The most trusted NEWS source in America?

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Believe it or not I'm being totally serious about this. I really don't understand why anyone would have anything against little children who were cut down even before the prime of their lives in a senseless act of violence.

Neither do we understand. But the Westboro Baptist Church does want to protest. They're line of reasoning is that because CT has voted for gay marriage, that this is their punishment from God or something crazy like this.

And what does this report have to do with Fox News?
I swear to you I'm not pulling your leg or trying to start an argument - I really want to know.

Look at the link. That report is from Fox News. And somehow they deliberately throw in the lie that the leader of that Westboro Baptist Church is a Democrat (even though there are numerous examples where he thinks that Obama is the antichrist) as is the rest of his church. And the good guys, the bikers, are immediately labelled conservatives. Maybe they all are, maybe only some are, but that should not be important. The bikers prevented the WBC from protesting and that's what matters. Not distorting everything with a Republican/Democrat label.
Neither do we understand. But the Westboro Baptist Church does want to protest. They're line of reasoning is that because CT has voted for gay marriage, that this is their punishment from God or something crazy like this.

Look at the link. That report is from Fox News. And somehow they deliberately throw in the lie that the leader of that Westboro Baptist Church is a Democrat (even though there are numerous examples where he thinks that Obama is the antichrist) as is the rest of his church. And the good guys, the bikers, are immediately labelled conservatives. Maybe they all are, maybe only some are, but that should not be important. The bikers prevented the WBC from protesting and that's what matters. Not distorting everything with a Republican/Democrat label.

Thank you for the explanation.......I understand now - and I'm disgusted.

I loath people who presume that they have a hotline to heaven and they can know what god is thinking. To say that those children were murdered because of gay marriage is horrendous.

There is no rationale for what happened. Those innocent lives were lost because the wrong person got his hands on an arsenal of weapons that's all.

May they rest in peace.
You guys are aware that Fred Phelps has run for office in democrat primaries right?

Yeah he has. But to imply that he has anything to do with the modern Democratic Party, as Fox was obviously doing, is manipulative, stupid, evil, absurd, and a downright lie.
I was under the impression that people were taking issue with the fact that Fox labeled Phelps as a Democrat. Admittedly, I didn't read the article, so that's probably my fault.
Fox is the only news organization that would bother to mention such a thing because it fits in with the narrative. No other organization has labeled him as anything other than a crazy, hateful man who leads a cult-like "religion."
I was under the impression that people were taking issue with the fact that Fox labeled Phelps as a Democrat. Admittedly, I didn't read the article, so that's probably my fault.

I think it is stupid to label him a Democrat. Running as a Democrat for moronic reasons =/= being a Democrat, especially when his beliefs are roughly one divided by those of the Democratic Party.
Achtung Bono, the Westboro Baptist "Church" sole purpose for existence is to gain attention by showing up to "protest" anytime something horrific happens.

They're a family of a lot of lawyers, who would like nothing better than for someone to punch one of them in the face so they could sue them for everything they've got.

They're despicable people who do not deserve to have so much attention thrown at them. I wish people wouldn't feel such a need to share the outrage and make their nonsense viral and keep feeding their need for attention.
Bill O'Reilly is a liar and a snake oil salesman. Aside from his interactions with Jon Stewart, the man is a disgrace and as lacking in trustworthiness as any American media pundit.

I like Bill O'Reilly. I don't agree with him all the time, but he is more to the point and the truth than these "bowing to the State" machines:

(Are these the most trusted news source in America?):doh:
I like Bill O'Reilly. I don't agree with him all the time, but he is more to the point and the truth than these "bowing to the State" machines:

(Are these the most trusted news source in America?):doh:

No, he's really fucking not. You have no basis in reality for making any kind of statement like that. But hey, that's never stopped you before, has it?
Achtung Bono, the Westboro Baptist "Church" sole purpose for existence is to gain attention by showing up to "protest" anytime something horrific happens.

They're a family of a lot of lawyers, who would like nothing better than for someone to punch one of them in the face so they could sue them for everything they've got.

They're despicable people who do not deserve to have so much attention thrown at them. I wish people wouldn't feel such a need to share the outrage and make their nonsense viral and keep feeding their need for attention.

Thank you.....that makes things a lot clearer.
I like Bill O'Reilly. I don't agree with him all the time, but he is more to the point and the truth than these "bowing to the State" machines:

(Are these the most trusted news source in America?):doh:

He's a PROVEN liar, and he is constantly bowing down to party and network lines.
"Tide goes in, tide goes can't explain that!"

One of his favorite arguments when debating faith.

If he's really that ignorant on how the tides are formed then he shouldn't be allowed on television. If he's just being dick, then how is he being fair and balanced? Or no spin zone?
Merry Christmas.

Ok, I'll pretend I'm from Missouri - SHOW me......
You say he's a PROVEN liar.....PROVE it.

Lets just focus on 2012 shall we, otherwise this list would go on way too long.

Last month he tried to make a war on Christmas segment which Fox loves to do every year. He milked almost an entire segment on the Governor of Rhode Island saying he didn't want a tree lighting this year, problem is, the whole thing was a lie, google and you'll see. In fact as the segment aired there was a big fat Christmas tree lit up in all of its glory.

He reported on the lie about Obama's trip to India costing tax payer's 200 million a day. Later when the truth came out he still defended it on Bill Maher's show.

He claimed that Obama wanted to extend food stamps to "illegals". Flat out lie, in fact even Fox News itself said it wasn't true, but of course he never issued a recanting statement.

He ran a false story about the federal government granting a French clean energy company several million. Problem is, it was a Californian PRIVATE company that did this.

^this is what you call truth. This is only the tip of the iceberg. He's probably one of the most well documented liars on television. The only person that I think lies more and is documented is Glenn Beck. Which coincidentally told a huge lie about the affordable care act on OReiley's show and then Bill lied on air about no one on Fox saying people will be jailed for not buying insurance. But this was in 2010 so I don't want to bore you with info.
NY Daily News

Political commentator Sean Hannity was one of the big losers in the 2012 election

In a fitting coda to 2012, we’ve learned that the ratings for rock-ribbed conservative Sean Hannity cratered after Barack Obama won his second term, with viewers tuning out the Fox News Channel talk-show host in droves.

According to Nielsen numbers, Hannity lost around half of his audience in the weeks after the election, while his Fox News colleague Bill O’Reilly — who steadfastly refuses to identify himself politically as a conservative — retained around 70% of his audience.

So what happened to Hannity?

The going wisdom is that viewers who basked in his preelection anti-Obama rhetoric tuned him out when they were stunned to wake up on Nov. 7 and discover that the President had won a second term — a scenario that Hannity had all but promised could never happen.

Before the election, Hannity was riding high in the ratings and topped thought leaders on the right, like Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan and talk radio bulldog Mark Levin, who predicted Obama would lose in a landslide.

Those voices — and many others like them — all but drove the political coverage on Fox News, talk radio and conservative blogs.

But as Conor Friedersdorf wrote in The Atlantic just after the election, “Outside the conservative media, the narrative was completely different.”

Because in reality, statistics proved the presidential race was in fact never even close — despite the lopsided picture delivered to faithful viewers by Hannity and those who shared his opinions.

Wrote Friedersdorf: “The right-leaning outlets like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh’s show are far more intellectually closed than CNN or public radio. If you’re a rank-and-file conservative, you’re probably ready to acknowledge that ideologically friendly media didn’t accurately inform you about Election 2012. Some pundits engaged in wishful thinking; others feigned confidence in hopes that it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy; still others decided it was smart to keep telling right-leaning audiences what they wanted to hear.”

And when the dust settled, it turns out Hannity’s viewers opted to vote again — with their remotes.

Adding insult to injury, two of Hannity’s rivals on MSNBC, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow, held onto huge chunks of their audiences, while at CNN, far less politically polarizing host Anderson Cooper lost almost none of his viewers postelection.

It got even worse for Hannity in the “money demo” of viewers 25-54, who are prized by advertisers.

With this group, Hannity held onto less than half his preelection audience. O’Reilly, on the other hand, kept almost 70%.

And through the early part of December, Maddow actually beat Hannity in the coveted group — a shocking turn, because until the election, Hannity was unassailable by any of his rivals, at least in terms of ratings.

Despite the dip, at the end of the day, Fox News remains the dominant news channel, and will in fact call 2012 one of its best years ever.
I think this meme says it all about the U.S. cable news stations:

I am willing - I promise you......I will research every point that BVS brought up and I will again study this video with Glick.

Hello everyone,

Just to let you know that I have NOT forgotten my promise to address the issues that BVS has raised - it's just a matter of finding the time to research and give my serious answers.

Watch this
Hello everyone,

Just to let you know that I have NOT forgotten my promise to address the issues that BVS has raised - it's just a matter of finding the time to research and give my serious answers.

Watch this

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