I get so furious about all the Bono Bashers

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Jul 14, 2001
Inside the Popmart Lemon
I was visiting one of my favourite other boards(a stones board) adn they had a thread of Bono talking in Canada which got completely out of hand......:mad: :mad: :mad:

I mean it is one thing when they say he is in love with himself

but when they start calling him egoistic and says that his charity work is only photo ops!!!:mad:

btw... I am "The Flasher" in that board... :eek:

These wankers should get a life!!

Thankfully I have someone who can calm me down....and THEN get me hot.....:drool:::macdevil:

And she is coming over very soon.....:hyper:

it should be interesting to see where all this leads.....:huh:
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Hmm, I don't know how I would feel about Bono's work if I didn't have all the information, as it's obvious most of the people on that board don't. The thing is; Bono knows that he is going to be accused of being in it for photo ops and whatnot, but he has refused to let that be an excuse for not doing anything. He knows he's probably not the best type of person to be doing that type of work, but is he going to sit and wait until "the right people" decide to do it? No. I admire him and that's what counts and I'm sure the people in Africa who know what he's doing are thankful to him. I don't care what anybody else says.

And the Edge has more originality and style on his little finger than all of the Stones put together, so... :madspit: (and I don't mean to offend any Stones fans around here)

Lemonboy said:
Thankfully I have someone who can calm me down....and THEN get me hot.....:drool:::macdevil:

:ohmy: Lucky! :tongue:
Originally posted by flaming june
Hmm, I don't know how I would feel about Bono's work if I didn't have all the information, as it's obvious most of the people on that board don't.

I remember before I became a fan, I didn't know all the information, and yet I still had a good view of Bono, simply because from what I saw, it seemed like he cared more than some other people do.

That's just me, though. But before these people do get all over him, it might not hurt to find out the information involving what he does. Maybe then they wouldn't be so quick to judge.

On to the rest of the stuff-I find it rather funny that they say that Bono's got an ego. Yeah, and Mick's always been humble? I mean, I love the Stones, too, but...

Obviously every celebrity's going to have a slight ego-they do want the people who come to their shows or movies or read their books or whatever to believe that this is the best thing they're seeing or hearing or reading, after all. That's not unusual. It's just a matter of whether or not some people can manage to do that in their professional life and yet still remain humble outside of that. And I think Bono's been able to do that.

He's been involved with charity work for almost 20 years now, which is more than some celebrites can attest to-some celebrites got involved in the big charity things in the 80s and then went back to their jobs and basically forgot about the charities. Bono didn't. As pointed out, he doesn't care if people bash him and make it seem like he's doing this just for publicity for himself (and that's just sad that people care more about whether or not he's doing it for publicity than what the whole point of this charity work is for).

By the way, I hope that these people realize that U2 do listen to and was influenced some by the Stones. So by them insulting the band musically, they're basically insulting the Stones in some way, too.

I'm glad you're continuing to defend the guys, Lemonboy. Keep it up. :up: :).

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I sure do hate it when they say this :censored: about Bono, egos and photo-ops. It's garbage. These people probably don't know much about the horrors of poverty and disease in Africa. These are the same people who accuse Jimmy Carter of being an "imperial" ex-president for helping out in Africa. Turns out they don't know anything about horrific disease problems in Africa, either. I love the Stones, but please don't tell me that Mick doesn't have an ego.
Bono's Spirit

Bono's spirit is relentless.. it has to get to anyone even the strongest person .. negative press though and so thank you Bono for taking it all on . The media and people will always dig for something, look for the bad before the good. It's sad these days that when a man does good and he is famous, he is anaylzed through a mircoscope for what his motives are. Where is their moral conscience I wonder , those that criticize??

Bono knows why he is doing it, and when he you listen to him speak it is obvious what is in his heart . So the people that matter know the truth the rest can.. well... If there were only more folks like him the world would be in better way!!

Bono you rock .. godbless you over and over!!!!
Re: Bono's Spirit

Katey said:
Bono's spirit is relentless.. it has to get to anyone even the strongest person .. negative press though and so thank you Bono for taking it all on . The media and people will always dig for something, look for the bad before the good. It's sad these days that when a man does good and he is famous, he is anaylzed through a mircoscope for what his motives are. Where is their moral conscience I wonder , those that criticize??

No crap! People are so cynical nowadays when someone does something good, they think it's for alterior motives. It couldn't possibly be due to the fact that the person actually cares about what they're doing?

Yeah, I know there've been some people who are insincere in their charity work, but that isn't the case with everyone.

And I particularly like the fact that Bono remains optimistic. Some people don't think that his work will make a difference, but he really believes in people and believes that we shouldn't give up. He's not ready to get all cynical on the world yet, he still holds hope that one day things will be better. And I can relate to that, I hold that same hope.

I'm glad that Bono doesn't care about the negativity, though. He understands some will roll their eyes and make negative remarks-even jokes about it-but he just keeps on going.

Originally posted by Katey
Bono knows why he is doing it, and when he you listen to him speak it is obvious what is in his heart . So the people that matter know the truth the rest can.. well... If there were only more folks like him the world would be in better way!!

Bono you rock .. godbless you over and over!!!!


hmm, I've never understood why some people say bad things about Bono's humanitarian work...maybe it's because they don't like U2 music, but I think they shoud respect what Bono does! :)

What Bono's doing is awesome! I wish more people would be like him, this world would be better! :up:
I used to get all fired up about Bono bashers... Even sent Henry Rollins an angry e-mail once for things I'd rather not mention... Anywho, my step-dad strongly dislikes U2, but one day, after listening to a news piece on Bono, he made a comment about how much he admired him for all the charity work he's done (is doing)... And I suddenly saw something in his face I hadn't before: understanding. Like he finally got why I am so enamored by Mr. B.

So, well, what's my point? My point is I just decided after that to ignore those who would defame Bono in any way. It doesn't help me to get all riled up and upset. It doesn't help Bono. In fact, I didn't even click the link b/c I just plain don't want to get involved or what have you. Bono can and has defended himself many times, despite the fact that he really doesn't even have to. No one needs to justify the good they do for the world. That's preposterous! And there will always be naysayers... That just human nature. I ignore them and let it go... It's just better for me at the end of the day... Moreover, IMHO, they all have the right to an opinion even if they're wrong. :laugh:

No, but seriously, as Voltaire said, "I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to my death your right to say it."

Besides, we all know Bono is great, right? Right? So say it loud and say it proud! (I dunno... I'm tired and rambling now... :blahblah: )

Bono rocks! Ok! :cool:

:mad: Oh, I was so mad reading that!
I think a good point was that the press would follow him to the "loo" if they could. Even if he didn't want the stuff to be publicized, it would be. And also, he wants it to be, because he knows he's a role model, and people might follow his lead and get involved in his charities if they see him in action.
Whether it's for the photo opts or not (which it isn't) Bono's still getting up off his butt and doing something!!
I just read an article in the paper about a man in Ohio who's a successful businessman and has given alot of money to schools and charitable causes. He gave a poor woman his own kidney when she needed a transplant. Well, surprise, surprise, he's got people all over his case, saying he's just an egotist and stuff. :censored: :censored: :censored: Unfortunately there are cynics aplenty out there. I just try to ignore these people. They disgust me. :mad: :mad:
verte76 said:
I just read an article in the paper about a man in Ohio who's a successful businessman and has given alot of money to schools and charitable causes. He gave a poor woman his own kidney when she needed a transplant. Well, surprise, surprise, he's got people all over his case, saying he's just an egotist and stuff. :censored: :censored: :censored: Unfortunately there are cynics aplenty out there. I just try to ignore these people. They disgust me. :mad: :mad:


Perhaps you could write a letter to the editor of the paper and ask the cynics exactly how much they've done to help the less fortunate as of late. See what they have to say to that.

Moonlit_Angel said:


Perhaps you could write a letter to the editor of the paper and ask the cynics exactly how much they've done to help the less fortunate as of late. See what they have to say to that.


Hey, that's a good idea. It'll make people think before they pick on the charity activists.
Moonlit_Angel said:


Perhaps you could write a letter to the editor of the paper and ask the cynics exactly how much they've done to help the less fortunate as of late. See what they have to say to that.


An excellent point. How many of those naysayers would be willing to donate a kidney?!

I've read a lot of crap from the Bono-bashers. Is he egotistical? He's a rock star, a bit of ego comes with the territory. In fact, compared to most, he's downright humble.

Don't like the charities he works with? Then get off your butt and support something you agree with, instead of wasting time berating him. As the old saying goes, put your money where your mouth is. I'd bet most of these naysayers haven't donated so much as a can of soup to a food kitchen, let alone holding concerts to raise millions of dollars. :madspit:
Moonlit_Angel said:
Yep. Until those people can prove they've put in more time and effort to help others, they're in no position to be judging and criticizing those who do help.

Well said, Sue DeNym.


Thank you. :) And if the bashers had put in more time and effort to help others, they wouldn't have any to waste berating Bono for his efforts!

There are plenty of problems with this world. Thousands of diseases that need cures, thousands of people homeless and needing help, thousands living under oppressive governments where they have no rights and are treated worse than dirt...pick a cause and get to work. If you can't be bothered to help out, don't pick on those who do. It's a clich?. but it's true: if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
even if he is egotistical he is allowed to be...he's BONO, wouldn't you be? He is probably one of the most famous men in the world. I think he has that right. But come on....really, Bono doestn' need to go to africa and the midwest and to these aids and peace talks just to get his picture taken.....he's Bono all he needs to do is wake up in the morning. WHo ever says he's doing it for photo ops is full of it.
Exactly right, both of you ^^^^.

It's just such a shame...celebrities like Bono can't win. If a celebrity doesn't do something to help others, they're seen as selfish, greedy people who care only about their money and fame and everything-they have the money and means, therefore, they should be doing more to help others.

But if they do help, then they're seen as doing it just for publicity, or they're preaching, and therefore should shut up and just go back to being a celebrity, 'cause nobody cares about what celebrities have to say (course, whenever people say that, I just have one word for them: Reagan).

Make up your minds, people. Argh.

Your right, he is basically screwed any which way he turns. But he knows and his true fans know he is doing what is right and thats all that matters. He is doing a fantastic job, I am so proud to be a fan of him and U2!!!!! But will all of this stuff he does I do worry about his safety though:yikes:
Northeast said:
Your right, he is basically screwed any which way he turns. But he knows and his true fans know he is doing what is right and thats all that matters.


Originally posted by Northeast
He is doing a fantastic job, I am so proud to be a fan of him and U2!!!!!

Same here. Thank god for people like these four men...the world's a little better place because of them.

Originally posted by Northeast
But will all of this stuff he does I do worry about his safety though:yikes:

Me, too. Like with the threats he'd gotten a while back from some racist people who didn't like the fact that he was helping Africans. :rolleyes: :mad: :madspit: :rant:.

But once again, more proof of how great he is...he continues on, even with that kind of scary stuff happening.

I know, he shouldn't let the threats get him down....but can you imagine if something happended to him!:uhoh: He has been threated with some real bad stuff and usually those people doing it dont' have a heart, they just kill without caring. It just scares me sometimes
Moonlit_Angel said:
It's just such a shame...celebrities like Bono can't win. If a celebrity doesn't do something to help others, they're seen as selfish, greedy people who care only about their money and fame and everything-they have the money and means, therefore, they should be doing more to help others.

But if they do help, then they're seen as doing it just for publicity, or they're preaching, and therefore should shut up and just go back to being a celebrity, 'cause nobody cares about what celebrities have to say (course, whenever people say that, I just have one word for them: Reagan).

And these people have the gall to say Bono's a hypocrite! :rolleyes: They criticize the speck in Bono's eye and ignore the mature Redwood trees in their own.

Northeast said:
Your right, he is basically screwed any which way he turns....But will all of this stuff he does I do worry about his safety though :yikes:

As do I. :( Like when that jerk was writing those green-inked letters threatening him, I was praying for Bono's safety (as, I'm sure, were many, many others). But you can't stop doing what is right because some scumbag might off you.
Sue DeNym said:

And these people have the gall to say Bono's a hypocrite! :rolleyes: They criticize the speck in Bono's eye and ignore the mature Redwood trees in their own.

As do I. :( Like when that jerk was writing those green-inked letters threatening him, I was praying for Bono's safety (as, I'm sure, were many, many others). But you can't stop doing what is right because some scumbag might off you.

Very true! But he does have a family with young children that need him.
..............pssst..his fans need him too:hug:
Sue DeNym said:
And these people have the gall to say Bono's a hypocrite! :rolleyes: They criticize the speck in Bono's eye and ignore the mature Redwood trees in their own.

No crap.

Originally posted by Sue DeNym
As do I. :( Like when that jerk was writing those green-inked letters threatening him, I was praying for Bono's safety (as, I'm sure, were many, many others). But you can't stop doing what is right because some scumbag might off you.


Moonlit_Angel said:
Exactly right, both of you ^^^^.

It's just such a shame...celebrities like Bono can't win. If a celebrity doesn't do something to help others, they're seen as selfish, greedy people who care only about their money and fame and everything-they have the money and means, therefore, they should be doing more to help others.

But if they do help, then they're seen as doing it just for publicity, or they're preaching, and therefore should shut up and just go back to being a celebrity, 'cause nobody cares about what celebrities have to say (course, whenever people say that, I just have one word for them: Reagan).

Make up your minds, people. Argh.


I agree. To hell with these cynics and naysayers. They're part of the problem. :mad: :mad: :censored: :censored: :censored:
I feel that the biggest problem is that these people rarely have any ideas of their own to back up their criticisms, and rarely offer any other solutions.

For example, I read an article the other day, not specifically about Bono, but about cancelling the Third World Debt. The fellow had a lot to say about WHY this is not what he believes is the right thing to do, but offered no alternative solution to the problems.

If you don't agree with it, or don't want to support it, then don't - but don't stand in the way of those who do. And if you think you have a BETTER SOLUTION to the problem, an easier answer that will work more effectively, then shout it out loud. But criticising without ideas of your own to improve it, then I don't want to hear it.
imogen said:
I feel that the biggest problem is that these people rarely have any ideas of their own to back up their criticisms, and rarely offer any other solutions.

For example, I read an article the other day, not specifically about Bono, but about cancelling the Third World Debt. The fellow had a lot to say about WHY this is not what he believes is the right thing to do, but offered no alternative solution to the problems.

If you don't agree with it, or don't want to support it, then don't - but don't stand in the way of those who do. And if you think you have a BETTER SOLUTION to the problem, an easier answer that will work more effectively, then shout it out loud. But criticising without ideas of your own to improve it, then I don't want to hear it.

My thoughts exactly :yes:
imogen said:
I feel that the biggest problem is that these people rarely have any ideas of their own to back up their criticisms, and rarely offer any other solutions.

For example, I read an article the other day, not specifically about Bono, but about cancelling the Third World Debt. The fellow had a lot to say about WHY this is not what he believes is the right thing to do, but offered no alternative solution to the problems.

If you don't agree with it, or don't want to support it, then don't - but don't stand in the way of those who do. And if you think you have a BETTER SOLUTION to the problem, an easier answer that will work more effectively, then shout it out loud. But criticising without ideas of your own to improve it, then I don't want to hear it.

My sentiments exactly.
imogen said:
I feel that the biggest problem is that these people rarely have any ideas of their own to back up their criticisms, and rarely offer any other solutions. ... If you don't agree with it, or don't want to support it, then don't - but don't stand in the way of those who do. And if you think you have a BETTER SOLUTION to the problem, an easier answer that will work more effectively, then shout it out loud. But criticising without ideas of your own to improve it, then I don't want to hear it.

Can I hear an AMEN! :up: :yes: That's it exactly! If you can't offer a better solution, than don't badmouth those who are trying to help. Unconstructive criticism is about as useful as spitting into the wind.
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