breaking bad

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you just may get caught up into rubicon. they are airing it without commercials.

it looks intense


Where else will this inevitable downhill slide into complete and utter depressing bleakness go? Are we going to see the inevitable plot where his family is in danger next season?

I don't know if I can keep watching. So effing bleak.

I will say, however, that Aaron Paul should get a freaking Emmy nomination. He was great last night in that last scene.
i think this is the very best show on television. The ending was very good, and i suppose we have to wait till the spring again to find out exactly what happened. Call me stupid, but for some reason i thought
there really was a chemical spill! Not that i didnt get what direction they were going, but i kept looking at the time and i thought the show was actually going to last another 47 minutes because the menu said 9:00-10:47.
Exactly what happened? I assume you mean the very end?

Jesse shot Gale. I was really surprised at all the questioning of that - I didn't think it was ambiguous at all. Also, Vince Gilligan did an interview and came out and said it. Jesse shot Gale.
at the end, you can see that jesse moved his hand to the right before pulling the trigger.

he may have shot him, but i don't think gale is dead
Most of the discussion I've seen around that seems to be "Jesse moved his hand" vs "the camera POV moved."

Vince said he didn't like the whole ambiguous cliffhanger thing (don't have a link to the exact article or quote, sorry). I agree. I think it's far more chilling to know now where exactly he took his two main characters this season, rather than "oh noooo, did Jesse really kill Gale?" and not have it resolved until next season.

Yes, he really killed Gale, and Walt directed him to.

/my take (and apparently Vince Gilligan's. :wink: )
Vince Gilligan | TV | Interview | The A.V. Club

The A.V. Club: Last season ended with an episode that was reasonably conclusive, whereas this season ends with a cliffhanger. Why’d you choose to end on an ambiguous note?

Vince Gilligan: Well first let me ask you: When you say “ambiguous” do you mean ambiguous in the sense of did Jesse shoot Gale or not?

AVC: Among other things, yes.

VG: Gotcha. That’s interesting, because I’m hearing that from some folks, that question. To me, for what it’s worth, it’s not actually meant to be ambiguous. It’s meant to be, “Oh my god, Jesse shot poor Gale.” But I’m realizing now that when people see the camera come dollying around so it’s looking down the barrel of the gun, some are reading that as maybe he’s changing his point of aim. But that’s not what we intended. Apparently it’s not as clear as I thought it would be. [Laughs.]
if that's the case, not sure why he [laughs] when all season long we've seen people shot in the head at point blank range and when we get to the end of the season finale we don't actually see it.
They don't show all the killings and gore, thank God. That is one of the things I like about this show.

I say Jesse shot Gale in the head.

I may do a rewatch, just to see what people are talking about.

It would make no sense for Jesse not to kill Gale.

Do we think he blew off his hand, so he could not cook?

That does not make sense? Does it?
Finally just watched this episode.

Since Jessie is such a pussy here....and can't go repay Walt by knocking off Gayle....after him constantly saying "bitch" to Walt time and time again.

I thought it would have made for much more of an interesting ending if Jessie did something smart..... like shoot Gayle in both his hands making him unable to "work" in a lab....and yet not take his life.

Just a thought.
and this is another case of the bad guys not being very smart. they couldn't have choked walt out with a rope, belt, wire or something? they HAD to get him downstairs to kill him?

a lot easier to have him walk down stairs and kill him there
where they could chop him up and with out having to worry about blood, evidence, etc.
i guess the shocking part about the ending, then, would be that Jesse actually had the balls to pull the trigger.

While this may have bought Walt some more time, im sure his working enviornment just got that much more hostile. Yes the Chicken man still needs him, its not like you can put a want ad in the paper for someone to cook that stuff, but Walt knows he's living on borrowed time more than ever.

Wonder where they go with all of this next season...
My gut feeling the next logical step in this downward progression is that Walt's family is going to be in danger.
I have thought out the scenarios for the show for awhile

they don't always pan out, but the writers do a pretty credible job, keeping it real

Gus (Chicken guy) is a ruthless business man, with pretty flawless execution

Gus prefers to deal with people like the cartel boys, they would cut off their own leg before they would give anybody up and risk their families.

Jessie is a 20,21? year old at most, immature, drug user. Gus can't risk leaving him out there, especilly after Jessie has seen him and knows who he is. Jessie has no controls,

Walt has been fairly reliable for Gus, he is 'pragmatic' he throws that word at Gus, too. He has a wife and two children, these are controls for Gus to use.

However, lately with Walt's emotional involvement with Jessie, he has acted less than 'pragmatic or rational' for that reason Gus may even find Walt a threat. If Walt got caught would he do the 'pragmatic' thing and roll over on Gus, if he thought he could arrange witness protection for his family?

Jessie is the 'fly in the ointment' he is the one putting everyone at risk.
If something happened to him the rest could reach an accommodation.
Just got to last episode June is a crazy month with the kid's stuff.

This show is so good.

It's like, they know we know that Jesse's gotta go, but it's almost as if they're saying "but yeah, that's the easy way out...and you don't get an easy way out, viewer". I feel (almost guiltily) complicit with Walt in his path now and killing Jesse off would just be to obvious.

And deep I think Gus has in fact decided that Walt is a threat and is going to kill him. Or was, until Jesse (apparently?) killed his 'option C' (the one Walt didn't count on...the replacement...)

I'm still hooked as ever. I sat in silence at the end of Full Measures for a good bit. The struggle in Jesse was palpable and he's really doing a great job with the character imo.

ETA: I don't think there's any ambiguity, Jesse shot Gayle, for sure. It was just the camera moving mostly and maybe him straigtening his aim a bit as he was shaking while trying to decide. Shooting his hands wouldn't change a thing, he could just instruct a new chemist. That's why Walt is so valuable, his recipe is in his head and if he's dead there's no extracting it from him. Similarly, Gayle dead is useless.
My DVR recorded a rerun of the finale last night, so I skipped ahead to the last minute or so.

Maybe it's only because my brain is locked on that outcome now, but it really looked to me that only the camera moved, and not Jesse's arm.
Just got entirely caught up. There was absolutely no ambiguity about the final scene. I'm kind of glad I wasn't around for that debate, having only picked up the show from the beginning a few weeks ago.

Excellent, though. I can't wait until July.
So, like, I just watched all of S3 in a few days, and that shit got VERY FUCKING REAL over the course of the last few episodes. I was riveted. Cannot wait for S4 to start, though, it'll be odd to watch weekly and not in a marathon.
Not for me. :)

Then again, I did have a big gap between S2 and S3.

I really really loved those last 2 episodes. Obviously, there was zero chance that Walter would be killed at this point, but I still found it to be suspenseful.

Oh, and Saul. God bless him. :)

Yup, it is.

A fucking fantastic character addition for the show. Saul is a riot.

For a dark show with a dark subject matter that can be brutally intense and suspenseful, Breaking Bad is really funny.
So, like, I just watched all of S3 in a few days, and that shit got VERY FUCKING REAL over the course of the last few episodes. I was riveted. Cannot wait for S4 to start, though, it'll be odd to watch weekly and not in a marathon.

Same here, just finished all but the last episode of S3.
I love this show.
Every actor is great. Season 4 started last night??
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