Is there a link between......

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War Child
Apr 29, 2004
OK this may well be one of the strangest questions ever posed and it may just be an enormous coincidence but in one of the last Seinfeld episodes made in 1998 - 'The Puerto Rican Day' we hear Kramer right at the start use the expression 'Mucho Trafico' and George encounters some difficulty with a laser pen.
Right now what I want to know, and here is the link to U2, does anyone know whether 1997's Pop Mart live from Mexico City is the inspiration for this, where Bono both utters the line 'Mucho Trafico' and has a big problem with a laser pen.
Utterly irrelevent I know but does anybody have any ideas as me and my friend, practically the only two British Seinfeld fans, would love to know.
I'm sure it's a coincidence...but as a huge U2 and Seinfeld fan, I think it's a funny one. :laugh:
As I mentioned in another thread, the Seinfeld box sets (season 1, 2, and 3) will be released on November 23rd here in the US as well.

The plot thickens, my friends... :eyebrow:
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