PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

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I haven't been around for the whole story, but that guy is a mega-creep.

Me, I'm going full hippie this week. I have a weird irritation/rash going on all over one of my armpits, and my doctor said to try not only not shaving, but not to use deodorant either!

Oh dear.

I haven't been out and about working up a sweat, but I'm honestly very surprised that I can't really tell anything out of the ordinary. I swear there are times when my pits feel sweaty even when I do apply deodorant, but everything seems fine and dandy for now.

I'm not even all paranoid about the hair. It's just hair. Ha. I just want the rash to go away.
Aren't there heavy metals or something else nasty in deodorants? I remember reading somewhere about someone poisoning themselves with it. Then again, they probably overused it to the max.

Then again, could also be the combo of shaving + deodorant right after.
Sorry you weren't feeling so hot last night, but proud of you for toughing it out and going anyways. :up:

Whoa?!?!? Is that the Queen of the PGP that I see???

How is everyone?

One more day til Comic-con for me so I'll be home for 4 days.

comet, I bet dressing up will be kind of like the Renaissance Faire - you tend to have more fun when you feel like you're a part of it. Have a great time! And yes, we want to see pics of course!

But we'll miss you in Vegas.

Interesting how sensei creepy does nothing in real life... he was just normal for what I can gather. Then why the fuck does he have to be so damn creepy in text? :crack:

It's so much easier to do that sort of thing via digital media (txt/email/fb). Some people who would never have the nerve to say things to someone face to face feel like they can "say" them digitally.

my trainer told me to rest all last week, which I did. I wasn't sure if I'd make it through 10 days so I decided to only make it one full week. But then life got in the way....well parties with lots of beer all I did not go back until my training session on Monday, which made it a full 10 days off from the gym. We did a light session that ended with a casual 1 mile walk. Yesterday I walked around the lake which is about 3 miles. I'm not working much right now (didn't work much last week either) so now I have no motivation to do anything. I know I should go since there are days when I'm swamped at work that I'd kill to go and can't. My trainer (and my mom) have been preaching to me the past few weeks not to let this time go by without focusing on working out. But I'm so depressed about not working. I knew this was coming so I saved up a lot but it makes me so angry that I have to use my hard earned money to support myself this month and not put it towards debt....or a trip :reject: It also sucks that everyone I know has normal office jobs where they work M-F 8-5 so I have no one to even hang out with at the pool. My part time job is completely dead as well so I worked a grand total of 2 hours this morning making my total for the week at 8 hours. :| I cannot find it in me to get off my ass and get to the gym right now. My mom walks around the lake after work so she's been after me all day to meet her there. It's a 15 minute drive but it seems like it's just sooo far away right now. I have money saved and I know I have a job to go back to in a few weeks, possibly even next week if there's an event, but I'm in unemployment depression mode right now and can't snap out of it....

Yuck! It probably doesn't help for me to say that you KNOW you feel better once you get there and start moving. And then it will all just fall into place. After that first time, You'll remember the endorphins and you'll not be able to wait to get back the next day. But yes, that first step is by far the hardest. You can do it! We believe in you!

Send me your cell number and I'll be your text buddy. Zu and I sometimes do that for each other.


I haven't been around for the whole story, but that guy is a mega-creep.

Me, I'm going full hippie this week. I have a weird irritation/rash going on all over one of my armpits, and my doctor said to try not only not shaving, but not to use deodorant either!

Oh dear.

I haven't been out and about working up a sweat, but I'm honestly very surprised that I can't really tell anything out of the ordinary. I swear there are times when my pits feel sweaty even when I do apply deodorant, but everything seems fine and dandy for now.

I'm not even all paranoid about the hair. It's just hair. Ha. I just want the rash to go away.

Some company... is it Toms... Used to make an all natural crystal type deodorant... don't know if that would help
Yeah, I know about aluminum in deodorant and the reactions it causes for some, and why some people don't even want to use it. It was more a general comment/complaint than "help me figure out why my armpits itch." I'm 39* and familiar with the trials and tribulations of hygiene and feminine beauty products. :wink: But thank you.

(I did actually see the Tom's on the shelf at Target, and it stuck in my brain, so I might give it a try once I've figured this nonsense out. Nothing wrong with shaking up the routine now and again. Although Dove has served me well for years.)

I've had the rash for about two weeks - and just in one armpit! My first assumption was "oh, just a reaction to shaving - maybe I need to change my blade, maybe I need to switch deodorant brands." It just so happened my annual physical was coming up before I even had a chance to try shaving with a new blade (I'd simply stopped for a few days to see if it would go away).

But my doc said it looked almost like a follicle infection or something. We're just trying this elimination step first.

*shit, I'm 38. I am sad that my instinct was to type 39. Give me my final month and a half at 38, please! :sad: **

** I'm not actually sad about turning 39.
Holy Heartburn, Batman!
When I was in middle school, I'd have Doritos and Pepsi for breakfast.

Now I want cheese Doritos. :wink:

:wave: How is everyone?

One more day til Comic-con for me so I'll be home for 4 days. :hyper:

I really lagged on getting those leis done that I'm making for the LOST costumes so I was up until 4 am last night (today :lol:) working on them. I made the 1st one super complicated so the rest I skimped and I think I like them better anyway. LOL. I took a pic but I can't upload since I still can't use photobucket until I upgrade my computer. :down:

(JJ I can't remember if I told you I tried the Java update you sent and still no Flash player for me. :| I'm going to have to upgrade to Windows 7, there's no other choice. : sigh: But it will have to wait until after CC!)

Have fun at ComicCon! *wishes she were going*


Will you tell me if Matt Smith (Doctor Who) is there? :shifty:

My friend Robb was there. He had fun. Took either his son or his nephew, I can't remember which...

:hug: for arw and :hug: for Cori, and also a :hug: for everyone else.

*feels like shit today* :reject:
thanks everyone.....I decided to hide under the covers all day (minus a half hour of tanning on the deck). No gym or walk. I think I just needed a day of nothingness. I have boot camp tomorrow and then my trainer assigned routine to do on Sat so I'll for sure get some good workouts coming up in the next few days. I wish I could have gone because I know that I always feel so much better about life after a good workout but hiding under the covers with the a/c on full blast sounded like a better idea for me for today.
:hug: to Grace, arw, and Cori.

arw, I hear you on the job thing, it's been dead where I work lately, too. Summer zaps a lot of your customers in most jobs, unfortunately. Hope things pick up for you soon!

Shame I live in the state below yours, if I were closer I'd be happy to hang out with you when possible-I know the feeling of wanting to get out of the house for a bit and go DO something.

Grace, way to fight through as you did. I admire you and all others here who are runners. I feel lazy after I listen to you guys talk :p.

Cori, hope you can get your rash dealt with as soon as possible. That sounds annoying.

Comet, have fun at Comic-Con! I too am envious-the cast of "Community" are supposed to be there this year and I would LOVE to go see them. I've never been to a Comic-Con gathering-why does that stuff have to take place so far away! Why can't they hold it in a different part of the country each year or something?

Bah./end rant

Yeah,we were under the communistic occupation and there was also only one channel. With a special device thingy we could watch some russian channels. Those,who lived in northern part,could watch finnish tv.There had to be special illegal antennas built from old style glass thermometers with mercury inside and blankets put up to blind the windows,so patrols couldn't see lights flickering.
I remember my first ever music video that I saw.It was Dire Straits Callin'Elvis.In the beginning of the 90's there was more freedom in tv programs and hosts could start showing music videos from the western world. I was sitting in front of the tv, in the middle of the night,recording those rare songs to cassettes.
When my cousin got himself a cable tv,I could first see MTV and Bravo.Wow.Where have we come from,unbelievable. We lived literally in an isolation till 90's.

Wow. That's crazy. Especially the bit about blocking the windows so the patrols wouldn't get wise to what was going on.

I'm always fascinated by stories about people who grew up in areas where pop culture was severely limited, either through restrictive governments or religious upbringings, or sometimes you just lived in too isolated an area for it to reach you. The way people who grew up like that view music and movies and TV when they finally see it is interesting-I've noticed they often tend to be pretty open to anything and don't really have a proper gauge of what is "cool" or "uncool", and that sort of thing. Their attitudes on it all tend to be kinda refreshing.
Yay for Comic Con!

Boo to creepazoid men, exercise frustrations, and having to go all hippie.

I am SO busy these days that I don't have time for personal emails and all that during the day. I find I'm spending all night just catching up on stuff. And I'm just going to get busier in the next few weeks. :crack: I can't complain too much, because the job is great and I'm really liking it so far. :D

Ahh, Saanich. I'm not surprised. :wink: Funnily enough, I have friends who live just down the street from that store.

CTV really has the trashiest/stupidest stories of all the news channels around here. :tsk: :lol:
Take pics of the Mythbusters if you get the chance - Tory tweeted a pic of himself in Hulk costume and Grant was looking for his sonic screwdriver ;)

(Plus Adam does a "find me if you can!" thing where he gives small hints on Twitter about his costume and people have to try to find him and take pics :lol:)

My apartment is too hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. /whine

Must have been over 80 today. Heh.
I have to admit... I have no clue who or what the Myth Busters look like. I've never watched it. :wink: I posted a pic of my Dharma motor-pool jumpsuit on FB, wish I could upload my pics here. :sigh:

ooh :shifty: daughter's computer is left unattended here... I might just use it real quick.

Right now I'm drinking as many cans of Coors Light as I can handle so i can empty all the cans and put Dharma labels on to use for my costume. :lol:

(For non LOST watchers I'm dressing as a Lostie. (character from LOST) ;) The girls in the Dharma Initiative were mechanics, so I'm wearing the outfit.)
I saw the Mythbusters at some live performance event before who they was pretty funny. They showed all the bloopers and did Coke & Mentos fountains onstage...

Well. I just figured out the DVD player is almost's seriously tiny and underneath the TV and I thought the CD player was it...nope.
Are you going to comic con, Tara? I haven't been able to keep track of the last couple pages...

My original plan of watching movies back to back until midnight might make way for more napping...
Ok this gives an idea...

Actual Lost people:


My stuff:


By the way Tara. My kids friends who volunteered there at badge pick-up saw Matt Smith's badge there waiting for pickup. A half hour later it was gone. So, he's already there. :wink:
Are you going to comic con, Tara? I haven't been able to keep track of the last couple pages...
I wish. :sad:

I've always wanted to go, though...

I never watched that either. :lol:

It had Nathan Fillion. (that was my first reason to watch it, as he is very hot). Then I discovered it was funny, and cool, and combined two of my favorite genres: science fiction, and westerns.

It's awesome. :reject:

By the way Tara. My kids friends who volunteered there at badge pick-up saw Matt Smith's badge there waiting for pickup. A half hour later it was gone. So, he's already there. :wink:

*is officially dead*
So, in short, we all need to move to where Comet lives and hang out with her and her family/friends, then, apparently, right :wink:? Or at least plan a spontaneous mass visit?

Yeah. Someone needs to suggest Comic-Con do a traveling show sort of deal or something. We're all missing out on too much cool stuff.
:D You're welcome. I tried to get back to Echosphere for that same reason about half a year ago. The Wayback machine still worked then.

I found it by accident about 4 or 5 years ago. Read through it all in a couple of days. Found it damn hilarious. Bummed out that she only has the Star Trek stuff left :(. Unfortunately, Wayback really isn't working for most of it.
Hey Comet, Adam's doing the costume thing (AKA #adamincognito) on Twitter - he said he'd be on the floor around midday :) I know you said you don't know what the Mythbusters look like, but if you know anyone who's a fan let them know *g*
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