Any Journalists here.. I'm looking for advice

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 31, 2001
maze of your imagination, where the streets have n
I am interested in journalism I have got some articles poublished but that was for a local newspaper. I was wondering if anyone could give moe some advice as to how I could get articles puiblished or any magazines/ newspapers etc that are willing to publish articles?

Any help is greatly appreciated

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare e-mail me :)
The perpetually handsome Mullen appears to have stopped ageing around the time of The Joshua Tree.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing.
I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." -Larry
Larry likes to play drums." - Bono
"Larry's always been noticed cos he's the pretty one." - Adam
"Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, look behind the drumkit." - Boy George
A man so handsome, he will never be let sing in this group!"
-Bono, introducing Larry at Irving Plaza, NYC 2000
email me, I think I can help you out a bit.

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980
Originally posted by bullet the blue sky:
you need to send your portfolio off and an example of your work

I don't have much to put in a portfolio, I was seeking advice on how to get some things printed in a newspaper/ magazine, anything really

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare e-mail me :)
The perpetually handsome Mullen appears to have stopped ageing around the time of The Joshua Tree.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing.
I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." -Larry
Larry likes to play drums." - Bono
"Larry's always been noticed cos he's the pretty one." - Adam
"Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, look behind the drumkit." - Boy George
A man so handsome, he will never be let sing in this group!"
-Bono, introducing Larry at Irving Plaza, NYC 2000
Well I know a way to get into the papers but it involves full frontal nudity during a major sporting event.
well, basically just send it in. phone them up. annoy them. if they are local, go see them. badger them. journalists are inherently lazy and if someone else can do the job for them they will be happy

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare e-mail me :)
The perpetually handsome Mullen appears to have stopped ageing around the time of The Joshua Tree.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing.
I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." -Larry
Larry likes to play drums." - Bono
"Larry's always been noticed cos he's the pretty one." - Adam
"Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, look behind the drumkit." - Boy George
A man so handsome, he will never be let sing in this group!"
-Bono, introducing Larry at Irving Plaza, NYC 2000
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