PGP: OMG that was better than ........

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Yeah why is it the one's you've attended take FOREVER yet the ones you didn't download in no time :madwife:

EXACTLY. I downloaded the Seattle one not long ago as a backup for no-feed setlist parties and that sucker was downloaded and unzipped in less than twenty minutes!

"The next Free-Download can be started in 67:26 minutes."

Oh well, it'll be worth it in the end. :love:
EXACTLY. I downloaded the Seattle one not long ago as a backup for no-feed setlist parties and that sucker was downloaded and unzipped in less than twenty minutes!

"The next Free-Download can be started in 67:26 minutes."

Oh well, it'll be worth it in the end. :love:

Get torrents instead. No waiting and they're done in about a few seconds depending on the seeders!
How long is that one?

Yeah, one of my last races I was so sick. But every time I saw Marathon Foto....I picked up me knees and pumped my arms like I was qualifying for Boston (which will not happen until 80 and to qualify you only need to finish a marathon in 24 hours).

10k. I haven't done a longer one than that yet. :)

It's going to be a fun one - it's over a bridge that spans between WA and OR. A co-worker and I are planning to do it together, so it will be a fun road-trip getaway with some exercise mixed in. :wink:

:lol: Yeah, I picked up my pace when I see the photographers too, but of COURSE they capture me looking slow (which I am, but seriously - these photos make me look like I'm walking). :rolleyes: :lol:
MTE, these are for you. I looked through my U2 PB album for the first time in a LONG time just for ya. :wink:





What's wrong, VP? Good vibes your way, for whatever it is.

I didn't know Brian used to be Edge's security dude.
GraceRyan !! Bono Mot booked our hotel in Fredericton, not the same one as yours but I think it's just a couple minutes away. We will totally do dinner the night before the show ok?! :love:

cori if you are around then, you too! If you want to.
Hi Kristen. In one week, we will be packing and getting our seats!!!! :panic:
U R in my brainz again! :drool:

:tongue: Yet I still type faster.

But yeah, I like Brian and respect and appreciate him bigtime for what he does for us fans. He could be a rude and big bad security ass and get rid of most fans, but he's actually nice and respectful and helps us getting our moment with the Bman. He was so kind to Jem when it was her bday and Bono missed her and stuff like that, all those stories. He's such a kind man. :heart:

:uhoh: Then again, I also stare like a moron when Dallas walks by, mumbling omfg it's DALLAS... so perhaps I'm not the best witness.
GraceRyan !! Bono Mot booked our hotel in Fredericton, not the same one as yours but I think it's just a couple minutes away. We will totally do dinner the night before the show ok?! :love:

cori if you are around then, you too! If you want to.

By Friday evening, I'll either have collapsed on a motel bed in Maine near the border and am completely dead to the world, or I'll have a death grip on the steering wheel as I barrel towards Moncton, crazy-eyed and teeth gritted, and shouting "ALMOST THERE CAN'T STOP NOW AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

But yeah, thanks for the invite! :wink:

(Seriously, though - will keep in touch with folks when I know where I am on Friday evening.)
Close to a new thread already??? Wow!:ohmy:

Maybe the new thread title should give Brian some love. :lol: I'm sure you guys will get there while I'm gone tonight!

:tongue: Yet I still type faster.

But yeah, I like Brian and respect and appreciate him bigtime for what he does for us fans. He could be a rude and big bad security ass and get rid of most fans, but he's actually nice and respectful and helps us getting our moment with the Bman. He was so kind to Jem when it was her bday and Bono missed her and stuff like that, all those stories. He's such a kind man. :heart:

:uhoh: Then again, I also stare like a moron when Dallas walks by, mumbling omfg it's DALLAS... so perhaps I'm not the best witness.

:tongue: just remember to call him Mr. Schoo and he will come right to YOU. :sexywink:
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