I've been sticking up for myself and questioning her decisions.

So apparently that means I have a bit o' tude.

I'm not sure what to think of this. No one has ever told me that before. I'm not sure if I should be proud of myself or completely mortified! :huh:
It's good to stick up for yourself. :up:

I used to always just go with the flow and say "yes" when asked for opinions on things at work. Lately, I've been giving honest opinions, and my ideas are often liked.
having attitude is always a good thing in my book anyway.
keep up the good work! :up:
Are you still working at that vet ti-hua? Or am I mixing you up with someone else....If I was being filmed, I'd have a bit of attitude I think.

I think you're cool, not that that prolly helps any.
People are always telling me I've got an attitude problem.

If I think someone is wrong, I will say so. Even if I'm talking to the managing director. The way I see it is, my opinion is just as valid as anyone elses.

It pisses some people off though!

Stick with it, ti-hua. Just make sure you don't go too far........:D
I think people who say things like that have an attitude problem. :rolleyes:

Really, if you're not being rude or mean, what's wrong with it?
attitude :up:

Seriously though ... maybe you could sit down and talk with your boss about what she meant by "attitude problem." Maybe you can explain to her that you are simply trying to offer suggestions on how things could be done differently.
Yeah, I still work at the animal hospital. I really love it which is the main reason why I'm still there. My supervisor on the other hand...

I have a review coming up next week. I think I'm going to ask her what I have to look forward to in the future if I stay.

It may just be time to move on - which is kinda scary actually. :|

Unfortunately I need to make more money too.

Time to reassess I guess.

Thanks for the pep talk guys! :)
I need an attitude - I let ppl walk all over me :angry:

And I apologise ALL the time even for the silliest things like if i open a door and am about to walk out it but sombody else is on the other side Ialways say sorry and let them through first :laugh: I say sorry at least once an hour im sure.

and then my mum always says Im very sensitive

I dont know if its good to be sensitive or to have an attitude :shrug:
Lara Mullen said:
[B I say sorry at least once an hour im sure.

"Sorry" is the most frequently occuring word in my vocabulary, I think. I say it constantly. Then appologize for saying. Then appologize for appologizing. :der:
I only really have an attitude in the office

because I don't believe I'm there to make friends

Salome said:
my boss is scared of me


yeah :up:

Mine, too. She was my friend/officemate first...then became my boss. Now she doesn't get away with sh*t anymore. Everyone is scared of her and she is scared of me, ha ha.

Power tripping, la la la

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