What will the stage look like?

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Is it the exact same stage used for Joshua/Lovetown/Zoo inside/Elevation with some modifications?

Strings are probably on the risers.

Amps offstage this tour?
"red zone" is closer to the catwalk if you read what's written in pink letters on the ground. Cue the bitching.
Red Zone looks to be along the catwalk, non-Red Zone folks will be able to stand at the "e" stage. You can thank Guy O. for that.
Reminds me a bit of the Foo Fighters' stages over the years, especially during the 2007-08 period when they used a similar space like that circle for acoustic performances in the middle of the show.
Red Zone looks to be along the catwalk, non-Red Zone folks will be able to stand at the "e" stage. You can thank Guy O. for that.

it may only be 1 side of GA since I can't see them selling hundreds of RZ tix.

What gets me is I highly doubt RZers should be closest to the stage if the goal is energizing the band.
Uh oh I smell trouble with some of the rail huggers

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The pic of the screen does not show the Red Zone markings on the floor. Maybe that's the North Floor side?

I personally think the red zone is one side, and IMO fair enough people have paid the money for it

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That's NOT what we got sold.

We didn't get sold anything? There was no information? All I know is I bought tickets to a concert simple as, it's a shame some people are going to bitch about all this but oh well

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I'd be pretty mad too.....if I could afford thousands of dollars to travel to an incredible city...all to watch a legendary band play just a few feet away from me on the opening night of their tour :doh:
The E looks like it completely filled in. Its one big round stage,so nobodys gonna go inside it. Weres the red zones gonna be? There not up in that venue by the looks of it
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