What happened to the young fan inside you?

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The Fly
Feb 27, 2005
France, precisely Dijon for mustard lovers
Just one question about posters, cos I miss the ones I used to have in my bedroom at my folks'.

I used to have Achtung Baby and Rattle and Hum on both sides of my window and Pop right above my bed and Zoo tv pictures from the live show everywhere.

Now I'm 25, I'm in my apartment and I've a job, I can't have posters everywhere, I'm all grown up and I'm nostalgic.

Is anyone with me? Or do you still have Bono and Edge and Larry and Adam all over your bedroom walls?

PS: I recently found an old drawing of mine in my stuff and I decided to put it in my living room. It's a famous cartoon character holding the Zooropa CD and the line says: 'Just do like me, listen to U2! '. Just a wink to the young fan I used to be!
I'm 22 and I still have posters. Granted, I'm still in college but even when I graduate in June and move to LA I plan on keeping my posters up.
Good for you, Miggy.
By the way, I really liked what you said in the 'What song changed your life?' thread. I'm not what you could call a 'sensitive' man, but what you wrote there got tiny tears in my eyes and that's why I'm all nostalgic tonight ( in a good sense ).
Thank you.
Try 37 with two kids...no posters, just a kick ass album collection and a jar full of hundreds of ticket stubs...
I see some of the posters I used to have on my walls on Ebay these days. funny.

I still have music posters on my walls, but now they are framed. :)
i just never got around to hanging them up. :shrug: plus i can't seem to find most of them. i took them all down a few years ago to my paint my old bedroom and couldn't find them. i know my parents didn't throw them away, they just must be hidden in a closet. mayhaps once i will have to go over there and find them.
My walls used to be PLASTERED with posters and cut-out pictures. I'm 31 now, and while I still have a lot of various posters, I feel like I should be all "grown up" and frame them.

But geez - why is it so fricking expensive to frame stuff?
I'm 20 in a month and a half, and I'm in Uni - but I have no plans to take down my Joshua Tree poster, 'Album Covers' door poster, War flag or U2 calendar :)

Love 'em all, particulalry the flag!:wink:
I actually have 6 photo colages of U2 hanging on my bedroom walls ... I made these on white posterboard. I also have that huge Rattle-n-Hum poster in my computer room ... and I have one bookcase in the living room that's completely U2 ... it has my U2 books, VHS tapes, DVDs and CDs on it ... My family actually doesn't care that it's all there either ... Totally cool !!
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corianderstem said:

But geez - why is it so fricking expensive to frame stuff?

ya, I still haven't been able to frame the Vertigo posters I got in Denver yet.

In fact, the only U2 poster I have on my wall right now is the cool Masse poster from the Elevation show in Dallas. I do have some handbills that I want to frame with ticket stubs and I may frame my programs. Someone posted a picture around here of their U2 programs individually framed and I thought it looked cool.

I do want to go back in time for an Unforgettable Fire promo poster one of these days. That would be cool behind some glass above my TVs!
The young fan inside of me? haha. I'm 20. I still am that young fan. Well, I remember hearing "The Joshua Tree" when I was two. So, that's my young fan inside of me.


I had a few magazine pics of U2 up on my walls when I was a teenager but we moved around too much for me keep posters up. I probably threw away what I had before each move.

I'm now 38 and making up for it :wink: I have an entire wall in my office dedicated to U2 posters and pics. Nothing is framed but I do plan on doing that soon.
U1 said:

Now I'm 25, I'm in my apartment and I've a job, I can't have posters everywhere, I'm all grown up and I'm nostalgic.

Umm, who says you can't have posters everywhere. Is it written in the adult handbook that loves and interests can't be fully appreciated and displayed? I am 24, back living at home after college, but when I finally do get my own place in a couple years, I will fully make it my own, U2 posters, album covers on walls, etc. Just be yourself and don't worry about what others will think - b/c if I ever visited you and saw your walls filled with music memorabilia, I'd think you were pretty unique!
I am only 18, but I do have three U2 posters on my walls. I guess I've started collecting them. I have a Joshua Tree, an Unforgettable Fire, and the poster I picked up at the Phoenix show I attended on April 15. I love them so!
I had unframed posters up on my walls until a few years ago, but my apartments started feeling too much like a dorm room to me, so I stopped hanging all of them up. I have two black and white U2 posters that will definitely be the first things I frame, if I ever get around to saving money for it.

But take one step into my apartment, and you can definitely tell what my passions are (music and books). :wink:
i have a framed popmart poster hanging opposite the mirror in my bathroom, so it's always behind me when i look at my reflection. :drool:
yeah. dorkdom.

plus three in my bedroom. joshua tree, an elevation promo, and one from the vertigo tour. mmmm yes. when i go off to college in the fall, the posters are coming with me. my roommate might hate me for it if she's not a U2 fan, but she'll learn :wink:
Aaah, posters! I found mine recently, all rolled up at my parents house - 2 October era, one JT, one ATYCLB promo, plus I just found my U2 boxes - ticket stubs, clippings, music mags, papers and all the photos I've taken at concerts. It was like finding an old friend.

Don't know if I can frame my posters, they're pretty beat up from Blu-tac and tape. When I move into my next place :hmm:
I'm 16 and have TONS of posters on my walls, which I never used to do...I think I went through a sort of 'grown up' phase and suddenly realised I'm young and RELAXED. Now my wall's plastered with posters of U2, Radiohead, Polysics [signed :D], the Floyd, Zeppelin...loads.

But I think I'm still in that stage where I think "I'M NEVER GONNA GROW UP! I'M GONNA LISTEN TO LOUD MUSIC ALL MY LIFE AND HAVE POSTERS ON THE WALL!!!" then I'll wonder what the hell happened when I marry and have posters banned from my bedroom!!! :(
Then you get a study or a room of your own, and put all your posters up in there. That's my plan!

Need a house first, though. Or a husband with a house. :wink:
I'm only 16 so my room is plastered with posters, not too many U2 ones yet but I plan on buying a bunch at used CD place downtown.

..so you mean that someday I'll lose the young fan in me:sad:

to quote Luke Skywalker "NOOOOOO"
I know framing came be $$$...
Even with my discount, the shop I use to work at is still expensive. But with some modifications to a good quality pre-fab frame, posters and memorobilia can be protected.
1.Metal and wood, better than plastic.
2.Dump the frames backing board and buy acid free board at an art supply house.
3.Use photo glue/acid free for collages of pics and such.
It can make a $80-85 frame job into $25-40.
Hope this helps some.
In the 90's when I was just getting into the band, my walls were covered in their posters.
Since getting past 20 tho, and taking down my Manchester UTD wallpaper...:reject:...I felt obliged to do the same with the U2 stuff.

Tho I have 1 big framed photo of the boys on just one of the walls now, and many more smaller framed pics of them dotted about the the place too.
I still have my AB poster on the wall. Its been with me since AB came out and i am 29 now.

And anyway then its just a damn poster. Having a poster on your wall have nothing to do with age :wink: We all pick the " art " that we like. And if somebody think its not mature to have a band poster on your wall, then who gives a fuck about that ??, atleast nobody should care about it..

So young and old together !!! Go to your walls and put those posters up there and give age the middle finger :yell:

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