(06-09-2004) Britney Snubs Bono's Kids - imdb

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
indra said:

Ever think she didn't particularly care for what could be perceived as an attitude of "I'm a star. She'll see us." by Bono? Face it, there were loads of young kids at that show that would have loved to meet Britney, should she have to meet all 20,000 fans?

That's what I was thinking, she might not like it that Bono was using his fame to get his kids into places that millions of other kids would love to go but can't because their daddy is not famous.

Or does she think that much?:lmao:

The person who said she is a media hound is right too. Remember when she was on all the magazine covers a few weeks back? They said on access Hollywood instead of running from the press she cooperates in exchange for front page mention.
orignally posted by Headache in a Suitcase
if this was a credible story, don't ya think at least one other entertainment news source would've mentioned it? since when was the internet movie database a news source anyway?

I was wondering too. I checked MTV, MuchMusic and Launch, and there was no mention of that. If this was true, then those outlets would've reported it, since its Britney snubbing Bono, and because the media has been following her tour very closely. Any slip-up she does is reported. So, it probably didn't happen :up:
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the new york post hasn't even repored this story... if it were true that rag (although entertaining rag) would've been all over it. they put stupid shit like this on the front cover, for pete's sake
Sssshhhhh!!! Even if it wasn't a true story, can I believe that it happened for one small moment so that I can vent my frustrations about this woman. Please? Can I just this once? OK?

....thank you.

<runs to go screams into nearby pillow - @#$%!!!!>

OK....everything is all right with the world...let's move on...

From t8thgr8:

shes a fat ugly bitch that gets glorified with professional make up that sings like a bulldog about completely distasteful and irrelevant shit.

I couldn't have said it better.I thought only I thought she was an ugly bitch.Never understood how she was signed up to begin with.
If Britney Spears is a "fat ugly bitch" then I can't imagine just how ugly you must think I am.

Why are you all so angry anyway? It's not a big deal. If you guys hate her so much to begin with, shouldn't you be happy that Bono's girls didn't get to meet her?

Mayflower, she's one of the most popular icons of our generation. You know very well why she was signed up.

What's with all the hate, people? Lighten up! :)
Because she is the most successful entertainer in the industry. It's all about the money. Is that a good enough reason for you? I don't agree with it either, but that's the reality of the music business.
I guess so.
Who gives a damn anyway
It's one fucked up business if she's leading the way!
Zoorock Girl! said:
Why are you all so angry anyway? It's not a big deal. If you guys hate her so much to begin with, shouldn't you be happy that Bono's girls didn't get to meet her?

Good point.

Personally, Britney's just there for me, I don't really have an opinion of her one way or another...and I really don't understand this intense hatred some of you have towards her.

It's even more amusing to hear females calling another female some of the names that have been uttered in this thread...I thought women didn't like men using names like "ho" or "bitch" or whatever to describe us. So why, then, are we calling other women those very same names?

i think it's f**cked up that Britney Spears didnt allow Bonos Kids to see her, being such a legend like him. You should do that out of respect, it shows no class.

But she tries to be a diva, I dont think it's that big of a deal in the end. I dont like her music but as long as she keeps making those half-naked videos, my hope is that teeny-boppers keep buying her albums.
she has cankles, therefore, she is a fat ugly bitch. plus her eyes are way too low on her face, there like in the middle of her nose. and her eyes are droopy, shall i continue?
t8thgr8 said:
she has cankles, therefore, she is a fat ugly bitch. plus her eyes are way too low on her face, there like in the middle of her nose. and her eyes are droopy, shall i continue?

This type of discussion of a person -- ANY person -- is just downright rude and completely uncalled for. Before anyone begins to call anyone else a fat, ugly bitch, I would strongly suggest that person take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. I would also suggest a bit of comtemplation or meditation before you begin to spew such invective. Perhaps you could begin to understand why you feel the need to be so vicious.

(And the above comment was not aimed only at t8thgr8, but at all who have posted such comments.)
Nice posts indra and Zoorock Girl!.
I wonder if Bono was anywhere near as offended as some of the people in this thread.

Still, might not even be true. Not that it matters anyway.
indra said:

This type of discussion of a person -- ANY person -- is just downright rude and completely uncalled for. Before anyone begins to call anyone else a fat, ugly bitch, I would strongly suggest that person take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. I would also suggest a bit of comtemplation or meditation before you begin to spew such invective. Perhaps you could begin to understand why you feel the need to be so vicious.

Thank you. If such negative discussion continues I will close this thread and you can visit the other sections of the forum to continue insulting someone you do not know about a story that isn't even true (as it has turned out).

Ripping someone's perceived physical flaws apart when none of us are perfect in any way is ludicrous and uncalled for. This is just sad.
HelloAngel said:

Thank you. If such negative discussion continues I will close this thread and you can visit the other sections of the forum to continue insulting someone you do not know about a story that isn't even true (as it has turned out).

Ripping someone's perceived physical flaws apart when none of us are perfect in any way is ludicrous and uncalled for. This is just sad.

I 100% agree. I understand those being jealous of Britney or anyone else but come on people if you're calling someone ugly chances are you're nothing special yourself. The negativity should stop here and let's get back on the real topic at hand instead of diverting to such childish behavoir.
indra said:

This type of discussion of a person -- ANY person -- is just downright rude and completely uncalled for. Before anyone begins to call anyone else a fat, ugly bitch, I would strongly suggest that person take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. I would also suggest a bit of comtemplation or meditation before you begin to spew such invective. Perhaps you could begin to understand why you feel the need to be so vicious.

(And the above comment was not aimed only at t8thgr8, but at all who have posted such comments.)

This desparation
In temptation

Let it go
what person woudn't take a few minutes to make some kids happy? a horrible moody cow, like britney... she must be propper messed up if she wont just say hi to make some kids happy...
A coworker sent me this last week while I was out of town. I doubt this is true and, if it is, she has the right to meet whomever she wants to, whenever she wants to.

Just because I (we) love Bono, doesn't mean everyone else has to.
I new this story was crap from the beginning.

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