WTF Now?!!? Dazz's Sis needs prayers again!

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 5, 2003
in the sound dancing - w Bono & Edge :D
:crack: :crack:

hopefully things are not as bad as they might be......

We were talking on the phone late last night .....

she says she's feeling like someone is leaning into her upper chest (i don't remember which side she said) :huh:
then she said she noticed she was feeling more short of breath off and on:|

she's going for a chest x-ray this Thurs, and next Weds a a scan of some kind? maybe a sonogram?

It could be some kind of chest muscle thing, and another person suggested Walking Pneumonia..........

when do we get AT LEAST A FULL FUCKING YEAR OF RELEIF when NO ONE is in potential or acute medical illnesses/crisis in my fam & friends! :scream:


thanks in advance!:hug:s

at least I had Barcelona to make me happy! :drool: :D
Dazz, you really have had such a rough time already, I hope that things will settle down for you very, very soon. In the meantime, my thoughts go out to you and your sister :hug:
I wish I could make everybody in the world better when I read things like this:sad:

:heart::hug: To both of you
***Thank you***,
Bri, carlos, JS & domo-k.... :hug::hug::hug::hug:

She just went for a stress test... and just getting her e-mail now.......:crack:
:madwife: fights over-worrying!

she said
"it went allright......i'll know more when i see the doctor next week....."

does that seem like a vaugish answer, or is a stress test one where they get a general sense, but takes more time to read the recordings for further details? :huh:
You can't do more than trust the speciallists, its hard when it takes so long

Some GOOD NEWS .......

She e-mailed me to make plans, then added her
"...tests came back clean & fine. " :happy: :happy:

I guess maybe when it became obvious that the results were good; they quickly passed them on.

I think she'll have some other tests - of what kind, i don't know, but a sonogram may be a possibility.

I'll celebrate this good stuff in the meantime. :cocktail: :D
Great to hear everything is okay Dazz:hug: Lets hope its stays like that.
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