
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm a cool cat named Maddy. I also love cats. Talk to me about cats.

photography, basketball, piano, organizing things, cleaning, decorating, coloring (with crayons!)
Jul 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
In the Darkest Timeline
tutor, practically a preschool teacher for the summer; studying at Occidental College starting fall 2012
Favorite U2 Album
Joshua Tree, Rattle & Hum, Boy
Favorite U2 Song
All I Want Is You
Been a U2 fan since
Prized item in U2 collection
I think my 2 guitar picks that I have gotten and my GA wristbands and setlist..and pictures
Favorite U2 lyrics
Kite, Walk On, or Miracle Drug
Favorite U2 band members
I would choose them all if I could, but I'd have to say I'm a Bono girl.
I was introduced to U2 by
Mi madre, Lila64
U2 shows I've seen
6- both LA shows in November 2005 (rail in front of Adam on the 2nd night), Hawaii in December 2006 (rail on Adam's b-stage/on the stage), Rose Bowl in October 2009 (outer rail on Edge's side), both Anaheim shows in 2011 (outer rail Edge's side first night)
Have you met U2?
I met Bono at Nordstroms at the Edun event in 2006, and I got on stage for SBS in Hawaii (also in 2006)!! You can read my story at

3/9/09- I shook Larry's hand and took a picture with him and got Bono's signature (also saw Edge and Adam) after the Capitol Records interview in LA!
Propaganda member?
Other Bands
Muse, OK Go, Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, Beatles, Franz Ferdinand, White Stripes, Jason Mraz, Michael Buble, Regina Spektor, Raconteurs, RHCP, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Coldplay....
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