U2 to Premiere (RED) Charity Track “Invisible” During Super Bowl Ad

January 23, 2014 · Print This Article

Let’s get it out of the way first: it is not known whether “Invisible,” an upcoming track released to raise funds for (RED) will be included on U2′s upcoming, Danger Mouse-produced album, due sometime in 2014.

What is known is that, for the second time in a matter of months, U2 fans have new music to listen to. They should be momentarily satiated.


The content of the ad and the future of the limited edition single are still in question. What is certain is that this will be a highly lucrative campaign, one that will get U2′s name in the minds of listeners without actually saying a word about the new album, which even Danger Mouse himself is not allowed to discuss publically.

It’s an interesting time to be a U2 fan. Stay patient for these next 10 days and let’s hope “Invisible” gives us some inclination of what’s ahead.


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