You wanna know the truth???...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 8, 2001
Another Time, Another Place, in The Electric Co. ;
About the meaning of the U2 songs????

GO here, Now!!!----->


Dilbert: Is there more to life than just working?
Dogbert: Yes, there's also the complaining about work, the nightly periods of unconsciousness and sweet, sweet death.
Dilbert: Maybe I should have kids.
Dogbert: To share the joy? ...
!!!!!!!! cool site!!!!!!!

~*Mona*~ / ~*Moaner*~ / ~*MonaPhisto*~
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"Have you been to church? This is church." ~Bono~
This is the Wild Honey thing from that site:

I think this is a very spiritual song. Bono is speaking for God in a sincere and loving way, calling out on human kind, reminding us that love and joy are to be found in the simplest of things and the most basic of forms. With the metaphor about the monkey, bono is referring to the fact that we led happier lives in our primitive stages. Now we're much too busy worrying about our earthly possessions I know your garden is full, but is there sweetness at all God's telling us that we know the way to godliness, because that's where we all come from, and that's where we'll all end up eventually, it's up to us to decide when You can go there if you please We're no strangers to Him Did I know you even then, before the clocks kept time, before the world was made He's always been, and will always be there for us I'm still standing where you left me while we're enfulfed unnecessarily in a wrestle against ourselves You still growing wild with everything tame around you
I'm special

Personally IALW is my fav song off that cd but I can't go around with my name being ialw, now CAN i?

~*Mona*~ / ~*Moaner*~ / ~*MonaPhisto*~
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"Have you been to church? This is church." ~Bono~
Thanks! Is this in their own words, or only speculation? Who wrote it, does it tell you? It sounds interesting, thanks for posting, I will check it out!!
This is a site where anyone can post their own thoughts. What they think or what they?ve read in interviews by the band and on. Some songs have LOTS of comments while others don't have any.

By they way, it's a friend of mine here in Gothenburg, Sweden who runs the site. Am I famous now?? LOL LOL

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

"Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast and Stockholm, YEAH! " ~ Bono in Stay, Sthlm 9th july 2001
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