Your Gypsy Heart pt 1

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Blue Crack Supplier
Mar 3, 2005
completely out of touch
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which was inspired by, but in no way meant to represent any actual actions on the part of the members of the band U2. The only place any of this happened was in the twists and turns of the authors imagination. For the sake of the plot (and because of a personal lack of information and inspiration upon which to build characters for the women) the guys should all be considered to be single and unattached. None of the following is intended as any sort of disrespect to their real life counterparts/family/friends

I guess some characters just don’t know when to quit! This story is the sequel to my earlier Fan fiction ‘Stealing from the thieves’. It will be written assuming most people have read that story already and so character buildup/introduction will be lesser than in a usual short story setting, since this is turning into something of a series. Now, for the further adventures of a Catalina Williams and ‘Tequila Monster’, whose lives will never be the same since the fateful night U2 stole their show.

Chapter one/part one: Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves

Cat had never imagined just how much went into a big time stage act. She knew the clothes and lighting and instruments were all important, of course, but she had no idea how many people it took to get these things just right. Or, at least, how many people would be trying to get these things just right.

She had said goodbye to Adam within hours of his surprise return to Memphis on the day of Gunnar and Charlene’s funeral, and had seen him only in passing since then. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, the strangely unsettling and yet very pleasant way she felt inside when she did was addictive. She had felt nothing like it since her very first crush.

She was frustrated, to be so close to him and yet not have a moment alone together. As soon as they had arrived in New York they had been descended upon by stylists and assistants (who had assistants of their own) all trying to tell them how to do what they had already been doing for years. The only reprieve they had was rehearsal time, and there was precious little of that.

Three days had passed since they got to New York, almost two weeks now since Bono and Adam had invited them to perform an opening set for a small promotional tour they were about to do. Their heads were practically spinning, everything was happening so fast. Now here they were, backstage, about to be led out in front of countless U2 fans, and introduced to the world outside of Memphis. Cat thought she might throw up.

“We’re so not ready for this.” She said, and Alex and Krash exchanged concerned glances. They had never heard these words from Cat before a show. She had always been the cheerleader of the group, encouraging everybody and keeping them going no matter what. There wasn’t any time to back out, though, because security was gesturing for them to move.

“Hello, New York!” Cat greeted them, the crowd reacting to the name of their city as all New Yorkers did in such environments, proudly. And rightly so. “Yeah. That’s right, the city of blinding lights.” She said into the mic with a smile, earning another cheer from the dedicated U2 fans.

“This guy just came up to me on the street a few minutes ago… Kinda shorter guy, dark hair and dark glasses, Irish accent. Little bit crazy?” She said into the mic before letting one of the roadies drape the guitar strap to her bass over her shoulder. The crowd cheered wildly at her description of the lead singer for the band they were there to see.

“And he says to me, he says, ‘we’ve got a crowd of fans waiting to be entertained, but we’re not ready. D’ya think you can help? Keep ‘em busy for a bit?’ and I said, sure little Irish guy, not a problem.” She informed the crowd, doing her best to imitate Bono’s accent.

“So here we are to entertain you while you wait for the big guys.” The crowd cheered politely, but it was clear they were no longer in Memphis. They were brand new again, and a first impression was about to be made.

“We are known as Tequila Monster, in case you were curious.” She informed them as Krash played an introduction leading into their first song, a more modern rendition of Credence Clearwater Revival’s ‘travelin’ band’.

“737 comin out of the sky, oh won’t you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride? Oh yeah, playing in a traveling’ band!” She sang, feeling greatly impaired in her ability to entertain while strapped to the bass. They were only scheduled to do a small five song set, but by song three it was clear many of the people in the crowd were getting restless.

One man, in particular, near the stage front left, was talking to those around him animatedly. It was obvious he was not impressed. Cat paused briefly between songs to take a long drink of water, and actually heard some bits and pieces of his heckling for the first time.

“I knew they were into charity, but putting these losers on stage is taking it too far.” He joked. Cat was more than a little tempted to dump her water over his head. She was walking away, Krash starting to play their fourth song, ‘Dancin’ Barefoot’ by Patti Smith, when she heard him say,

“I was more entertained when the stage was empty!”

Backstage Larry watched from the entranceway with concern.

“Bono?” He called over his shoulder. “I think you better be ready…”

“Ready for what?” Bono called back from the bathroom.

“Trouble!” Larry yelled as he turned around in time to see Cat dump the contents of her drink off the stage and onto the man’s head, splashing several of the people surrounding him as well. She looked like she was about to dive off the stage and tackle him, but thankfully security intervened and kept them from attacking each other.

“…can kiss my …” were the last words the crowd could hear from her as Larry instructed the technicians to shut the microphones off. Security led them off the stage through a crowd of riled up New Yorkers. Some seemed to have taken offense, most just seemed excited that the opening act was over.

“Well, that could’ve gone better.” Adam said, smirking despite the fact that he knew he should be more concerned about the fiasco.

“What the hell was that?” Larry demanded, scowling at Cat. She scowled right back at him, refusing to be intimidated. She couldn’t really think of anything to say, then and there, to explain her temper tantrum and so she simply glared at him defiantly.

“Worry about it later.” Bono told his friend with a pat on the shoulder. “Right now we have to go get this circus train back on the right track.”

It was a damned good thing New York loved U2 as much as U2 loved New York. It didn’t take all that much to get the concert back on the right track, once Bono turned on the charm, and that day he laid it on even thicker than usual. Cat, Krash and Alex decided to go back to the hotel almost immediately, rather than stay for the performance. None of them were in much of a mood to party, anyway.


“Well, one thing’s for certain.” Bono said from the doorway to her room, where the three were gathered to hide their embarrassment and drown their sorrows. “You don’t leave us the time to be nervous before we go on stage.” He teased, moving into the room as if he’d been invited and taking a Guinness from the selection of drinks on the counter.

“That guy was an ass hole.” Cat informed him defensively. Bono smiled at the way her slight southern accent turned into a full-on drawl when she’d been drinking.

“I never said he wasn’t.” He told her with a shrug, plopping casually into the seat next to her on the love seat. He draped an arm across the back of the seat and leaned back, looking at her as if seeing her for the first time. He even seemed to like what he was seeing. This baffled Cat, who had been prepared to be told to pack up and get lost.

Adam and the others strolled in next, Edge and Adam also seemed considerably more amused than irritated. Larry was the only one who looked disapproving, and he pretty much always looked at Cat that way. He didn’t trust her, didn’t like her, and hadn’t seen anything to convince him he should.

“It’s not going to happen again.” Cat assured Bono. “We weren’t ready, and he was right, we sucked big time. We’ll be ready for the next show.”

“How? You only have three days, one of those which will be spent mostly traveling.” Larry asked, helping himself to a drink and leaning against the wall nearby.

“The big problem was that I couldn’t move out there, strapped down to an instrument. Some people can be very entertaining even with a guitar in their hands, but it’s not the way I work. We need a fourth member. We’ve always had four or five people, and trying something this big with just the three of us was … not the best decision.” She replied.

“So how are you going to fix that in three days?”

“We already have. I called someone who used to play with us sometimes, he’s flying into Boston to meet us there.” Cat said, standing and stretching.

“Are you sure he can handle going on in such short notice?”

“Shane has been on stage more than any of us. In fact, last I had heard he was on tour with a country band. Fortunately for us, he recently went separate ways with them. He’ll be just fine.” She told them. “The only reason he wasn’t with us in the first place is he’s a total jackass. But for this, we can put up with him until someone who works out better is available.”

“Hey, that’s what she said about you!” Bono teased Adam who fought back a smirk.

“So anyway…” Cat said, rolling her eyes at the boys, “He’s flying in on the red-eye. We’ll be rehearsing like crazy, but we should be able to do it.”

“You have other commitments, too, don’t forget. You’re supposed to come to that interview with me tomorrow afternoon, and you still don’t have wardrobe for the last eight shows since you won’t stop arguing with the stylists.” Bono informed her.

“Have you seen the stuff they were trying to get me to wear?” She asked, holding her hands emphatically. They couldn’t help but laugh a little at her stubbornness. Bono stood and stretched dramatically, setting his empty can on the counter.

“Well, anyway, you still have a long day ahead of you. Get some sleep.” He told her with a playful hug. Edge and Larry wished them all a good night as well and followed Bono out the door. Adam settled into the seat Bono had vacated, cleared his throat and looked at Krash who jumped up from his own seat.

“Yeah, that’s good advice. See you tomorrow.” He said, grabbing Alex by the collar and hoisting him to his feet when he did not move to follow.

“Well that was subtle.” Cat said sarcastically once the door had shut behind them. She smiled flirtatiously as she settled down next to him on the love seat.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures.” He replied with that smirk she loved so much, reaching out and brushing the hair away from her face. “I was hoping you could squeeze some time in to your busy schedule for me.”

“I think I might be able to shift a few appointments around.” She replied playfully. “Oh, you know what? I have some time right now!” He chuckled, and as he smiled her eyes fell to examine his lips; most specifically that full lower lip which she knew felt so very good when he kissed her.

“I meant maybe tomorrow night, actually. I want to take you out, you know on a proper date.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.” She told him, leaning in close to him, her hand resting against his chest, tilting her head so that her lips were less than an inch from his ear.

“I’ve never been accused of being proper in my whole life.” She teased, her breath tickling his ear. He turned to face her, his lips almost touching hers.

“Mmm. No, I don’t imagine you have.” He played along, brushing a whispery kiss over her lips, leaving her wanting more. “I was thinking around eight?” She sighed dramatically and fell back against the opposite arm of the love seat.

“You are such a tease.” She told him, her green eyes sparkling.

“You love it, and you know it.” He told her, standing to go. “Oh, and you’ll probably need to talk to Jessica from wardrobe, have her find you something to wear. Unless you brought something fancy with you?”

“Fancy?” Cat asked, her face drawing into a serious frown. “Uh, no I don’t think I brought anything fancy. I don’t think I own anything fancy!”

“We’ll have to remedy that.” He told her, offering her a hand up. As soon as she was standing, he drew her into his embrace and kissed her softly. Cat traced that lower lip with the tip of her tongue, then drew it in between her own lips greedily.

“Do you have to go already?” She asked him on a whispered breath between kisses.

“Yes.” He told her, smiling as he kissed her again. She moaned against his mouth in complaint. Adam’s hands slid up her back, pressing her in closer to him, deepening the kiss which he had not intended to be quite so passionate. Cat slid her hands up into his hair, tilting her head back and gasping for breath. Adam’s head dropped forward, resting against her shoulder.

“Maybe I could stay for awhile…” he said, and she laughed, hugging him close.

“I think you were right the first time. You’re on for tomorrow, though.” She told him, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes. As much as she wanted him to stay, she knew he had to go or things would get complicated. She had not yet told him about the promise she had made to herself, the vow which she had told her friends about even, not to have sex again until after she was married.

It had seemed like such a good idea, at the time. She sighed and leaned against the door after it closed behind him. Now she was looking at it from a very different point of view; that of a woman who had not been with a man in years. A woman who was falling in love with an incredibly sexy man.

No, she had a lot of things to think about before their date, and not a lot of time to do it in. If he had stayed any longer, there would have been no thinking at all. It was extremely tempting to give herself up to that sort of wild abandon. She drew in a steadying breath and moved to get ready for bed, hoping a good nights sleep would make it easier for her to think more rationally.


Cat had wanted to meet Shane at the gate that morning, but ended up having to send a car for him. The thought that he might run into one of the band members before she had a chance to talk to him had her stomach in knots. She hadn’t told the entire truth about why he was no longer with the band. She hadn’t wanted to explain so much right then and there, when she was already feeling judged.

She had been the one to tell Shane to get out. Out of the band, out of her house and out of her life. He had been the last serious boyfriend she had, three years ago. They had even lived together for eight months. He was the one she thought of when she heard Sheryl Crow sing her song ‘My Favorite mistake’ even to this day. He was the type of guy a woman just hated to love.

So, when Adam arrived with Bono at rehearsals, Cat was not so pleasantly surprised. Bono was supposed to be there to pick them up for an interview he'd arranged and Shane was still not there. Needless to say, Cat’s nerves were raw.

“Hey hey! Look at you darlin’!” He exclaimed as he burst through the door, two hours later than she’d expected him. He grabbed her up in a bear hug, lifting her clean off of her feet, and every head turned to watch the enthusiastic reunion.

“Hey.” She greeted him, pushing him away at arms length as soon as he’d placed her back on her own two feet. He smiled down at her with that great big smile that had stolen more hearts than she could even count, and she resisted the urge to smile back. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when his eyes fell on Alex and he walked away from her without a second glance.

“Hey, kid. I’m so sorry to here about yer brother.” He said, offering Alex a firm handshake which Cat was sure hurt Alex’s hand. “What a fucking thing, huh?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” Alex replied through tight lips, flexing his bruised hand. Shane turned that brilliant smile on Krash, who looked like he might just choose to flee rather than deal with his old band-mate.

“Kung Fu!” He greeted him, using the nickname only Shane had ever used for Krash. Krash’s birth name was Kioshi, because it was a family name. His Asian-American ethnicity was written clearly across his features, but he’d never been outside of North America and he had never had any interest in martial arts. Still, yet Shane thought it was a hilarious nickname.

“Shane.” Krash replied, looking down at his guitar.

“Uh, Shane, this is Bono and Adam. Guys this is Shane, he’s gonna be playing bass for us for a little while.” Cat introduced them, stressing heavily the fact that he was only expected to be around for a short time.

“Hell yes, I know who they are! It’s good to meet you guys.” Shane replied with a broad grin, shaking their hands enthusiastically. “Shit, I been listening to your music since I was a kid.” He added, and the amused smile faded from Bono’s face.

“So, Shane. Why is it you were available on such short notice?” Adam asked, eyeing the man warily. He was eye to eye as tall as Adam, broad shouldered and narrow waisted as the stereotypical cowboy. He was easily a dozen years younger than Adam, in his early thirties. He had a head full of dirty blonde curls and a set of brown eyes that danced with mischief, that damned boyish grin and a square jaw covered with stubble. He looked like he’d just walked off the front cover of a romance novel.

“Well, for one, I knew she’d call me back. They always come back for more.” He replied with a wink and a wiggle of his eyebrows. Adam’s eyebrows drew together as his frown deepened at the implications of the man’s words.

“In your case Shane, they’re usually looking for child support.” Krash quipped, and Shane hooted with laughter.

“Yeah, but I don’t let those gals catch me, right Kitty-Cat?” Shane replied, smiling at Cat.

“I told you we just need someone who can do backing vocals and play the Bass.” She sighed.

“Sure, sure. I know.” He agreed. “I’m just givin’ ya shit. Naw, the truth of the matter is I was with a group that was doing pretty well fer theirselves. Called ourselves the Rangers, we were following the Pro Rodeo circuit.” He told them, settling down at the table, immediately leaning back in his chair and propping his feet up on the table.

“What happened?”

“Well they were headed into Texas, so obviously I couldn’t go along.” He stated, and Adam and Bono turned curious glances on Cat.

“He’s got a bench warrant out in Texas for back child support.” She informed them, wondering if this would really be worth it, in the long run.

“Three ex-wives, mean as all get-out and nashin’ their teeth to get a chunk o’ my hide.” He informed them, not the least bit ashamed of it. In fact he seemed downright proud of the fact that he’d outrun them for so long.

“Look, Krash, Alex will you guys run Shane through the program while I go handle this interview?” Cat asked her friends, her eyes pleading. She hated to ask them to give up an interview with Spin magazine but she hated the idea of taking Shane with them to the interview even more.

“Good idea.” Krash replied, shooting her an ‘oh-you-owe-me-bigtime!’ look.

“Thank you! I’ll see you guys later, for a full rehearsal.” She said, turning and fleeing the room with Bono and Adam both close behind.

“How did you ever let that one get away?” Bono asked her, draping a playful arm around her shoulder and laughing at the dismayed look on her face.

“Yeah, he’s a winner. Hopefully we won’t have to have him around very long.” She said, her eyes moving past Bono to Adam. Bono climbed into the backseat of the car the had waiting for them, and Cat paused to stand next to Adam.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you last night that he was my ex. I probably should have…” She started.

“No. Why should you have? You need someone you’re comfortable with in the band, and if he’s it…” he told her with a shrug. She smiled meekly at him.

“Because I’m not proud of my romantic history. I’ve made some bad choices, in the past.” She told him, taking his hand in hers and swinging their arms playfully.

“In the past.” He reiterated with a smirk and she laughed, color staining her cheeks. “I’ll see you tonight. Pick you up at your room at eight, ok?” he told her with a soft kiss. She agreed and climbed into the backseat of the car with Bono, still smiling, Adam’s kiss still making her feel a bit giddy.
Just finished Stealing From Thieves....that was a wonderful story! It even made me cry... *sniffle* I was totally shocked when it ended though...but then happy since you've started the sequel already. Now I can't wait to see what happens this time...You've got an amazing talent, keep up the good work!:yes: :applaud: :dancing:

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