PGP: We're Hatching Some Plots & Scheming Some Schemes To Meet POur U2 Boys On Tour!

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Sorry I don't know why. Coz it would really piss you off it happened to you but for some reason it just amused me. :reject: maybe coz I am hyper. :uhoh: :lol:

Damn garbage men ( or binmen as we call them here :lol: ) :angry:

No, it's totally funny. :D If it had happened in real life I might have had a fit, but since it was just my crazy dream, it's all good. :D
Ya true. But when they built the new building that I had tons of my classes in they didn't extend the tunnel to it so I had to walk in the freezing winter weather everyday. And it's far from the parking lot.

I've one better - I lived in Bartley Residence (you know, the far side of the campus?) and I had classes in the Education building. At 8:30. In JANUARY. When it was still all open field except for the music building (which was finished my 3rd year) :p :lol:
No, it's totally funny. :D If it had happened in real life I might have had a fit, but since it was just my crazy dream, it's all good. :D

Thats all good then. Crazy damn garbage/bin men. :tsk:


um NO! But it might give me food for thought this evening :wink:

Food for thought. :drool:

Aww Jem :hug:

Have we lost Zooey ???

And we need a new thread title:hmm:

Something about lifts? :angel:

The U2 things on right? Damn bastard sky. :madwife:
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