Would you rather

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Roasting hot, after being freezing cold all day today it'd be a welcome change :wink:

Would you rather your best friend die, or a single mother of four kids (whom you didn't know)?
:yikes: I'll go with pus-filled blisters, because at least you could get them drained and cleaned and eventually they'd heal - whereas smelling :no:

Would you rather have no teeth or no toes?
Never watch TV/movies - most is crap anyway, but I'd miss House :wink:

Would you rather perform a heart transplant on a friend and have no idea what you're doing or be grotesquely burned in a fire and lose your vision?
Open heart on a friend.
Well, id pretend i was friends with them, so that none of my 'real' friends would suffer.
Is that allowed?

WYR be born without any genitalia at all, or have an ass as a face.

Erm.. :huh: I don't think i'd really want to do either, but I'd probably have to pick bunjy jumping.

Skiing holiday or beach holiday?
Beach any day...gotta have the sun baby.

Emma, you MUST join me sometime here in Cali..if you ever decide to..please let me know!

WYR be homeless forever with your enitire family living, but no visiting or acknowledgement of your existence or have your entire family taken out by a drunk driver and live like a king.
Walk the walk.

Would you rather have a fantastic time all the time but die when you're thirty, or live a mediocre life and live until you're 80?
Eat with my feet... or really I could have someone feed me if I couldn't use my hands :lol:

wyr live your life being lonely (not having friends outside of your family) or famous (having friends but not true friends, never having any peace, constantly followed by paparazzi etc)?
Not listen to any other music...U2 has so much out there, i could listen for a month and not hear the same song.

WYR be extremely facially attractive but be 250 lbs, never able to lose the weight,
or extremely ugly, but have a 'model perfect' body and be able to eat whatever you want and never have to work out.
ugly with the nice body being able to eat. Love isn't about looks, and you know I can't live without my junk food :lmao:

wyr go back in time to see the Beatles live or Elvis?
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