Did anyone watch the Emmy Awards?

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Gina Marie

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 11, 2001
Bruce's land of hope and dreams
Ok-I was switching back and forth between that and the World Series, but, for once, I found it actually 'watchable'.

I thought Ellen was a very good host-loved her joke 'What would bug the Taliban more than a gay woman in a suit surrounded by Jewish people' and when she came out in the Bjork 'swan' outfit.

It's sad though that it took current world events to get an award show presented in a dignified, understated manner.

The winners were predictable though, as usual. I have tried to watch 'West Wing' but I just can't get into it.
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
Ok-I was switching back and forth between that and the World Series, but, for once, I found it actually 'watchable'.

I thought Ellen was a very good host-loved her joke 'What would bug the Taliban more than a gay woman in a suit surrounded by Jewish people' and when she came out in the Bjork 'swan' outfit.

It's sad though that it took current world events to get an award show presented in a dignified, understated manner.

The winners were predictable though, as usual. I have tried to watch 'West Wing' but I just can't get into it.

aside from downloading the video of U2 performances, it has been ages since i watched an awards show.

always wear your safety belt
Originally posted by kobayashi:
aside from downloading the video of U2 performances, it has been ages since i watched an awards show.

Not even those VMA'S
Hey-you missed Britney!

I hate award shows-but sometimes out of sheer boredom and insomnia-and need for an escape once in a while from the REAL 'reality TV' of what's going on right now.

I watched the Emmy's.. But luckily, I have TiVo and didn't have to sit through the whole thing in real time.

I thought Ellen was wonderful (she seems really nice and down to earth) and was so glad to see Peter MacNicol and Sex&theCity win.
I missed a big part of it, but was able to see the rest. Loved it, very well done. Tim Conway was a riot, nice to see him again.
I am a rabid fan of the Academy Awards,btw. Though still pissed that HMTMKMKM didnt win (or even get nominated) for best song.

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert

[This message has been edited by Miss MacPhisto (edited 11-06-2001).]
Originally posted by Miss MacPhisto:
I am a rabid fan of the Academy Awards,btw.

Me too! The Oscars are right up there with Christmas for me. I throw a big party every year. Joan Rivers has got nothin' on my fashion critiques.
Originally posted by Peaseblossom:
Joan Rivers has got nothin' on my fashion critiques.

That's the most hilarious part of the Oscars-even if Joan does totally screw up everyone's names. That daughter of hers annoys me though...

At the Emmy's, Joan called Leah Remini LEON!

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