Yaay I got to hear the Dallas show on the phone!!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
Hehe..well not all of it but 4 and a half songs (which are alot): I heard...In god's country!!! Yes that took me so by surprise, then Please, bad, who's gonna ride and a bit of streets

It was so freakin loud I thought Bono was singing right into the cell phone..it was incredible, I was even almost deaf in one ear after hearing it but I was happy as hell lmao

Thanks to Lylas *huuuuuuuuuuugs* love ya girlie! for calling me and letting me listen to it, I hope I didn't waste all your minutes hehe

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*
Me too, thanks to Disco! She left me a "message" on my voicemail at work that I just got this morning! At first I thought it was a wrong number because it was so crackly and garbled, (I thought someone had put me on hold!) and I was just about to forward to the end when I heard Bono's unmistakeable voice. It really cheered me up!
You're welcome!

Bono was singing very close to the cell phone at times. INCA and I got to be in the very first row in front of the Edge! Wow, amazing. Though I really really wish I'd brought ear plugs now. My ears are still ringing.

Sorry I couldn't get BTBS for you. A security guard finally saw me, and for some reason made me put my phone away. grr. :p

But it was such a good show. I'm so deaf and dehydrated now, but so happy.
Awww Jess, DARN! I wish it had come through better...could you tell what song it was? (out of control). Sorry it came thru so badly, rats. Well, it WAS awfully loud...by mid concert, I had to stuff a piece of napkin into my left ear (the girl next to me kept screaming like a banshee).

I woke this morning thinking...was it all a dream?? The proceded to become depressed as I saw the armbands still on my wrist.

I hate real life. I want my U2 life back. Can't wait for the next tour, whenever it will be!!!


Originally posted by Mrs. Edge:
Me too, thanks to Disco! She left me a "message" on my voicemail at work that I just got this morning! At first I thought it was a wrong number because it was so crackly and garbled, (I thought someone had put me on hold!) and I was just about to forward to the end when I heard Bono's unmistakeable voice. It really cheered me up!

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