which toe of the foot are you?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
no it's not a real 'quiz' like all the other cool ones.
but it could be a damn good one.
sorry i wasted the last 8 seconds of your life, but think i wasted about 4 times that posting this, and it had to be done.

> > >
"Small and insignificant in the grand scheme of life, you are the epitome of the pinky toe."


"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
Big toe!
*sigh* Nobody else is the stupid pinky toe...just me...

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
Originally posted by Bonochick:
*sigh* Nobody else is the stupid pinky toe...just me...

Story about why Lilly values her pinky toe:

One time I was walking and I stubbed my pinky toe into the corner molding of a door. The next day it was HUGE and the WHOLE side of my foot was purple and green and red and yellow (huge bruise). So I went to the doctor who said they'd probably have to amputate it. Well, they didn't have to (though it was a clean snap off break), but I had to get 7 shots of novicaine and get it reset. Painful central.

Over all, feet are gross. Feet are SOOOOO gross. *shudder*

"Why do you have to be such a smart ass?" -my mom
Originally posted by Sicy:
I can bend my pinky toe sideways.

I think its broken.

sicy....maybe you should get that checked out...

"Why do you have to be such a smart ass?" -my mom
I'm the 11th toe

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-Albert Einstein

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