Whiskey in a Jar and U2?

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Jul 30, 2000
Porto Alegre/Brasil
Okay, I woke up this morning with this weird idea...but first please, forget about Metallica

How about U2 playing Thin Lizzy's Whiskey in a Jar? I don't think they ever played that one, definitely it's not their kind of song, still a great tune IMO. Even so, can you imagine how it would sound like?

Seu pa?s ? lindo. Seu povo ? lindo. Suas vozes s?o lindas. N?o esqueceremos voc?s. - Bono - S?o Paulo - 01/31/1998
So, my idea was not that weird, LOL. Frankly, I have never heard U2 playing the song. Larry doing the vocal? I must hear that. Any idea on where I can find it? I tried audiogalaxy already but I didn't manage to get it.
Btw, I don't like Metallica's version. Thin Lizzy's is far the best IMO, go check it out.
Yeah, Larry sang an a capella version of THIN LIZZY?S (not Metallica)
"Whiskey in the Jar" during a show in Toronto (I think it was)!! (although I know it?s a traditional irish pub-song and not Thin Lizzy?s, hehe)

You can download the version at Kazaa or Napster or something like that! It?s really good. Larry has a great voice!
Thanks Blue Saint, I?m definitely looking for the mp3s. In fact I know that Whiskey in a Jar was not originally written by Phil Lynnot/Thin Lizzy, but the song became well-known worldwide (even here) with them, am I right?

As for Larry having a good voice...
Originally posted by follower:

As for Larry having a good voice...

*beats follower over the head with a stick*

It's a tradional Irish folk song-recorded by, among others, The Dubliners and the Pogues. It even said on a site that Jerry Garcia recorded it once-and The Grateful Dead soundchecked it, but never recorded it.
ouch...that hurts Gina, LOL

Doesn?t he sing Whiskey in a Jar the way he has sung Dirty Old Town several times, does he? Cause that is awful, LOL

I love Larry, I really do...but he was born to play drums. And only that.
Originally posted by follower:

I love Larry, I really do...but he was born to play drums. And only that.

OK *puts down stick* At least he gives it the 'ole college try' with his singing..

Oh, and the one thing he was REALLY born to do was to marry me
uh huh Gina, so that he could sing only for you, whisper in your ears, for the rest of your life together. That is supposed to be nice, at least for you, isn?t it?

Btw, I still haven?t found U2 playing Whiskey in a Jar.
Originally posted by follower:
uh huh Gina, so that he could sing only for you, whisper in your ears, for the rest of your life together. That is supposed to be nice, at least for you, isn?t it?

Btw, I still haven?t found U2 playing Whiskey in a Jar.

Yes, that would be PERFECT-I would compliment him CONSTANTLY on his singing

*hmmmm, Larry singing in the shower*

As for the mp3-sorry, I'm clueless.Somebody on here must have it.
Hey Follower!
Yeah, that would be perfection! I was praying they would do a full band version at Slane but instead we got Dancing In The Moonlight.

But at the Popmart gig i was at, 31st of August 97 in Lansdowne Road in Dublin Edge did it karaoke style, and it was FANTASTIC!! I have it on video and only remembered how incredible it was after watchin it, its unbelievable how the crowd reacted, just remembering 45000 of us singing that freaks me out, it was LOUD!

If you can get that on MP3 on u2bloodredsky.com or wherever please let me know!
Hehe, well, actually, what I meant was that Larry had a great voice, for being a drummer, right? I mean, there are SO many singers out there who?s voices are horrible and I think Larry would beat them easily

BTW, I?m kind of sure that U2 did (sometimes) play "Whiskey in the Jar" during there earlier years since at least Bono was (is?) a huge fan of Thin Lizzy.
Larry's singing is rugged...like his good looks...

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

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