PGP: Ringing in the New Year with New U2!

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Comet, you're right—dark haired guy second to the left. He was being very cheeky, drumming when he wasn't supposed to between songs XD

They're probs 15 or 16, maybe even 17...I mean, I think one of these kids was in my split class a while back (you know, where there are two different grades combined in a class...) although that might have been an older brother or something...

And they've got fangirls who are like 14. It's disturbing. Me and my friend were hanging back and gaping at the madness of the fangirls.

I thought so. :hmm: I mostly remember pics of him with BJ at awards shows when they were little. They were cute kids. :cute:

I soo want that muscle shirt :heart:

:giggle: You know i RECENTLY saw it in a men's fashion magazine as a NEW shirt! So... it's out there if you go looking. Of course if you want one with real Bono sweat you can find them once in a while on ebay for a small fortune. :wink:
:giggle: You know i RECENTLY saw it in a men's fashion magazine as a NEW shirt! So... it's out there if you go looking. Of course if you want one with real Bono sweat you can find them once in a while on ebay for a small fortune. :wink:

which magazine ?? :eek::eek:
Hey GG, what time tulips bloom there ? :hmm:

Hmm, let's see. Depends on the year I guess. They're starting already NOW this year. But on a decent year, in march I think. Late february is the small first flowers, galanthus and muscari(thank feck Wikipedia:lol: ), but Tulips are amongst the second batch of flowers comin' out I think. Along with the narcissus.
Hmm, let's see. Depends on the year I guess. They're starting already NOW this year. But on a decent year, in march I think. Late february is the small first flowers, galanthus and muscari(thank feck Wikipedia:lol: ), but Tulips are amongst the second batch of flowers comin' out I think. Along with the narcissus.

:hmm::hmm: was looking flights for March or around that time :angry:
A friend of mine on FB JUST posted the exact same thing less than a minute ago! :lol: Are you guys twins?! :wink:

Really? :giggle:

which magazine ?? :eek::eek:

Umm... uh oh, not sure i remember the name, maybe it was GQ but I was just flipping through magazines one day killing time. I did take a pic of the pic though, let me go find it, maybe it will say the name. :hmm:
Found the pic but sadly I still don't know which magazine it was (I named the file GQ but only because I think it might have been) I saw this in the store in Oct, 2011.

:lol: It was definitely listed as a new fashion. POP Bono was so ahead of his time.

Yep, for sure! I looked at what it said and it had the designer's name, which I can't remember but I'm sure it was the same name as the guy who designed Bono's. At least I hope so or major rip-off!
I think of how much trouble I could get into if I lived near Cori, Amy, EdgeFest, might be good that several timezones keep us separate. Especially in Cori's case. We can only meet in places of natural anomalies. I think she was in Boston for her layover to Ireland and it was delayed. The force was too much for mortal jets.



We should pick a race to do together - that'd be fun!

That's a cute idea. I'll be the one lagging behind with the big butt!
I can't believe how cold it is where you are. Where do you live again?
Where I live, this is what it looks like about 320 days a year:

I miss the desert... but not enough to leave the mountains. :shifty:

Back to the good stuff. :drool:

Why do I get the feeling that Edge is saying to Bono: "Don't you dare."


I see you looking all shifty, missy. :tsk:


Just got a reply for an email I sent to someone I have not actually seen in about a year. This lady scares me, as the last time I saw her, she was kicking my parents and I out of her house. :ohmy:
Also, okay, I reeeeeeeeeeeeally need to see this "Outside It's America" DVD. Um. Yeah :drool:.
You've never seen it?? GASP. You really do need to. :)

me, either. :(
<deprived fan :sad:> :wink:

How did ? Grace, tara? -can't remember who got a copy- get it?

I remember seeing in a no-longer existent Record CD/Tapes/ special Vinyl & Vids Store a video boot copy of it, like at least 5 years or more ago.

can it be downed loaded from a site?
Hi Dazz! :wave: It's ok. It's not stuff that can't be replaced, but my own stupidity :)doh:) is what bugs me the most

me, either. :(
<deprived fan :sad:> :wink:

How did ? Grace, tara? -can't remember who got a copy- get it?

I remember seeing in a no-longer existent Record CD/Tapes/ special Vinyl & Vids Store a video boot copy of it, like at least 5 years or more ago.

can it be downed loaded from a site?

What are we talking about?
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