PGP - going back to Bass-ics for Mr Clayton's 50th Birthday

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Daz, I"m here for another 20 min. How've you been? Did you get your apt. set up more this weekend? It's got to be starting to look like spring there, right? It's supposed to be 87 here on Wed. :barf:

No real cleaning this past weekend.......

instead birthday dinners out with my sis Sat evening, and Din out with a different friend ( than last Sun) on Sun.

and my sis treated me to a movie (and dessert at Ruby Foo's that has good food and a great dessert called "Bento Box dessert" where they make up small desserts >>> of mixed chocolate, fruits, nuts, cake, bread sticks, rice crispies, ice cream etc that look like Japanese sushi, and dumplings, etc.

This is the 4th time time we've gone there for that--- it's so good and inventive!

and the movie-- swwet, funny, action packed and beautiful animation was

"How to Train Your Dragon! :love::cute::happy:

the starring dragon is both adorable and beautiful! :wants: :wink:
^ I was JUST looking at that movie in another window. I took the little one to the Renaissance Faire this weekend and bought him a dragon bracelet. The guy who sold it to us said we should go see it. I think we'll see it this week, since we have Thurs and Fri off. It doesn't seem any scarier than Fantastic Mr. Fox so hopefully he'll love it.

*checks Humane Society website for dragons for Daz*
Well, you've seen them both so you know who you'd enjoy more. I don't think I'd go up to Phx on a Monday night shortly after school starts (assuming I have a job in a school next year) unless you were going to be there. So just let me know if you're coming and I'll totally be there.

Just sent you a totally nosey PM, btw.

Oh, and HOW'VE YOU BEEN??? How's the new job? How's today (being in charge)? How's your brother?

I haven't seen U2 live, unless you count Rattle & Hum... But I totally want to see Green Day again. They're my band. I love Tré as much as Wild loves Bono. I have some extra cash lying around and I'm saving my pennies from my new job to go down there. A plane ticket for the weekend is only $257 at the moment.

I've been good. Working during the day, so I don't get the chance to bounce around interference much anymore. The new job is nice. No more call center...till May. Then only half, cause I'll be in between a Team Lead and an agent, so I'll be walking the floor helping people and taking escalated calls when they arise. Today is...boring. I don't have shared drive passwords and training on all the reports that need to be done so I can only do what I know how to do, and that takes me all of five minutes. Hence my bouncing around interference. My brother is slowly getting back to his normal. Still having outbursts, but not as many and they're not as severe.

How's you?
^ I was JUST looking at that movie in another window. I took the little one to the Renaissance Faire this weekend and bought him a dragon bracelet. The guy who sold it to us said we should go see it. I think we'll see it this week, since we have Thurs and Fri off. It doesn't seem any scarier than Fantastic Mr. Fox so hopefully he'll love it.

*checks Humane Society website for dragons for Daz*

i think you'll enjoy it tooo!

It like the best animations I've seen work both for children anbd adults!

In fact i watched Sleeping Beauty on ? TV a few years ago and I suddenly heard things that went right by me when i was ?? 8 yrs seeing it!:lol::lol:
I'm okay - still stressing about my job but trying not to think about it. Trying to get ready for my Grand Canyon hike. Note to self: Being in shape to do a triathlon is NOT the same as being in shape to hike 7.5 miles downhill and then 7.5 miles uphill. 2 miles each way nearly killed me this weekend.

I thought you'd seen U2 on Vertigo :scratch: I know how you feel about Tre, so I totally wouldn't blame you for chosing one over the other. Keep looking for better flights - granted it was Dec when I went to SLC, but my flight was about $200 (and granted, it was 5 years ago). If I see anything I'll let you know.

Glad to hear your bro is getting better.
i think you'll enjoy it tooo!

It like the best animations I've seen work both for children anbd adults!

In fact i watched Sleeping Beauty on ? TV a few years ago and I suddenly heard things that went right by me when i was ?? 8 yrs seeing it!:lol::lol:

cool. I'm looking forward to it. We had an awesome time at the faire - he really enjoyed it - esp the juggling/ magic shows. He's not too impressed by the joust, esp since the knight we were supposed to be rooting for lost :down:

Hi Dazz! Glad you had a nice birthday dinner! :hug:

In other news, Jem and I done lost our minds. :help: See facebook.

:scream: I can't get fb at work. BUt I can guess... U2 AND Muse, 2 concerts in 2 days??? or is it U2 in Russia?
I haven't seen U2 live, unless you count Rattle & Hum... But I totally want to see Green Day again. They're my band. I love Tré as much as Wild loves Bono. I have some extra cash lying around and I'm saving my pennies from my new job to go down there. A plane ticket for the weekend is only $257 at the moment.

I've been good. Working during the day, so I don't get the chance to bounce around interference much anymore. The new job is nice. No more call center...till May. Then only half, cause I'll be in between a Team Lead and an agent, so I'll be walking the floor helping people and taking escalated calls when they arise. Today is...boring. I don't have shared drive passwords and training on all the reports that need to be done so I can only do what I know how to do, and that takes me all of five minutes. Hence my bouncing around interference. My brother is slowly getting back to his normal. Still having outbursts, but not as many and they're not as severe.

glad the job is nice!!!:hyper::hug:

happy to hear that your broyher is calmimng down more :hug:

have they got any other ideas in mind as to why he statrted having the outbursts.

OH yes you should DEF go for the GD show!!!

i saw GD doing a free live show on a side street in Lower Manhattan( rightnear city hall park) ibn ? 2005 or so whenever American Idiot came out.

And I had a great time-- I was well about the equivalent of 4 rows back on
Mike's side, and for godness sake's I could see Billy joe's bright blue eyes!

Now ALL THIS caused me to :waiting::waiting::waiting: GRUMBLE...."ohhh great..... And WHEN Am I EVER going to be ABLE to see Bono's blue and Edge's green eyes like THAT?....! <dg:hug:><:giggle: actually they went mosly around the catwalk so fast (till they stopped) I barely caught a glimpses of their eyes >
I'm okay - still stressing about my job but trying not to think about it.

:( :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: :(

Trying to get ready for my Grand Canyon hike. Note to self: Being in shape to do a triathlon is NOT the same as being in shape to hike 7.5 miles downhill and then 7.5 miles uphill. 2 miles each way nearly killed me this weekend.

:uhoh: INDEED!!!!

are your planning it for this year OR which ever year (soon) that you feel ready to able able to do it!

you were planning to go w others, i think?

(knows you're not right here now... but don't want to forget to ask!)
Dazz glad you had a good birthday dinner. Must go find your thread and post in it. :reject: Happy Belated Birthday.

Jess glad the job is going well and your brother seems to be doing better. :hug:

Zooey sorry about job stresses. :( :hug:

The dragon movie sounds/looks so :cute:
We had an awesome time at the faire - he really enjoyed it - esp the juggling/ magic shows. He's not too impressed by the joust, esp since the knight we were supposed to be rooting for lost :down:


We have a 2 day Medieval Fair up around and south of The Cloisters (now <off site> part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art ) in Fort Tryon Park in at the northernmost Washington Heights, southernmost Inwood Neighborhoods.... every early Fall since :hmm: ??? late 70's [except for a 6 yr break in ? late 80's, early 90's till more funding and maybe some new people to help run it]

VERY cool!
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