PLEBA Misc News and Articles #6

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Novelist Peter McCluskey recalls his band supporting U2 in 1979

This photo really takes me back. It was taken in the dressing room of the Dublin venue McGonagles around Christmas 1979. That’s me with the glasses and blue windcheater, with Bono and Ali Hewson behind me. Ali is fluffing up Bono’s hair as he’s just about to go on stage.

The guy with his head down is Denis Rusk, the lead guitarist in my band The Strougers. I played rhythm guitar.

That year was one of the most exciting times in our lives.

I spent my youth on the Navan Road, hanging out with friends, but I was never any good at basketball or soccer.

Then punk rock came along and anyone could be in a band. Suddenly, all our friends were coming to see us play. By chance, we ended up doing a few gigs with U2 in places such as Howth Community Centre, and the Dandelion Market, as they were just starting out too.

You wouldn’t believe how many other Dublin bands hated U2 back then. They hated them because they thought they were loaded rich kids, or seemed arrogant.

Playing with them, I never found U2 like that. I suppose I was one of their first fans.

Bono was always very mannerly if we were chatting to him before a gig. I remember distinctly that if you spoke to Edge, he gave you his complete attention. He wouldn’t be messing, or getting distracted; he would listen to every word you said.

Then U2 would plug in and play. I can’t possibly explain how good U2 sounded playing to 20 people.

For a start, Larry Mullen had come out of the Artane Boys Band so he was a proper drummer. He could make this unbelievable racket. Edge had this very futuristic-looking Gibson Explorer guitar but he could really play it, and Adam completed the sound.

Towards the end of 1979, we ended up playing McGonagles the same night that U2 were doing the late show.

A friend took this picture on my Olympus camera, which I’d just bought. I remember taking lots of shots that night and Bono getting thrown by the flash constantly going off, but he never complained.

If you’re wondering why I’m wearing a blue windcheater if I was a punk back then, all I’ll say is it was a wet December night in Dublin and I wasn’t going to get drowned coming in from the Navan Road, new wave or no new wave.

Not long after this picture, things changed radically for U2. We stopped playing with them and they moved into a different league, releasing an album and touring America.

A couple of years later, myself and Strougers’ bass player Shay Hiney went to see U2 playing a huge gig at the RDS. We bumped into their manager Paul McGuinness and, remembering us, he gave us tickets to the aftershow.

We walked straight into Bono, who was now a big star. I remember Shay telling Bono that his girlfriend was on the way to the party, and that she was a huge U2 fan.

For a laugh, Bono starting asking Shay all these questions about ‘Jenny’, then disappeared.

We thought that was the last we’d see of him. But, later in the evening, he was back and straight over to Shay and his girlfriend. ‘You must be Jenny, Shay’s girlfriend,’ Bono said, and he started listing off all these things he knew about her.

Jenny couldn’t believe it because she was a massive U2 fan and Bono knew everything about her. We laughed and laughed.

People say to me, ‘Your band and U2 were playing around Dublin at the same time, yet they became global superstars and you didn’t’.

They expect me to be envious, but I’m not all. I was delighted U2 made it, because the night this picture was taken in McGonagles, I had already picked U2 out as a band with a future.

I think I got that one right.

Peter McCluskey’s latest book is called ‘My Little Lighthouse’

Interview by Ken Sweeney

- Peter McCluskey

Irish Independent News | Ireland's Favourite Newspaper -
I always hope for him to let it grow out to something á la the Elevation hair.
Can hair be crunchy? :ohmy:

No, he's too old to pull off a modified mullet, because that's what it was. Yes, speaking as someone with short hair - with hair product like when he's usually at appearances - will make it crunchy.
No, he's too old to pull off a modified mullet, because that's what it was. Yes, speaking as someone with short hair - with hair product like when he's usually at appearances - will make it crunchy.

Exactly! This hair talk leads to nothing because he will never grow his hair longer again, and it's good that way. I love the hair he has now and I think longer hair would look ridiculous on him. Unlike many other of his ageing colleagues, Bono knows when to stop trying to look like you're in your 20s, when, in fact, you're over 50.
Gg.....two words. GRANNY BONO


:sad: Nevar again.

But my point was, that's what WE know. So if it's up to us, Bono would never have granny hair again. But it's not up to us. It's his decision. So I just wondered how LU's so sure that this is what Bono wants.

:sad: Nevar again.

But my point was, that's what WE know. So if it's up to us, Bono would never have granny hair again. But it's not up to us. It's his decision. So I just wondered how LU's so sure that this is what Bono wants.

Hopefully Bono or his people saw that. Just no, Bono! No! You'd be a bad, bad boy!

Wait, what were we talking about?
Of course she doesn't know for sure. Big deal. All of us sometimes speak in hyperbole or certainties-that-aren't-really. They don't need to be pointed out.

I've never see the Jon Stewart show. Is it an interview? Talk show? Wondering what Bono will be doing on it.
Of course we don't know what Bono plans to do with his hair, but from what I've heard from him in some interviews he's against having long hair if you have reached a certain age. If he wanted to grow it out, he could have done so years ago. He has had quite full and good looking hair in the last couple of years and I'm pretty glad he realised that the extremely short cut wasn't exactly looking very favorable on him. However, it's his head, his hair, of course he can do whatever he wants. If he's at home, not touring, not doing public appearances, I'm sure he doesn't care about his hair much and may let it grow a bit more and not style it, that's why it sometimes looks so wild when pictures are taken of him around Dublin.

Of course I don't know but I have a feeling Bono won't change his hairstyle radically any more, he seems to be quite pleased with the current hair. I'm fine with everything, unless he decides to shave it off :no:
Granny hair and what the hell, you know it doesn't need to look like the Vertigo hair, it's what I imagine what your guys are thinking of. When I saw it for the first time my thought was that he really needed to get it layered, not cut it in a gangsta buzz or crew-cut, I haven't seen anyone looking good with that.
I've met some men older than Bono with longer hair that was great looking. Just need a proper cut.


:sad: Nevar again.

But my point was, that's what WE know. So if it's up to us, Bono would never have granny hair again. But it's not up to us. It's his decision. So I just wondered how LU's so sure that this is what Bono wants.
I've never see the Jon Stewart show. Is it an interview? Talk show? Wondering what Bono will be doing on it.

I'm not sure why everyone is freaked out he's on Jon Stewart. I find Jon Stewart funny and I think it will be a very fun interview as Bono has a wicked sense of humor. I wonder what they are going to about.
Jon Stewart is the politically biased, liberal leaning guy, right? Very anti-Fox news, pro- GBLT rights. I don't think Stewart discusses music much, so maybe Bono will be there to talk about politics (read: Africa and dropping the debt)? Stewart loves every opportunity to rail against politics, I think
I've never see the Jon Stewart show.

If I said The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, does that ring a bell? That's usually how it's known - he doesn't have his own talk show or anything, if that's what you're wondering. It's been on for years, on Comedy Central. Steve Carrell used to be on it, as did Stephen Colbert, before he went on to do The Colbert Report.

Jon Stewart's schtick is to point out the hypocrisy in politics and the media, and while he does take jabs at both sides, most of his fodder comes from the right and from Fox News. It also pokes fun at the state of politics and the media in general. It's both hilarious and aggravating .... at least when you agree with what he's saying. ;)

The last 7 or so minutes of the show are devoted to one of his guests (longer segment if it's a big name guest like Bill Clinton). He has guests from across the board: political figures (from both sides), actors, authors, scientists. Last week, two of his guests were Mark Kelly (astronaut) and Martin Scorcese (movie director).

So Bono isn't necessarily going to be there to talk politics - the interview is centered around whatever the guest is promoting, unless it's a political figure (or an author who's written a book about politics or the media).

I'd guess he's there ostensibly to promote the AB reissue, but I'm sure he'll plug the usual stuff as well.
I'm not sure why everyone is freaked out he's on Jon Stewart. I find Jon Stewart funny and I think it will be a very fun interview as Bono has a wicked sense of humor. I wonder what they are going to about.

People are freaking out? (I mean I saw that above post but I didn't know there were more)

If I said The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, does that ring a bell? That's usually how it's known - he doesn't have his own talk show or anything, if that's what you're wondering. It's been on for years, on Comedy Central. Steve Carrell used to be on it, as did Stephen Colbert, before he went on to do The Colbert Report.

Jon Stewart's schtick is to point out the hypocrisy in politics and the media, and while he does take jabs at both sides, most of his fodder comes from the right and from Fox News. It also pokes fun at the state of politics and the media in general. It's both hilarious and aggravating .... at least when you agree with what he's saying. ;)

The last 7 or so minutes of the show are devoted to one of his guests (longer segment if it's a big name guest like Bill Clinton). He has guests from across the board: political figures (from both sides), actors, authors, scientists. Last week, two of his guests were Mark Kelly (astronaut) and Martin Scorcese (movie director).

So Bono isn't necessarily going to be there to talk politics - the interview is centered around whatever the guest is promoting, unless it's a political figure (or an author who's written a book about politics or the media).

I'd guess he's there ostensibly to promote the AB reissue, but I'm sure he'll plug the usual stuff as well.

Thanks for the lowdown! Oh yeah I have heard of his show, I've just never watched one, so I really didn't know what type of show it is, if it's just a straight on talk show or what. I knew it was of the political nature, but that was about it. Sounds like it could be good!
Jon Stewart is the politically biased, liberal leaning guy, right? Very anti-Fox news, pro- GBLT rights. I don't think Stewart discusses music much, so maybe Bono will be there to talk about politics (read: Africa and dropping the debt)? Stewart loves every opportunity to rail against politics, I think

Liberal leaning and pro-GBLT rights? :hmm: Sounds right up Bono's alley.
I think there was just the one snide remark about Bono being on Jon Stewart, but it surprised me so much that I ended up being all "ZOMG WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHO JON STEWART IS????" :lol:

Never having seen his show, I get. But I'm relieved to know you know who he is. :wink:
I think there was just the one snide remark about Bono being on Jon Stewart, but it surprised me so much that I ended up being all "ZOMG WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHO JON STEWART IS????" :lol:

Never having seen his show, I get. But I'm relieved to know you know who he is. :wink:

Oh yeah I know who he is by looks. :reject: But that's it. Not much of a political show watcher. But if he isn't just all on politics I'll check it out.
He can be pretty scathing, and you can tell when he's actually angry about something, but for the most part they do a good job at poking fun at the ridiculousness of it all. These days, most of the main stories are political in nature, with the republican party gearing up to find their candidates.

He's worth checking out, but if you make a point to avoid political stuff, it probably won't be up your alley.
Liberal leaning and pro-GBLT rights? :hmm: Sounds right up Bono's alley.

Is Bono considered liberal? I'm sure the B man is gay-friendly, but he's never stuck his activism finger into that pie. (I digress: I've always wondered why U2 has never attracted a bigger GLBT following. It is remarkable that they have a somewhat even split of male and female fans, when most musical acts have a predominantly male OR female following. But this is for another thread, definitely not on knock-you-down interference)

Anyway, Bono is intelligent, articulate and passionate in his beliefs. I guess one could argue that Stewart is like that too. SHould make for good conversation: 2 intelligent men talking
Bono is very good at remaining bi-partisan in his political dealings and public persona, but I don't think it's a stretch to make an assumption that he would identify as "liberal" in at least some sense of the word.
I'd say more liberal than conservative - but he understands politics and that you need to deal/listen to all sides. I don't know him - never having sat over coffee and delved into politics with him - but in watching the things he cares about and causes he holds dear - I'd figure him to be socially liberal and perhaps fiscally moderate.

But, Jon Stewart can be very funny when he's on a tirade. Much like Bill O'Reilly who can be funny even when he's making a point I don't agree with. Bill Maher falls into that as well. I used to think Dennis Miller was funny, but he can a bit too obscure lately.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see Bono (if it's not Chaz....please NO) with Jon, whatever they decide to talk about. And I'd take watching Bono interviewing with Sarah Palin just to watch Bono.
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