Torino Setlist Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Yeah, I think that Kasabian (?) I was hearing was just their test. Now I'm on the main page, and seeing the button I'm guessing you push to play when the show actually starts.
:hi5: welcome to the world of the wonky body clock :wave: :lol:

:lol: God am I lucky I have a flexible schedule that allows me to change my sleeping schedule.

Still, I'm pissed about having to go to bed so early last night that I couldn't see all of the Essendon game.
So excited!! This was to be my first setlist party, but we have to drive to the in-laws in a while. I at least negotiated catching the beginning of the show from home. I wonder if 1000mikes will work on the iPhone?? :hmm:
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