Framed Rolling Stone covers on clearance at Bed Bath & Beyond

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genius of compression, Forum Moderator
May 5, 2004
forty miles from atlanta, this is nowhere
My local Bed Bath & Beyond had these two framed 11x14 magazine covers on clearance for $3.33 each. :D Plus they each come with a coupon you can mail off for 12 free issues of Rolling Stone. Not a bad deal. Please excuse the extremely crappy photo, apparently taking pics with my iPhone is not my forte. :doh:

Are those the only ones they have?

That cover on the right ... man, that is just not flattering to any of them.

I like the one on the left .... pity that Mick is there too. :wink:
I got the R&R HOF one from my Bed Bath and Beyond on clearance too, way back in the winter! It was a bit more than $3.33 though, darn.
I want the one on the right as an ode to the worst picture of U2 yet taken.
Did no one tell Edge he was wearing a woman's top?

(I still think the RS cover is worse. Bono's in guyliner, Larry looks dead, Adam and Edge ... well, they just don't look 'right' either.)
And what's with all the...bling?

I agree. That RS picture is one of the only pictures of Bono I've ever seen where he doesn't look attractive. That's saying something.

Adam looks unnaturally large comapared to the others, like it's some issue with the perspective.
I agree about the RS cover on the right! What in the world were they even thinking? Especially Adam, he looks like a zombie! :huh: (Though I have nothing against the guyliner :shifty:) But yeah that pic. :doh:
And I totally thought you added the :D next to the price because of the 3.33!
For some reason , Edge reminds me of axl rose there.
Which is NOT by ANY means a good thing.
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