De Bono...The 4am riddlerism

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The Riddler

Oct 9, 2001
The Garden of Eden
Pre bed ramble as is my strange way!
" Is it possible that one day dominance by aggression will be replaced by dominance of wisdom"
Edward de Bono

Familiar name.

Ok stumbling off to bed leave you all in peace....
but remember don't exclude yourself from precious moments, warm encounters, beautiful attitudes, majestic discoveries,flowing intimacies, sensory development for these are the jewels placed in the crown of your destiny.

What a fecking hippie.Night
Go to bed!


Zooming in
Zooming out
Nothing I can't do without
A lens to see it all up close
Magnifying what no one knows
Never in company
Never alone
No car alarm
No cellular phone
- Adam Clayton / Passengers

***Sparky's Whore***

RSOC's Sparky Shrine
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